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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11925644 No.11925644 [Reply] [Original]

If you have been following Pivitol, you would have noticed that the critical job "aggregate oracle answers" has been moved to the current iteration where it remains, untouched, weeks ago.

Why you ask? Why fast-track this story and then not work on it?

It's because Sergey made a miscalculation. He wanted to get big players invested in the system before launch. He has been building the system catering to their needs, desires, and suggestions...going so far as to contract much of the work to their active employees. This collaboration worked, until the critical moment: basic aggregation. The aggregation protocol at the base of the chainlink network will have dramatic impact on the system going forward. They set the baseline statistics to use when maintaining reputation. If there are two working protocols to collect data and one protocol favors the current setup of a company's capabilities then that company will try to include it in the release and rival companies will counter their proposal. Two companies have been inspired by the recent hash wars and are trying to use their corporate weight to push one version of aggregation over the other. They are trying to set up the rules so that they have a competitive advantage over their collaborators.

Basic aggregation is at a standstill because of political infighting. Is is Toyota and Tesla fighting over control of the future insurance and IoT data sales? Is it IBM and Microsoft trying to tip the scale so that their preferred type of software delivery protocol is favored? Is it Docusign and Adobe? SWIFT and Fintech?

>> No.11925680

LINK fud reeks of desperate cries for attention. Let me be pasta! Please let me be pasta! Discord users minds are completely warped by their constant namefagging and little avatar pictures. It makes them desperate for recognition and accolades in a way that means they really struggle to function in an anonymous environment where nobody gives a fuck about them day to day.

>> No.11925687
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>> No.11925695

based. This FUD reeks of desperation

>> No.11925697

LINK fud reeks of desperate cries for attention. Let me be pasta! Please let me be pasta! Discord users minds are completely warped by their constant namefagging and little avatar pictures. It makes them desperate for recognition and accolades in a way that means they really struggle to function in an anonymous environment where nobody gives a fuck about them day to day.

>> No.11925769

If your going to fud at least make it coherent.

>> No.11925805


>> No.11925975

and yet not a single counter.

The contract will get resolved but worse case scenario is when half of these companies all in unrelated fields band together and implement their own base aggregation protocol and literally shadow fork the network.

>> No.11925982

my counter argument is that you are completely full of shit

>> No.11925988

well that's just like your opinion man

>> No.11926003

Was this supposed to be FUD? It's reads more like a shill.

>> No.11926005

LINK fud reeks of desperate cries for attention. Let me be pasta! Please let me be pasta! Discord users minds are completely warped by their constant namefagging and little avatar pictures. It makes them desperate for recognition and accolades in a way that means they really struggle to function in an anonymous environment where nobody gives a fuck about them day to day.

>> No.11926024


>> No.11926049

you know you could just ask Thomas don't you?

>> No.11926138

That's what fud is brainlet

>> No.11926177

cringe. This FUD reeks of desperation

>> No.11926205

yeah you're right.
I think all the good FUD makers are burnt out from the hashwars at the moment.
So in the meantime you have to read my shitty, incoherent FUD because you're addicted to LINK content you will indulge in nutrient deprived FUD. I'm like the fast food of LINK. I'm the McDonalds of Chainlink.

>> No.11926221

neither funny nor smart

>> No.11926223

Can people of color ChainLink?

>> No.11926236

just like your mum`s curry hmm pajeet?

>> No.11926242

It's hardly fud if two huge companies are fighting over link

>> No.11926289

it has fud tones but its actually a shill. however in biz terms, it means its a fud.

>> No.11926332
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>shadow fork the network
>open source code
its literally the first day you heard about LINK isnt it.

>> No.11926378

The fact that someone is wheeling out this decrepit fud at this point is unironically bullish for link

>> No.11926444

i will let you be pasta

>> No.11927414

Trips decide new pasta

>> No.11927734

Boom, bullish and feeling seriously comfy with these trips.

>> No.11928005
File: 969 KB, 425x240, F9FFF89B-4A33-416A-BC2D-D762D9CD6C54-1713-0000020570A6057E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Checked
> new pasta

>> No.11928059

Just get really drunk or high for inspiration. I've written a few and get all giddy when I see people repost them.

Previous works include
"Link is a garbage token for garbage investors who just want to burn their money - retards who unironically believe that they know better than the rest of the crypto sphere. You see, when you don't have extra chromosomes like the average linker, the project isn't mysterious, it doesn't need "dots connected" and it doesn't solve a problem. Why? Because it claims to solve a problem which DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXIST. It isn't talked about and it's not for some mysterious and indiscernible reason, nor is it because biz wasted time and energy fudding it, it just isn't talked about anywhere else because no one actually gives a shit about it because it's yet another unremarkable shitcoin with no real use case or future. That's how painfully fucking clear and obvious it is to anyone with a triple digit IQ who looks at this project..." and the rest

"This is going to be one of the hardest dumps on main-net and the project will basically fail because people will never use it for anything other than to PnD, which will completely fuck the tokenomics and make the whole thing useless. Sergey will realize this and just disappear along with the rest of the team. SWIFT and co will realize this, and begin to quietly remove any references they have to this embarrassing experiment which - who knows, might have succeeded if it wasn't for the retards who infest this place and run painfully obvious shill and fud campaigns. Many of you will experience the kind of hopium crash which actually kills people, and I suppose suicide is a fitting reward for some of the more smug retards who clutter up this board, but I hope it isn't all of you..." and the rest

I hold like 50k too I'm just really fucking bored.