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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11931566 No.11931566 [Reply] [Original]

So I've read the whitepaper to see where the excitement came from. I read about SWIFT. The massive potential for it's implementation, and how it will solve the trust problem in oracles. The question :
When? When can I truly start to believe in the project itself and not in Marines hype?

>> No.11931580

the more of it you buy the more you start to beleve.

>> No.11931585

The use of Bitcoin and Ethereum is really expensive. For example, using bitcoin for data storage would cost about ten million times more than just storing the same data in the cloud. Similarly, computing in Ethereum is of the order of magnitude one million times more expensive than data storage/transfer in the cloud.

You really think Chainlink ERC20 will achieve mass adoption despite of these facts?
>but muh rich banks will only use it

Bullshit. They are selling it for even simple retails, nobody wants some 3rd party vampire program that essentially steals your money for simple cryptography security.

>but muh security has no price

Yes it does you dumb shit.

>> No.11931607
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Your kind gets proven wrong again and again.

>> No.11931626

Still does not change the fact that Chainlink is Ethereum based token

The network, essentially, is not free.

It is literally one million times more expensive to transfer data on ethereium based blockchains than it is to transfer it in traditional ways were use currently.

How the fuck do you explain around that?

>> No.11931648
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And don't you think sensitive information should deserve this investment?

>> No.11931689

You don't. Chainlink is a scam.

>> No.11931691

Ethereum based token but blockchain agnostic. Modular AF. Not free... Oh jeez. How does the enoco-whatisit-nomy work? You will have 1000 different options to choose from, from ultra cheap to expensive but secure af. You decide. Chainlink can be used with ALL forms of ledgers. And the straining stuff, computation, can and will be done off-chain to take the stress out of the ledger even more so.

>> No.11931696

Nobody, not even the richest man on Earth, would be so stupid

Please educate yourself on the Ethereum network which Chainlink has developed their whole platform

>Back in October’17, an investor sent 1,700 ETH to a contract (AirSwapDEX) with a gas price of 400,000 Gwei and gas limit of 592,379. The Tx failed for some odd reason but the investor was charged whopping 236 ETH ($122,086 as per today’s price) gas fees (Tx fees) for processing the transaction on ETH blockchain.

Smart contracts using LINK have some dependency on Ethereum’s gas price

Imagine Chainlink being introduced to some big players, banks or something else and some rich Jew banker asks the question:
>So how much this will cost for us versus traditional data transfer?
>About 1 million times more

They are going to wait for another 5 years to someone come up with something better.

>> No.11931753
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>> No.11931788
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>> No.11931813

the big boys will use internal hyperledgers but still use the chainlink network wow BTFO

>> No.11931859

This man is not a native english speaker.

>> No.11931872

indians have no gender nor are they considered humans you schwuchtel

>> No.11931890

You're right. I apologize for my sins. Let me make a correction.
>This degenerate street shitter is not a native english speaker.

>> No.11931910

absolution given by kek

>> No.11931916

if you think mainnet is going to save link, just look at qtum, or icon, or any number of other hyped projects that release and are quickly forgotten. neither of them have any good tech either, just like chainlink.

>> No.11931991

Good the pajeet fudders are a sincere bunch. They're like missionaries. Nobody asked their opinions and they produce a constant stream of bullshit to an unwilling audience, but they keep at it. You almost have to admire their tenacity.

>> No.11932044

hallo rajeed. have you taken your daily shit on the street, ja? then it's now time not to wash yourself and go worship that blue elephant and feel pajeet.

>> No.11932074

Q1. Many projects using CL are going live end of Q1

>> No.11932359


>> No.11932616

german untermensch detected

>> No.11932753

>Traditional data transfer
Ah yes it will cost so much more than those traditional decentralized oracles.

>> No.11933457

By the time you will be able to BELIEVE you won't be able to AFFORD IT.

The times of three linkies per dollar will soon be gone, and the only thing that will be left is regret.

>> No.11933596

I think that 3 token per dollar is way too high for such an alt coin. I unironically hope the price will drop to 10cents.

>> No.11934001
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You will never make it. I hope you're aware than the project is actually doomed to fail once the mainnet is released

>> No.11934508
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>wearing pants

>> No.11934738

>man child posting bear cartoons in a serious link utility token thread.

I'm embarrassed for your family and anyone else associated with you.

>> No.11934782

the demand for link (SPOILER: There will be close to none) will make this a 1-5cent shitcointoken. Youre beeing played by the /biztards who are as delusional.

>> No.11934813

>t. link holder