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File: 79 KB, 1080x739, interracial wonderful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11934565 No.11934565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you spend all your time indoors staring at a computer hoping to make real money by trading internet meme coins along with other NEET losers hoping that one day you make enough money to be able to get a gf
>meanwhile Jamal is out there in the real world acting like a nig nog and slaying white pussy because white girls are convinced that black men are the new alphas

>> No.11934694
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>> No.11934798

This hits home. My gf unironically cheated on me with a nigger after getting drunk on a party, they had sex in our bed (my bed now, she was living with me, I was out of town) and now they're dating. Her best friend (female) got a nigger boyfriend too now. I hope they don't have 4somes :( she promised meto to have 3somes with her best friend a year ago before that happened. L
t. german if you wonder

>> No.11934827
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>> No.11934845

I physically felt despair from this post

>> No.11934856

Until Jamal dumps her ass and she becomes a used up roastie

>> No.11934883

it was a girl

>> No.11934918
File: 106 KB, 650x1032, TheToll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumps her? They usually dont get off that easy.

>> No.11934959


what a world we live in. i do not know how i would react in your circumstances.

my commiserations m8.

>> No.11934991


She's very white

>> No.11935003
File: 223 KB, 1440x1639, 236C00F4-784F-4E94-9250-2E46AFBA91EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White bois mad the black man isn’t some pussified wage cuck and has some kike boss. Black men sell drugs and are their own bosses women simply can’t resist.

>> No.11935004

is that Deontay?

>> No.11935015
File: 45 KB, 618x697, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11935017

Fuck didn't want to bring you down actually, it was a larp. Was hoping for funny reactions and making people laugh. Have a fucked up humour I guess

>> No.11935038

you sure are German, no larp there

>> No.11935042

la creatura

>> No.11935054

t. jew or black

>> No.11935071

ghhnahahahahahahhaha that picture is fucking hilarious. are you /pol-ies really that retarded?

>> No.11935117

I'm a german/finn/slav mix yes. 0% jew tho

>> No.11935124

finns are basically germans...

>> No.11935184

and as soon as you post a picture il believe you

>> No.11935215
File: 23 KB, 620x400, eva-braun---full-episode[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilt-tripped into suiciding with her white BF after he lost it all. Deadbeat old man even withheld the marriage she pined for until the very final day

>> No.11935231

Only if you keep those pesky genetics out of the equation.

>> No.11935335
File: 570 KB, 805x601, interracial blonde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11935573
File: 347 KB, 1385x917, Interracial mixing baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They usually leave a seed in the white womb before making them pay the toll

>> No.11935636

I'm a white man and I like latinas

>> No.11935669

Jesus Christ you cuckolds constantly posting about racemixing need to get the fuck off this board.

Pathetic subhuman slime, in a constant state of paranoia that immigrants and blacks will impregnate the women who won't even look at you. Disgusting. Fuck off back to your containment boards you pathetic losers.

>> No.11935694

It all depends in what country you're from. Over here only fat degraded ugly girls get a black guy. All the rest white woman and girls have more self esteem and go for the best of the best. Which isn't a black horse dick.

>> No.11935699

They truly are. I only had to google one of the names to confirm it was bait for backwoods yokel brainlets.

>> No.11935759
File: 42 KB, 610x600, b (514).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i try hard but i can't seem to care... whom a thot I'll never meet or care about gives her pussy to

the good guys lost the ww2

>> No.11935760

would be funny if the nig nogs would chimp out and beat them thots up and cause them physical and psychological trauma

>> No.11935824

Such a waste of good pussy. Oh well.

>> No.11935849

Meat is back on the menu boys!

>> No.11935878

>had sex before marriage
Live by the sword die by the sword

>> No.11935916

bad larp

>> No.11935928

hahahahaha, every time.
Coal, toll, etc.

least she didn't come out TOO black, so silver lining there.

this takes the cake though, the pajeet this sloot fucked was so pajeeti that the baby came out with a built-in shitty mustache & thinnning hairline. hahahaha

>> No.11935961
File: 72 KB, 298x556, 1540664538649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing Hershel.

>> No.11935973

>german if you wonder

I think that was pretty much implied Hans

>> No.11936018

are you me?
I'm also german and my white german gf cheated on me with a filthy turk, at least not in my bed tho.

>> No.11936037

>this takes the cake though, the pajeet this sloot fucked was so pajeeti that the baby came out with a built-in shitty mustache & thinnning hairline. hahahaha
