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11936367 No.11936367 [Reply] [Original]

Within the next 30 minutes, this rally dies. Bulls continue to fight the reality of this whale-controlled market. Every momentary pump is simply another bounce on Bitcoin's trip down the stairs.
Why do you continue to fight destiny? What makes you think this fleeting upswing could possibly break past 4250? There is no new blood in crypto. Everyone is just waiting to get their slice of the pie and leave. If you really wanted to fight the system, you'd be shorting and dropping your gains on gold.
You don't have to keep losing, but you insist on doing so. You have only yourself to blame. Anyone who knows what's good for them is getting their shorts in now.

>> No.11936407

Bobo is right. Why the fuck would we pump any further. We might get to 4500, maybe, but retesting the 3000s is inevitable.

>> No.11936437

Bobo u gonna get liquidated

>> No.11936452
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How can one be swimming against the current when Bitcoin's power splits the ocean?
Bobo, it's time to hibernate.

>> No.11936471

>swimming against the current
good analogy anon, you realise the current has been going up for 9 years?

maybe you guys should stop swimming, as we inevitably hit new ATH's before 2020 halvening.

>> No.11936489

Bobo, you gonna get rekt for another bigger bobo, he will liq you and place his shorts when you buy back.

Mark my words.

>> No.11936515
File: 12 KB, 220x221, 220px-Polar_Bear_-_Alaska_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to think you're the Israelites guided by Moses across the Red Sea, when you're the Egyptians in pursuit, waiting to be submerged. You came here over a year too late.
Winter belongs to the polar bears.

>> No.11936518

11 minutes past this post will age badly.

>> No.11936574

If that story is true then are jews truly muh chosen people? And dirty sandniggers are satan worshippers?

>> No.11936657

22 mins

>> No.11936662
File: 39 KB, 400x263, polar-bear-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor bastard. You're more concerned about the wording of my analogy than the situation it represents.

>> No.11936669

>i-its a suckers rally
unironically bullish

>> No.11936725

Bobo has it. Whales want btc at 0. They want to pay shorts double their money. All whales are mentally retarded and want nothing more than to sieze control hand over their dollars to irrationally exuberant shorts.

>> No.11936741


>> No.11936757
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Considering BTC has just been trashing its way sideways for the past little bit, I'm feeling pretty good. Keep counting down if it makes you feel any better. Even if I'm off by a few minutes or dollars in my initial guesses, you're still going to suffer and I'm going to be rich.

>> No.11936770

30 mins

>> No.11936782

Gold and silver.

>> No.11936853

I don't think we've seen anything yet.
if digits
Green id = mega pump
Red id = mega dump
Black id = sideways for months

>> No.11936878

it's gonna slightly move up then dump some then move up then dump then move up but it will climb back to $6k territory or slightly under. nothing mega either way. the market was overreacting some news and it will correct however the "$6k is the bottom" paradigm has been broken irrevocably.

>> No.11936882

what are you talking about?

>> No.11936935

willy said we will go to $5.5k before we go anywhere else, so far he has been right about this shit. but i could also take satisfaction from him being proven wrong and just an other larper.

>> No.11937189

Bumping to say that I hope bears get liquidated. Fuck you.

>> No.11937528

$4300 you okay there op?

>> No.11937545

i shorted his liq.

good job bobo!

>> No.11937554

I don't liquidate until $4350 you whore

>> No.11937561


>> No.11937570

KEK freaking know this was gonna happen, it will liq you guys and plummet


>> No.11937591
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>> No.11937623
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>> No.11937648

Got it, faggit? Fuck you. Bring in the next one.

>> No.11937670

thx for letting me shorting this... i love ya.

>> No.11937680

Daily reminder that $6000 is the bottom, therefore this can't actually be a bull run.

>> No.11937978


>> No.11938103

post your liquidation price, no reason not to if you're right

>> No.11938357

It's here >>11937554

>> No.11938373

get liquidated shithead

>> No.11938809

well on coinbase at least we saw $4365
op might need a good suicide hotline

>> No.11939076

so who else is swimming against the tide this lovely night?

>> No.11939323

Every dump by whales is less control by them and more by poor suckers

>> No.11939415

See this.

it always happen, learn levels and supply demand.

>> No.11939447
File: 59 KB, 1318x519, ggretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who are not retard like op, gg

I was long since 717, and now im short on op liq.

>> No.11939853
File: 28 KB, 600x526, dfdfrrrre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we bull/sideways for now