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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1193693 No.1193693 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't the Shemitah happen, /biz/?

/pol/ made some really convincing posts and threads and I was CERTAIN it would occur.

I sold all my fucking $VOO and $VTI holdings and bought FUCKING GOLD instead.

Is there still a chance the shemitah could occur?

>> No.1193706

Lol you deserve what you got for being a retard

>> No.1193711

we found out you goyim knew so we shut it down

>> No.1193712


Not even once.

>> No.1193722

its an online boiler room style pump and dump

there are some users here on 4chan who literally live off people's sheer gullibility

>> No.1193724
File: 232 KB, 1359x692, it's happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did happen, stocks got BTFO in September/August and still haven't recovered, the market is beginning to falter like back in 2007

Emergency meeting at the federal reserve this week, we are not in the clear

>> No.1193729

These things take time. It will happen goy.

This entire year, the Jews have been deleveraging and when the crash comes, the suckers will be left in the dust.

We had 0.1% Real GDP growth, I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually negative.

Buy short term bonds and be ready, you won't miss anything. If there's a dip buy a good companies with low debt.

Either QE4 will happen or markets will fall.

>> No.1193733

>These things take time. It will happen goy.

I thought it was suppose to occur in September though. It's already April.

Are the Jews late this year or something?

>> No.1193739

You do realize this was a meme, right?

It was part satire and part making fun of lolbertarians that actually believed it.

Do you realize what would happen to the US economy if this did happen?

The game is rigged, but they can't be this obvious about it

>> No.1193746

There was a correction in September and February.

Stocks haven't gone past January 2015 levels yet. Wait to see if the SP500 can pass the resistance at 2100.

We're in a flat/bear market worldwide, and earnings are expected do be down this quarter. No reason for stocks to go up, so play it defensively.

>> No.1193757

>There was a correction in September and February.

No, there was a sharp correction in August with the slide beginning in May. September was flat.

/pol/ is always wrong

>> No.1193774

What about the 5/28/2016 market crash?

>> No.1193780
File: 86 KB, 640x714, YWK9z19[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast

>> No.1194265

>Why didn't the Shemitah happen, /biz/?
don't you remember august 2015? or new years 2016?
shanghai stock exchange lost more than 7 % and it did so 3 times in the space of 6 months.
isn't that shemitah enough?

>> No.1194268

>5/28/2016 market crash
May 28, 2016
another time traveler thread, fuck it.

>> No.1195136

bumping for interest

>> No.1196357

It's still coming. There are several bubbles about to burst.

>> No.1196367

You act as if the Jews cause the crash each time, though that may be true they did not intend for them to happen.
It is God's way of enforcing his laws. The Jews have gone against God for a long time.
The Holocaust was a punishment for ignoring him.
God has forced the Jews back into Israel to fulfill end times prophecy.

>> No.1196370
File: 274 KB, 1600x900, market crash prediction cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this.

>> No.1197707


What year is it?

>> No.1197716


Let me re-live some memories damn it.

>> No.1197721

Holy fuck.


Someone actually saved it and reposted it??????

>> No.1197726

i fell for the meme and on sept 1st 2015 i quit paying my 20k in credit card bills. now my credit is in the shitter and i get calls and mail all the time, and i dont even regret it.

i payed 24.99% for years and i feel so free now. the shit i bought probably didnt even add up to the interest i payed.

now i live poor week to week. but enough to be happy.

>> No.1197991

You knew about ethereum a year ago and you didn't buy?