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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11936315 No.11936315 [Reply] [Original]

I know most of you, apart from the kike who's always complaining about /pol/ and calling us incels agree.

Can we have a vote on this lads? This board is low traffic so isn't valuable as far as ad revenue goes. I see no reason not to migrate us to 4chan other than hiro being a faggot.

>4 move us to 4chan
>F to pay respects for what we once had and slowly die.

Please include a reason.


I'm dreading.the possibility of hiro turning this into reddit tier trash by the time the next golden bull comes. I've been on 4 chan for over 10 years and can smell many old frens here. I don't wanna loose you guys. Especially since the mass influx.of boomers and shills post Trump on /pol/ has left it a shadow of its former self. There might not be many of us here, but we're all.in the same sinking ship (crypto) right now.

>> No.11936340


>> No.11936363
File: 174 KB, 640x480, raddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4channel biz is literally raddit. I hate it from day 1. fuck this shit.

>> No.11936375


>> No.11936377

it doesnt make much a of a difference to me, only people complaining are a bunch of degenrate trap/ porn posters/ pol tards

>> No.11936396

If 4channel stops the pol infestation of all the other boards I'm all for it.

Yeah we get it niggers are dumb and whatever, no one cares you've said it 100 times.

>> No.11936418

OP already disregarded your opinion in the first paragraph

>> No.11936439
File: 77 KB, 736x705, 1543338934872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've always been a blue board. But now trannie jannies have an excuse to ban us and prune us our threads for the language and bantz we've always used..

How the fuck can you moderate a board whose culture you don't understand or respect.

This is a slippery slope. In a year or two they might ban us for using established memes like the merchant.

>> No.11936470

m8 Pretty much this whole site is part /pol/. It's this contrast from the normiesphere which is why it was successful in the first place.

>> No.11936476

Thank god for 4channel putting a muzzle on you “based and redpilled” cucks. People who think like OP are the reason we see so much groupthink on this board. You are actually lemmings who think you are boldly going where nobody (except hitler) has gone before. Fuck you and go back to /pol/ where you belong.

Typical old pol/nu-biz discourse.

“I disagree”

“You fucking Kike, nigger, faggot, bluepilled, hilldawg, women, brainlet, etc.”


>> No.11936497
File: 31 KB, 220x315, 220px-WoW_Box_Art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we want 4chan without the elements of 4chan that make it special

>> No.11936534


But you're just advocating an alternative groupthink lol

If you don't want to be called a nigger just go to plebbit. We have these things called safe spaces for people who can't stand the onslaught of words on a screen hurting their feelings

>> No.11936565

Nice straw man, your semitism is showing