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File: 65 KB, 341x420, coindesk invest 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11923850 No.11923850 [Reply] [Original]

> release the bulls in 2 hours

>> No.11923894

What is going on ?
Pls explain.

>> No.11924188

EFT (good) news related. If it were true it would have been leaked to whales and the price would have pumped. But I want to believe.

>> No.11924226


>> No.11924279

What time is he on?

>> No.11924292

15:20 EST

>> No.11924303

And we are back


>> No.11924311

not having leaks is actually a good thing. You know, legality and shit. Crypto is full of so much BS already

>> No.11924312
File: 215 KB, 608x593, 1543214743125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5100 EOD

screencap this

>> No.11924323

False. News leaked and caused a dump. So the whales could load up more for the ETF. You guys are so retarded sometimes.

>> No.11924348

This. But what do you expect, biz is full of autists who act on impulse without using logic. I mean, look at your average biz linkie:

>> No.11924364

There is no way an ETF gets approved for this garbage. There is a more than $100 difference in price between the two biggest "usd" exchanges (finex and mex).
The biggest BTC exchange according to CMC is coinbene. Would you want your pension fund investing in FUCKING COINBENE? The entire space is fucking amateur hour.

>> No.11924373


get in here bros

>> No.11924388

Thank you sir

>> No.11924399
File: 108 KB, 1536x2048, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where Bakkt and Fidelity come into place. Taking the GARBAGE like Bitfinex which is a fucking shady exchange and regulating it so the big bogs can come in.

>> No.11924416
File: 137 KB, 1293x627, Nasdaq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy before 4K

>> No.11924467

Total hopium. It's chinese new year and consensys all rolled into one. Bakkt is some random fund, which will fail like all the others (there have been several and they're all rekt). The only purpose of the ETF decision is to finally bring us back to sub 1k

>> No.11924474

stay poor pajeet.

>> No.11924549

lol. Let me guess, 25x long?

>> No.11924584
File: 37 KB, 600x536, 1543098613400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it actually goes to 1k, do you know how many people will buy in? including me. That's the dream of any institutional investor come true. Is it a coincidence that right before BTC crashes in Dec 2017 that the CME Futures were intorduced? They realized the potential, and couldn't buy in cheap, so they crashed the price so they can buy low as fuck as it is not.

>> No.11925105


>> No.11925225

$1k bitcoin would literally be so free money

>> No.11925246

Literally nothing will happen, just the typical talk. Boring as shit

>> No.11925352


>> No.11925354


>> No.11925371

Goddamn this guy is such a fucking boomer.

"I love distirbuted ledger tech beyond crypto!" Kys boomer

>> No.11925408

has he announced ETF guise?

>> No.11925417

>Bitcoin is not a security
Yeah we knew that, now what about ETF

>> No.11925442

yada yada yada. this guy is bearish as fuck on non currency tokens

>> No.11925461

All we need are the bitcoin bulls to come back and everything else will follow

>> No.11925473

This. Fucking boomers I swer

>> No.11925479

2 hours
nothing happened

fuck off larper

>> No.11925482

chainlink comes to mind

>> No.11925512

good. BTC to 90% dominance.

>> No.11925521

You fucking Mongol it's live rn you complete faggot

>> No.11925535

Kys maximalist. This is an altcoin forum

>> No.11925551
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1526681144571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagecucking for LINK. What is he saying??

>> No.11925555

Pussyfooting around

>> No.11925569

I'm ready for XRP to get btfo please mister boomer

>> No.11925571

wow wtf is he saying

>> No.11925591
File: 21 KB, 112x112, 1530062170644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I love pussy and feet.

>> No.11925616

Ok. Now he's discussing the ETF

>> No.11925618

This man hates crypto, don't expect anything good from him.

>> No.11925627

>Anons say they are watching it
but wont post a simple link

>> No.11925650

I did post a link
broadway ballroom

>> No.11925658

Oh fuck it's over lads.

"Normal safeguards and surveillance don't currently exist in crypto" fuck it's over

>> No.11925676

Interviewer is great tho. Pushing the issue

>> No.11925710

so basically mr boomer at the SEC says the bitcoin etf is denied because of manipulation, and in order to stop manipulation we need an etf.,,,

>> No.11925718

Basically what he said is that BTC will have to list on NASDAQ before they will approve ETF, but in order for NASDAQ to list BTC they have to approve it

>> No.11925732


This. It's over. pack up lads

>> No.11925791

what's stoppin Bitcoin from trading on the forex market against every major wolrd currency? That would surely bring liquidity & price stabilization.

How to apply?

>> No.11925792


>> No.11925839
File: 18 KB, 495x466, DtCa8omWsAAoTXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So are you going to answer the first question? Are you long Bitcoin?"

Chairman of the SEC:

>> No.11925853

>opens Bitmex website from mobile browser after walking off stage

>> No.11925864

Let's just say this is one of those moments when the hotdog doesn't have enough relish.

>> No.11925867

based boomer liquidate all longs

>> No.11925930

this guys hasn't said anything concrete since forever. The interviewer should have asked how do the plan to cuck binance kucoins etc, Im really curious what are those boomers gonna do about all the exchanges based in singapore/malta etc

>> No.11925945

About once every four to six months I change my shoes.

>> No.11925960

um mex isnt a usd exchange. mex is only for futures betting. its not even legal in usa. finex/kraken/gdax/bitstamp. those all accept usd and more or less are the same price. only reason finex is different is because its not in usd but in usdt.
no reason why there wouldnt be a etf. if enough people demand and want it. eventually there will be so it can be traded in more legal ways.

>> No.11925961

why tf are you guys wasting your time with this? ETF decision is in 2019, and until the week of the announcement no significant pumps in BTC will occur without drawbacks twice as hard.

>> No.11925971

I don't believe the pepper is nearly as spicy as you claim it to be.

>> No.11926498

This, he's been talking circles for the entire year

>> No.11926931

he sounds like a clueless boomer repeating the same BS but nobody should get fooled, he's a sneaky bastard, he's a lawyer so he knows the less he says the better for him, that's why he goes about saying the same generic shit over and over asking him about etfs or anything else is like asking fish how to catch them