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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 175 KB, 1910x1000, 3D283688-EFD0-42F3-8CA4-B8E3EBF2BA62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11932054 No.11932054 [Reply] [Original]

>“And I think the people who are professional traders that go into trading cryptocurrencies, it’s just disgusting. It’s like somebody else is trading turds and you decide, ‘I can’t be left out.'”

He tried to warn you. Why didn’t you listen?

>> No.11932080

Fuck this faggot boomer. Made more money in crypto than i ever did in the kike market.

>> No.11932088

Man who built his fortune on insurance dollars doesn’t like digital money. Go figure.

>> No.11932092

If trading turds makes you money, why not do it? All that matters in the end is multiplying your money.

>> No.11932348 [DELETED] 

>Bitcoin is like "trading freshly harvested baby brains"
What the actual fuck was that? This boomer creeped me.

>> No.11932379
File: 8 KB, 225x225, buffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the cope. He knows he could have doubled his money in crypto, probably mad AF.

Also fuck that guy. He is warren buffets bitch, and warren buffet is also a total faggot. Warren buffet uses his advanced knowledge of the market to trick the average American into buying his bags. He then takes that profit, puts none of it back into the economy. It just is a lockbox basically. Then when he dies, he will give it all to niggers in Africa. Man so happy that guy exists! What an American hero!