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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11924817 No.11924817 [Reply] [Original]

How much have do you saved in your bank account?

>> No.11924827


>> No.11924829

Just sent all to kraken.

>> No.11924830

about 2k
also have 10k in crypto, but it is now worth 3k

just my life

>> No.11924845


>> No.11924861

About $30000
Not putting it into your pyramid scheme though

>> No.11924864

literally the perfect genetics

>> No.11924865

$20 grand in the bank, $20 grand in gold, truck is paid off, and no debt
feels good senpai

>> No.11924878
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How much did he invest in Link?

>> No.11924889

so you have 2k?

>> No.11924894
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~$65k, with another ~$20k in another account. So ~$85k total.

Crypto stack is ~$100k at the moment. Bought BTC @$600

>> No.11924910

why so much? That seems rather excessive to me.

>> No.11924938

Cuz I'll be buying an apartment and I need a buffert.
But then I'm going into stocks, and maybe back into crypto when the market has done crashing in about a year.

>> No.11924941

Rainy day funds. You never know when you'll have a $50k emergency I guess. I also have a Roth IRA and 401k with substantial amounts in both.

If BTC gets to ~$2.5k I'll drop another 20k or so into it.

>> No.11924956

so you can watch it go to .5k?

>> No.11924978

That wont happen any time soon. You can FUD brainlets on here all day but your simple minded shit doesn't work on people with higher than room temperature IQs.

>> No.11924989
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Less than $2. I barely have enough to send out all my bills by snail mail.


>> No.11925024

ok, why do you feel it will rebound when it hits 2.5k?

>> No.11925043

About 70

>> No.11925117 [DELETED] 

Why do you use Kraken?
Genuinely curious. Bitcoin's been pissing me off lately

>> No.11925123
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gib me milkies!

>> No.11925127

Bout 10 grand

>> No.11925133

Why do you use Kraken?
Genuinely curious. Coinbase's been pissing me off lately

>> No.11925141

Because I understand that crypto isn't a short-term get rich scheme like so many idiots on biz treat it. I buy with intent to hold 5+ years / sell during bull runs. Whether you like it or not, blockchain tech will revolutionize IT in general, but widespread adoption is still a good 10-15 years out. You probably aren't old enough to remember, but it took a good 20+ years for the internet to become ubiquitous. And with the capabilities and use cases that blockchain addresses, its plain to see it will eventually be implemented in systems ranging from finance, banking and transactions to government services like identification, fraud protection, and recordskeeping. All the way down to base entertainment. I think big picture when I invest. I'm not on here sweating my folio every day. When there's a bull run I sell, when there's a bear market, I buy, because the tech implementations are just a matter of time, not if.

>> No.11925146

1k i just take some crypto every month to fill it up as needed and pay for things with crypto as much as possible.

>> No.11925154

$0 it’s all in a safe. Fuck banks.

>> No.11925158


>> No.11925165

15k in savings and another 35k in mutual funds that I can pull out in a day if needed.

>> No.11925169

-3000 but 11k linkies
how desperate do you think i feel?

>> No.11925172

Buy pets.com now and be rich in 20 years!

>> No.11925204

When I was younger I actually did sell a couple of domains for $15k that I bought and maintained for a total of $80. I should have held out for more in hindsight. I'd say which, but I'm not going to doxx myself.

>> No.11925209

-8.49 atm

>> No.11925288

Yup, Its that bad.

>> No.11925335

>Whether you like it or not, blockchain tech will revolutionize IT in general
that doesn't mean bitcoin will be worth anything 5 years from now. Bitcoin is not blockchain, but whatever I see you deeply believe in the technology.

>> No.11925365

about $13k plus 1.5k in stocks

>> No.11925367

$20. lost all of my money on stocks

>> No.11925375

Well i have less than $5

>> No.11925397

yeah, it's not an issue of the field, it's an issue of coinage. what guarantee is there that BTC will be worth anything and it won't be supplanted by a more bank-funded coin like XRP?

>> No.11925405

~$5k, 2 months living expenses. Anything more is retarded.

>> No.11925480

I dont think BTC will last forever. I dont hold and religious like faith for it. I just understand that at this point in time, BTC is the brand name of crypto. It is the entry path for the masses to enter the crypto market (despite there being cheaper and more efficient ways to enter). It is also paired with damn near everything. Maybe in 5-10 years I'll be primarily invested in another coin, if circumstances change. But for now, BTC is king, the name brand, and stands to make substantial gains with little risk in the mid-to-long run of things.

>> No.11925509

crypto extremist, I dont deposit into my bank anymore. Cash the checks, hit the BTC ATM's.

>> No.11925554
