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11930608 No.11930608 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11930627

I'd use Stellarterm. Stellarport's interface sucks.

>> No.11930661
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livecoinwatch.com says price on Stellarport is $4.47 but on Exrates it is $6.51

>> No.11930677

Those are 0.01 SLT orders on Stellarport

Exrates is shady as shit, despite the arbitrage opportunity

Maybe someone with real Exrates experience can detail if it's worth the risk using their exchange

>> No.11930690
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I use it all the time. It's safe to arbitrage with.

>> No.11931334

no exrates is pure shit and manipulted.
there are no orders that you could buy or sell into.

Use StellarX.com to buy SLT. best exchange out there, and the Asset Backed Token of Smartlands will also be traded on StellarX when they get released.