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11925731 No.11925731 [Reply] [Original]

The SEC chairman stated specifically two concerns that need to be addressed before they approve a Bitcoin ETF:

1. Manipulation: Bitcoin markets must be under surveillance like traditional markets in order to avoid manipulation
2. Custody: Bitcoin ETFs must ensure that their customers' Bitcoins don't disappear

The first issue is unlikely to be addressed as there are way too many markets at this moment, so a Bitcoin ETF will never be approved.

>> No.11925747

Rekt to the bone !

>> No.11925758

It's unironically fucking over. Prepare for years more of bear

>> No.11925761

1. The bribes you're paying us aren't enough to say there is no manipulation.
2. See 1.

>> No.11925762
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>> No.11925770
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>> No.11925772

>this is good for Bitcoin

>> No.11925776

ETF will be rejected ***************

>> No.11925801
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>> No.11925802

>in actively part of the cartel manipulating Bitcoin!
>Bitcoin ETF CANNOT be approved until manipulation dies
>Manipulation can't die until an ETF is approved
>oh, and Silver gold and basically every other commodity which is manipulated has an ETF we approved !
>Nothing personal kids


>> No.11925814

Meh, who cares.

>> No.11925824

yeah that was funny everyone knows the silver market is manipulated as shits.

>> No.11925828

Bakkt is going to be cancelled in Jan

>> No.11925837

that's how it sounds too me too
even if they bust all the american exchanges they can do fuck all about manipulation in the rest of the world.
Gold can also be manipulated on exchanges in china which the sec doesn't control yet the launched an ETF, you know why? because they got scared it's gonna threaten FIAT so they needed and (((ETF))) to suppress gold prices.

They will launch a bitcoin etf in a few months/years regardless of what they say now, they will simply have no other choice if it starts getting (((too big))), but they sure don't have a reason to rush now, why would they help btc go up in prices now when they can cuck it later once it reaches a new ATH

>> No.11925848

This doesn't really bother me that much. The allure of BTC is avoiding the .gov. Surveillance = (((oversight)))

>> No.11926777

it's already approved chad sprecher owns all the markets
the ETF is fucked though, the interview van eck just gave sounded like a weak virgin saying there's no official process he can do to appease the SEC's demands (like proving if there's manipulation or not)

>> No.11926838

wtf man dont ruin the surprise

>> No.11926895

fucking checked

>> No.11926938

bakkt is a bigger deal than I thought
their interview today was very good
sprecher and loeffler have all the approvals and all the parts ready to go, a clearing house, several banks, insured funds
I wouldn't doubt the SEC denied the ETF just to give bakkt more business

>> No.11926952

Why you retards want an ETF anyways? It's not going to bring a bullrun like you guys think.

>> No.11926956

Lmao get fucked kikes

>> No.11926999
File: 68 KB, 640x349, trumpyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't the Obama Administration son...this be Trump Terrortory!

>> No.11927059

I don't want an ETF. I would rather it go to $1 and no ETF. Get these kikes out of crypto

>> No.11927074

why does there need to be an ETF? if people want to invest, they should do it on the fucking chain. fuck boomers.

>> No.11927086

this is good retards, bitcoin isn't supposed to be used to purchase normie shit

>> No.11927166
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Why not just have an ETF in another country?

>> No.11927230

Trump is trying to get BTC approved. They did the research and saw that a bunch of NEETS who are racist buy this "Crypto" stuff and if he makes crypto NEETS rich he has an easy 2020 win.

We all know who crypto neets will be donating money to.

>> No.11927269
File: 7 KB, 250x187, NPC yey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need you to unironically kill yourselves, sir. Your low IQ NPCs lingo insults the intellect of this forum.

>> No.11927495

Normalfags can't into blockchain.. Until we have an app that lets you buy crypto by pressing a button we will never reach mass adoption

>> No.11927518

cuckbase is the closest you’ll ever get to that. fiat to crypto is very hard.

>> No.11927579

Good news

>> No.11927592

That's what ETFs+custodies do, zoomer. They do all that techy magick shit behind the scenes for boomers

>> No.11927649

I'm glad there might be time to buy more. They will come around when the numerous federal reserve bubbles start popping. Everyone will be raging disgusted after seeing the same old shit again, and hopefully lose all faith in regulators

>> No.11927677

only newfags are desperate for an etf. it’ll happen at some stage, be grateful for the chance to add to your stack.

>> No.11927688

I think that was his point.

>> No.11927881

Correct. Too many poorfags got baited by muh etf. We dont want the gov touching the bitcoins.

>> No.11928129
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>> No.11928686

Who cares about an ETF you fucking morons. BTC went to 20k without one. It will go back to ATH without one. Crypto should not cater to the governments of boomers, it should be the other way around.

>> No.11928700

Fuck man that really is the truth

>> No.11928717
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To be honest we should all seriously take our coins off the exchange if you haven't already. MT. GOX part 2 is coming and it will be brutal.

>> No.11928741

>Until we have an app that lets you buy crypto by pressing a button
Brainlet here. Why hasn't anyone built this? It sounds simple

>> No.11928818

Shakepay is pretty much that.

>> No.11928823

oh wait you mean institutional investors don't want to buy a useless shitcoin that has no purpose other than greater fool theory and has been forked 3 times this year essentially quadrupling the supply? I don't believe you. this must be a larp.