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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 350x350, LINK-Logo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11936128 No.11936128 [Reply] [Original]

See this shit? Its called CHAINLINK. Buy this shit you fucking faggots. I'm tired of you stupid nocoiner plebs and your condescending tones. Chainlink is more useful than Bitcoin and Ethereum combined and you saw how filthy rich Bitcoin and Ethereum mad everyone. Stop being so fucking retarded and BUY CHAINLINK YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. If you dont then you will regret it for the rest of your life as you will always be a pathetic poor NEET. If you buy Chainlink you will be doing something with your life instead of sitting on your ass waiting to get rich. /biz/ is such a whiny ass bitch board. All you guys can do is talk shit about great investments. If I see one more fucking post about how Chainlink is a shitcoin or a scam then i will spam this shit on every thread fucking faggots.

>> No.11936131
File: 142 KB, 750x1189, 1543195810095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing pants

>> No.11936160

Link is a scam meme you fucking liar. Stop trying to lure people into buying your bags.

>> No.11936163
File: 14 KB, 278x371, 1543156578596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink is more useful Ethereum

>> No.11936184

I'm the fucker who told you to buy Ethereum years ago. stay poor forever.


>> No.11936186

So fucking based. You might of missed out on BTC and ETH but don't miss out on this one anons

>> No.11936196

Fuck you OP im 650 away from 10k send me energy in my other thread

>> No.11936198

Fuck linkies

>> No.11936211


>> No.11936229

Listen here mate. I've been buying cyrptos since 1987. You aint told me shit.

>> No.11936233

Its so funny to read threads like that

>> No.11936245

This guy KNOWS.

>> No.11936314

Give it up, LINK fags. No one is buying your shitcoin. You yourself entered the pump and dump too late, and judging from the amount of shill posts around here you guys are scared shitless that you can't cash out in time. OP is quite desperate to find a greater fool to sell to.

No one should buy this crap. It has no use and no demand. The only demand comes from people like OP, who hope to make some quick cash. All the talk about Oracles and Smart Contracts is nonsense, the ONLY thing LINK is being used for is speculation and trying to sell it to greater fools at a higher price. Don't be that greater fool.
This will go the way of Dogecoin and other pump and dump altcoin schemes.

>> No.11936436

It absolutely is. Real businesses only use hyperledger and private chains. Ethereum is a double digit shitcoin dispenser that got rekt by crypto kitties

>> No.11936510

I'm not a deluded linkie but am a marine nethertheless. Reading these posts from 2016 really adds strength to my already adamantium hands.

>> No.11936521

Link is a garbage token for garbage investors who just want to burn their money - retards who unironically believe that they know better than the rest of the crypto sphere. You see, when you don't have extra chromosomes like the average linker, the project isn't mysterious, it doesn't need "dots connected" and it doesn't solve a problem. Why? Because it claims to solve a problem which DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST. It isn't talked about and it's not for some mysterious and indiscernible reason, nor is it because biz wasted time and energy fudding it, it just isn't talked about anywhere else because no one actually gives a shit about it because it's yet another unremarkable shitcoin with no real use case or future. That's how painfully fucking clear and obvious it is to anyone with a triple digit IQ who looks at this project.

So let's see - over a year of waiting and all you have are 6 chainlinks, a fucking alarm clock, and the token still being worth fuck-all. Congratulations guys - what an epic wipeout. And if that doesn't drive the point home, it's painfully clear that you have Stockholm syndrome so bad that you'll even try to defend this while the rest of the board just checks in for entertainment value.

I can see the responses now. You know better right? I need to uh, read the whitepaper and look at the pivotal even though I have done this more times than you have, all while understanding it better than you did collectively? Not that that's too hard, seeing as no link holder has any actual technical literacy. I genuinely pity you to the point where euthanasia seems like a kinder option than even encouraging you to drop this piece of crap. Why? Because being a linker is a strong indicator that the life you lead after it fails will be governed by the same gullibility which lead you to buy link in the first place. You'll just be a source of misery for yourself and others - but at least in the abyss you won't have to live with it.

>> No.11936551
File: 355 KB, 1125x1463, 4E77B86D-36DD-4CEA-B687-8123E25BDDC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see what this anon is up to these days kek

>> No.11936585

ETH was $6 when this was posted, nice

>> No.11936605

hopefully khs so there are less fudders around.

>> No.11936607
File: 191 KB, 1663x973, ether2016fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping ETH fud I saved from the years.

Nolinkers will bend the knee just like nocoiners did back in 2017.

>> No.11936620

i get this reference sir

>> No.11936632

>You know better right?

>> No.11936670
File: 26 KB, 1881x126, ethfud2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11936684
File: 277 KB, 1592x2504, ETHthread2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder the only way for linkies to make it is to buy and hold and not push your luck by day trading.

>> No.11936710

also nolstagic reading this thread and everyone is talking about poloniex.
No one uses that site anymore. I miss the troll box.

>> No.11936746

he is probably still here, poor and fudding everything

>> No.11936836

KYS you shitcoin scam shilling scat victim.

>> No.11936926

I was there, I was lurking. I kept lurking without doing anything. It's the reason I am here now. You can laugh now.

>> No.11937270


Ethereum is a blockchain. Chainlink is an oracle system to support blockchains. Different roles anon, that's what he's grilling you on.

>> No.11937277

Except it's literally dumping right now. Target: 3500 sats

>> No.11937311
File: 456 KB, 750x1334, AC5FF827-ACCC-4D50-8CA6-B1E643DFE017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11937339

Lol I was looking at that thread like 2 days ago and posting images from it.

>> No.11937477
File: 890 KB, 403x5947, 1541891207324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and linkpilled

>> No.11937511

KEK some nigger made a LINK pasta out of this

>> No.11937518

This already hasn't aged well

>> No.11937524

wow what the hell

>> No.11937532

Post the archive or this is fake

>> No.11937543

unironically I bet he is rich as fuck living the chad life right now. He only did what we all do to chainlink day in day out. Topkek

>> No.11937585
File: 207 KB, 830x793, HINT HINT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of a certain ERC-20 token... Gee, I wonder which project was subject to the EXACT SAME CRITICISMS all this year? Hmm. Really boggle the noggle...

>> No.11937710

Sorry, meant this guy >>11936436 who's mistaken about trying to make Chainlink and Ethereum compete with each other.

>> No.11938008
File: 115 KB, 413x395, 1517413541306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
