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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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119160 No.119160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ n00b thread

Ask your stupid questions here and they will be answered by people with business/finance experience

>> No.119167

How do I legally get filthy rich without doing any hard work or research?

>> No.119174

What are the best ways to finance a new business/startup?

>> No.119175

>people with business/finance experience

>> No.119197

You aren't going to get filthy rich without any hard work or research.

If you want to invest without any work or research look into mutual funds. You can invest with minimal research and minimal work, but sometimes the risk is too high.

Ex -- I invested in Facebook and made 120% returns. Look for companies that are undervalued and capitalize on them (think Tesla). Companies double all the time, but the results are not consistent.

>> No.119206

Here's the thing though. I don't have any money so I can't invest. What should I do?

>> No.119216

If you are financing a startup look into convertible bonds (can eventually be converted into stock, essentially equity). If you are financing a business, just get a small business loan. Be sure to get your LLC (limited liability company) first, so your business can't personally bankrupt you.

>> No.119232

Easiest way to make money in this economy
>Learn to program extremely well, no college degree required
>Start out at 50-60k
>Save money

Right now, I would mess around with a stock simulator to get your bearings. There are also free classes on eDx and Coursera to get your financial bearings/learn programming.

>> No.122427

I starting an internship in a CPA office next week. Any tips on where to go for decent clothes? I mean, I can go to the mall and pick random cheap dress shirts, but I'm not sure whether that's ok or not.

Should I wear my dress shirts a few times before sending them to dry cleaners? Or should I just learn to wash and iron them on my own? I've never ironed shit before and I've have to buy an iron and such.

>> No.123459

I'm a student in Canada and working as a busboy partime. Got a tad over 3000$ in bank, I'm in cegep in administration next year.
What's my best investment and what should I go in in University?

>> No.123502

Stop it.
Get a job.

>> No.123599

My town is retarded so I need office space in another town that I don't live in. I need the location so I can get a business license in that other town... for which I need to have a location in that town.... wtf???

>> No.123610

>I know how to program extremely well
>>well how do we know that you do?
>just take my word for it I'm from 4chan
>>call security

>> No.123637

What determines the price of a stock and what determines the change in price of a stock?

>> No.123736

I just lost my financial in College, the only way to get it back is to fill up a form for why and get a doctors note

Wat do

I have a terrible sleeping problem but has recently fixed myself

It got revoked back in the first term of 2013

>> No.123747


Vending Machines

>> No.123906

How does someone whose knowledge of computers extends to "restart when internet doesn't work" learn how to program?

>> No.123979

how difficult is to get shit through customs using alibaba? does the supplier/albaba pretty much take care of it and just add the fees to your total?

>> No.124038

how do i into stockbroker

>> No.124056
File: 65 KB, 500x354, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What resources are out there to get started on investing? How do you into stock market? Do you NEED to have a broker to invest in stocks? How do I invest stocks? Why isn't there enough info in the sticky to explain all these bullshit questions I have. Why am I literally retarded?

>> No.124105

Why are pyramid schemes illegal even when everyone involved knows it's a pyramid scheme?

>> No.124120
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gib moni pl0x

>> No.124634

Because pyramid schemes are, by definition, not businesses. They are schemes that rely on adding more dupes to the scheme rather than producing a useful product or service and can cause great harm to society if they grow too large.

>> No.124647

Can I make good money coding?
Which computer language should I learn first

>> No.124663

Hser looking to go into cs here

>> No.124664

What resources are out there to get started on investing?
>The Investor's Manifesto
>Wiki field trip: http://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Main_Page
How do you into stock market?
>Stocks for the Long Run
Do you NEED to have a broker to invest in stocks?
>You can use a physical person with say, Morgan Stanley, or Goldman Sachs or one of those shitholes
>You can use an online broker service, these are self directed(TD Ameritrade, E Trade, Betterment, Scottrade, Independent Brokers[supposedly shittiest service, but also by far cheapest], Sharebuilder)
How do I invest stocks?
>See above
Why isn't there enough info in the sticky to explain all these bullshit questions I have.
>The community is settling down, unknown
Why am I literally retarded?
>Because you invested all your money in DOGECOIN TO THE MOON

>> No.124670

Because sometimes pyramid schemes aren't so obvious, see Herbalife and other MLM schemes which -are- mostly pyramid in nature.

>> No.124699

Is possible to become a millionaire with crypto currency?

>> No.124715

Can someone answer this

>> No.124722

Only if you already have a ton of money and pretty much get lucky

>> No.124723

>learn to make websites
>advertise your website making in the local newspaper
>small business contact you to make a website for them


>learn to make android/iphone games
>reach out to popular youtuber, tell them you will make a game about them and give them a cut of the profits if they advertise the game on their channel
>enjoy guaranteed traffic/attention

>> No.124731

What, this board has ids now?

>> No.124755

How much can you sell a website for

>> No.124763

I'd like for someone to make a graphic or at least a least of the best resources (books mainly) concerning finance, investment, entrepreneurship, and frugality. Preferably beginner level stuff.

>> No.124778

If you invest in new alts as soon as they hit an exchange at 1 SAT (0.00000001 btc), you can make profit regardless of however many that you buy.

>> No.124780

What's the quickest way to become a millionaire on Wall St?
>BE a billionaire, and invest in airline stocks.

I feel that this is how cryptocoins will be talked about in the very short future, possibly next year.

>> No.124810

Arithmetic, and maybe a tiny bit of algebra.

>> No.124805

What level of math is imperative to handling my money?

>> No.124818

Even to be a CPA you really only need to know like 7th grade math.

>> No.124837
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Is Peter Schiff legit? He's fun to watch although he seems a bit hand wavey at times (I guess you can't go into great detail in every argument though)

>> No.124839
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I had 2 ideas for starting my own business;

>Redesigning old office spaces to bring them into the 21st Century
>Melting down materials like metal and selling it off raw or turning them into things

Are any of the 2 above do-able? I know I could at least recycle those old office cubicles for quick cash or something.

>> No.124864

>What resources are out there to get started on investing? How do you into stock market? Do you NEED to have a broker to invest in stocks? How do I invest stocks?
All of those, but from a 3rd world country.
Is it possible? Can you open an IRA, invest in Index Funds, all of that, from a 3rd world country?

Any /biz/dude not from US investing in US successfully?

>> No.124865

1) you are going to need a large initial investment
2) that is just scrapping, people make ok money from it if they know what they are doing. No real increase in profit over time, you are basically stuck.

>> No.124895

Should I go to law school or get straight into business out of college?

My goal is to make enough money so that I have a sizable amount to invest, and use that to gain financial independence.

I'm probably going to major in Economics at a respected LAC.

Anyway, will I make more money with 4-5 years of business experience, or will I make more after going to law school and joining a big firm?

My goal is really just to have a decent paying job so that I can secure some cash on the side for investments.

>> No.124904
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How large of an investment are you thinking?

>> No.124906

How much should I care about stock dividends if i'm not a multi-millionaire?

>> No.124907

Don't go to law school. The employment rate for entry-level lawyers is abysmal.

>> No.124911

How easily is it to get into buying and selling stock? Minimum amount of money required?

Or even simpler, is there a newby guide to stock that anyone has?

>> No.124919

You can open a Scottrade/other E-broker account with a $500 minimum investment I think. After that, it's usually around $7 per transaction.

>> No.124921

How much does it cost to form LLC on average? Who do you talk to about this shit? An accountant?

>> No.124930

I dont know the specifics because Im not in property remodelling. Theres probably some info online. You have to factor in equipment, workers if you want this to be an actual business, and some pther stuff besides the mayerials which you are going to want to stock prior to doing business

>> No.124999

How would one start a small scale ice cream factory?

>> No.125005

A CPA with experience in that and/or a lawyer.

>> No.125017

I don't know, anon. Maybe you should find out how icecream is made and then calculate what it would take to set it up and where to find the land to put all this and what it would cost to rent that land.

Just maybe.

>> No.125022

Probably a lot of regulation and shit since it's a dairy product.

>> No.125048

Will I have better job prospects with simply a B.A. or B.S. in Econ?

>> No.125062

>ID: Heaven

>> No.125073

should i import something from china for cheap and potentially face copyright infringement charges or find my own designer and a digital printing company and make something myself?

there's a few things on ebay i want to sell but it requires one of the two options. china is cheap but i will have to pay import fees. it will cost more, probably a lot more, to do it myself but i wont have to worry about copyrights or import fees and i can say MADE IN USA on all my listings and build a brand.

>> No.125088

I actually have a BA in econ. It's a degree that's generally only good if you take it to the graduate level or branch off to do finance/accounting.

If you like both law and economics and want a job, consider accounting. Accounting students are often hired before graduation, and CPAs are basically lawyers for your money.

>> No.125121

Sounds good.

I'm probably going to Holy Cross, which offers a double major in Econ and accounting. The only issue is that it's selective. You have to apply to get into the Econ major first, and then after that you have to apply into the Accounting major.

>> No.125168

First day on 4chan, champ?

>> No.125169

What business sectors do you see becoming more popular/looked into for the year 2014? Would oil/natural gas be a consideration? What about healthcare since the enforcement of Obamacare?

>> No.125202

I essentially did the same thing at my school. I'll vouch for it. Keep in mind the 150 unit requirement if you want to take the CPA exam, which you can buffer with community college classes.

>> No.125467

Question, 4 years Bcom with major in finance, or 2 years asia pacific management with 2 years following of Bcom with major in finance?

I'm the second of my family to try university, the first being my mom, before she had to quit because we were too poor to sustain her fees.

My parents are very hard-working people and saved enough money for me to get a university degree, and since I'm an idiot and failed physics in high school, I chose to go into business instead of sciences. I just want to get an idea of what I'm getting into; I have nearly no job experience other than a family-provided drywall thing, some fencing for my dad's buddy, and a couple years at a major fast food chain.

Obviously I want to make as much money as possible, already took two accounting classes, statistics, all that shit but I'm pretty sure finance is what I'd fair the best at. But do I go the straight route of 4 years majoring in finance, or the asia pacific management course, which apparently is hard, teaches an asian language, and ends with a 6 week practicum working for some asian company. At the end I'd have an asia pacific management certificate or some shit, and then I'd spend the next 2 years working towards bachelor's of commerce.

So basically, go the asian route or the basic 4 year route? Which one is more likely to lead to success?

Canadian btw, if that helps any.

>> No.125699

What are the important things I should be doing as a 23 year old traveling american. I travel fly out to all different states for work each what. What do?

>> No.125711

Make sure to deduct business trip expenses you incur for tax stuff.

>> No.125728

How difficult is it to move mid-morgage to a new home?
Would distance be a factor?

>> No.125744

spend the company catd more?

>> No.125776
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>and can cause great harm to society if they grow too large


The pyramid scheme phenomenon in Albania is important because its scale relative to the size of the economy was unprecedented, and because the political and social consequences of the collapse of the pyramid schemes were profound. At their peak, the nominal value of the pyramid schemes' liabilities amounted to almost half of the country's GDP. Many Albanians—about two-thirds of the population—invested in them. When the schemes collapsed, there was uncontained rioting, the government fell, and the country descended into anarchy and a near civil war in which some 2,000 people were killed. Albania's experience has significant implications for other countries in which conditions are similar to those that led to the schemes' rise in Albania, and others can learn from the way the Albanian authorities handled—and mishandled—the crisis.

>> No.125889
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I am a third worlder with lots of free time and a credit card.

How can I start making money on the internet and get at least $50-100 USD per week?

I don't mind starting slow.

>> No.126395

what is the best path to become an accountant?

>> No.126424

Accountant or CPA?

>> No.128760


>> No.128843

depends on the client/project. most small businesses want it instantly and will state at least once if their as clueless as most of us in this thread, "well, why shouldn't I just go with one of these free website makers??"
with that said, I've charged anyehere from $200 to $3200.
billiable hours bro. make some templates. save common code you've writen that you like and that looks good.
but, let save you some trouble and just don't try and make websites for money freelance. unless you like ramen, ignorance, and working for less than minimum wage alot.

>> No.128877


For an internship off-the-rack specials are perfectly fine. No one is expecting you to be dressed in a bespoke shirt with some polished Aldens.

Just make sure whatever you buy to get tailored so the fit is PERFECT. That's the most important part of a suit looking good.

Source: Main board is /fa/

>> No.128889


>What determines the price of a stock?
What people are bidding and/or asking for it at the time. They base this off many, many indicators.
>What determines the change in price of a stock?
The same thing, except this happens when sale executions take place.

>> No.128906

How exactly does shorting work? Why are we allowed to do it? Like, where does that money even come from?

I gotta know if I am gonna main the vidya industry because it's shit almost all the time.

>> No.128933

be smarter than the other people trying to win the stock market

that's how

>> No.129047

What should I do to generate passive income? I don't plan on depending on my salary for all my needs.

I really don't know anything about investing.

>> No.129068


Oh and the girlfriend is planning on writing erotica for Kindle. How do we earn good money form that?

>> No.129067

lurk more
practice investing on investopedia

>> No.129117
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I am working in an investment firm soon as a customer service rep (only plebeian 30k).
I am in my mid 20's. My expenditure is low as I live with the rents and I could spend less (however, I have spending my whole paycheck these past few months on watches, computer parts, suits, etc.)
I want to invest the bit of assets that I have, roughly 15k, but the firm I work at - all their relevant (mutual) funds are actively managed. The firm starts with P, is located in Boston and the CEO is a generous sized man.

Should I just go with Vanguard?
I feel like if I use my current firm, there may be some employee discounts (even if slight), but I do disagree with the philosophy of management fees/front load fees...that money could be better used for more compounding power!

If Vanguard, should I buy individual fund options like some Total Stock Domestic, Total Stock International, Bonds, REIT's? I have been reading too much and am rather confused. I think there's also a Vanguard Moderate Growth Target Fund or something equivalent!

Please help and consult!

>> No.129143

VTI for total stock market exposure, BND for bond exposure, both are extremely diversified

>> No.129182

So a traditional 80-20 VTI-BND split?

>> No.129202

write well, slip in something modestly taboo, get lucky.
pretty much in that order I'd assume.

>> No.129225

Depends on your risk tolerance, time horizon, current nestegg for 6-months of living expenses/emergencies.

If this is for retirement, I like using your age as the guide. if you're 22, go with 22% bonds, 78% stocks. When you turn 23, rebalance to get that ratio to 23% bonds, 77% stocks.

>> No.129284
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Well, is that even worth rebalancing? The numbers youre going with were what I read in Bogle's book but he says obviously feel free to tinker/wiggle the numbers per your comfort? If I were to go with 22% bonds 78% stocks, but I wanted to be 'more aggressive' - would running 20% bonds 80% stocks be that drastic? Or should I shift the percentages within stocks to more international ones instead?

I'm pretty confused if you cannot tell.

My time horizon is basically retirement at this point. I just don't know how much money still to allocate towards this. I am thinking about utilizing the Admiral offering they have (10k minimum) however I think I remember reading you only save $12 on $1000, which may not be that much.

Why are there so many fund options if you could answer this? If people could just go with the highly diversified fund options, wouldn't there be less confusion?

>> No.129316

I'm a moderately successfull writefag, is there any way for me to cash in some book idea/short story IP?

>> No.129333

Both are US diversified.

You can still diversify further, emerging markets, etc.

>> No.129342


2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Good luck to us.

>> No.129340

What do you think about binary options?

>> No.129355

jus testing

>> No.129400

>Well, is that even worth rebalancing?
It's not a huge deal if you don't stick to the formula exactly, unless you're 50 and you decide to get risky, and lose half your shit just prior to retirement.

>Why are there so many fund options if you could answer this?
Not everyone likes to diversify broadly. Also, many companies open funds because they charge expenses for managing them. When they advise clients on what to buy, they steer them to their own funds for the fees. This is why so many people recommend Vangauard (because of the low fees), when there are probably 50 other options for tracking the same indices

>> No.129409

the bastards at [s4s] took it

>> No.129428

I have 50k, and have only invested once before in a lot which a home was built on then made 15k back within a year.

Should I just keep doing this, or should I look into other ways.

>> No.129438


>> No.129444

30% gains are better than market average. If you have a keen sense for real estate, you might want to stick to that. If it was luck though, consider lurking more for additional help.

>> No.129478
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Fair but what logic would people use to justify using managed funds?

That makes little sense after reading Bogle's book where he details that out of some 250 money managers' funds...only 1 out of 250 beat the market average after of course taking into consideration their management fees (with roughly 3-5 leveling off or being equal to the market)? What rationale would prompt people for actively managed funds? Would this be misinformation? Would it be a peace of mind? I don't know.

If say I were to be more knowledgeable, is it better on average to invest in less diversified/broad funds? I'm sure they exist for a reason I'm just failing to see it. Perhaps this is because reddit/new age investors all praise Vanguard and Bogle's book was really the first I read (or skimmed)

Thank you,

>> No.129494

So, my CPA firm internship is giving me $11/hr, which is actually quite a bit lower than what I had been lead to believe was normal. Is this about normal for a smaller CPA firm? (25-ish people)

Good to hear, thanks.

>> No.129496

I'm graduate school and will make about 60k a year as a lowball number. my wife works and so do I but our income is about 40k/year combined right now since I'm part-time. we have 25k in high interest debt. we don't pay rent and we are frugal now. should I drop this debt with everything we make each month or keep an emergency fund?

>> No.129504

I'm in* graduate school.

>> No.129503

want to go into ib or economical forecasting (world bank/imf etc). What do you recommend my college major should be and what my future plans should be? econmath, econfinance, financemath?

>> No.129514


they exist because many high net worth individuals are too stupid or too lazy to invest their own money, so they hand it to some fund that promises big returns in the short run but barely comes out average over 5 years or more

it's not because the fund managers are stupid. it's because everyone is trying to win at the same game. any strategy that show better than average return will soon be picked up by every manager in the world and stop working

>> No.129520

>Fair but what logic would people use to justify using managed funds?
They're sold into them. Also, in a down market, hedge funds do offer some level of protection (hence the name).

Regarding diversified funds, I'm in the same boat as you as far as preferences go.

>> No.129524

Depends what type of metal, and if there are customers willing to buy scond grade metal, which is always looked down upon by a lot of foundry's

>> No.129603

Given that
-I have minimal knowledge of the market
-I am not capable of understanding it on a great level
-I have no short term needs for money, only long term

Is investing in an s&p500 ETF my best choice? What are other good options?

>> No.129613

How much mileage can I get working in a large financial firm as a customer service rep?

Shall I look into going into operations? Sales? Consultant?

Should I just help myself and stop hoping to work for an investment bank, hedge fund, private equity firm, or as an actuary in an insurance agency? I don't know why I want to be an analyst. My math and quant skills are bad, but I feel the most solid $ is made there.

Unless you're the face of a large client interaction, then sales has wayy more potential....but how do I get there?

Just work hard, network....? Study hard? Get further education?

>> No.129651

what's a good guide on buying physical gold?

>> No.129674

REITs (preferably ones that deal with commercial properties)

This. Same way a well off or inexperienced business owner chooses to pay someone to deal with things for them.

How long till you graduate and move up the career ladder? How high is the high interest and what are the minimum payments?
If its a matter of a few more months up to a year before you graduate and get a job then maybe you could save some for an emergency fund while paying off the interest.

>> No.129673

Get a degree doing something you're not going to put a gun in your mouth over. of you like math then do that, but doing that for maybe monies is as crazy as dumping your savings into cryptos. sure maybe a few people have success but they have resolve or are alcoholics.

>> No.129758

Sad part is I already have an ECON DEGREE
I think I'm fucked and shit out of luck for Hedge fundm, private equity, insurance analyst/actuary, and investment banker. I guess I should just keep these in mind when I start my next life on earth


I guess I could go into grad school some time later (I'm like in my mid 20's) and then work alongside recent undergraduates putting in 80-90 hour shifts at an investment bank lmao

Maybe I'm deluded by American Psycho and just want the prestige. I don't know. There's definitely room for growth here so I'll see how it goes

>> No.129811

What about the orders how are they executed in the stock market. Which order has a priority are limit orders the bet if you want to buy?

>> No.129813

13 months from now and 14.9%. $600/month just for minimum payments. it feels awful but the wife finally got a break so I'm excited about ditching the debt asap.

>> No.129816

>what logic would people use to justify using managed funds?

Not all actively managed funds are the same, and not all actively managed funds are bad. There are many reasons to include some actively managed funds in your portfolio.

First, many investors seek tax-managed investments in order to reduce their tax exposure. While index funds have some inherent tax-efficiency, in order to achieve true tax-efficient gains you need a human to make the right investment decisions. In the right cases, the tax savings will far exceed the incremental fees.

Second, there are some market segments that do not have a recognized benchmark or index. If an investor wants exposure to these segments, they have no choice but to invest in a managed fund.

Third, there are some market segments where human insight can provide unusually high incremental value. I would argue this is true in many micro-cap international investments, distressed investing, and some convertible securities situations.

Fourth, and notably, there are huge variations in fee structures among actively managed funds. A fund that charges a 5% front-end load and a 2.2% management fee is VERY different from a no-load fund that charges 0.36% (Vanguard PRIMECAP), 0.35% (Vanguard Windsor II), or 0.25% (Vanguard Wellington). These are just a few examples.

Index funds should be the core (50-70%) of any sound long-term buy-and-hold portfolio, but actively managed investments have a place too.

>> No.129832

>American Psycho
His body is more achievable than his situation.

>> No.129882

How can I get rich with $1000 start up. Or should I just put that towards a car.

>> No.129908

It feels bad when you dont have money for a rainy day but that interest is even more than my rent.

I guess you should chip off the debt just so you can have some headroom to borrow if shit happens.

The debt is constant but a rainy day is a once in a while thing. If your line of credit is near maxed out then you should try and take it as far below that line as possible then you can go back to it in an emergency.

>> No.129994

codecademy, udacity, khan academy, etc. Better Yourself

>> No.130010

For language, I would start with python, then move to C, maybe get involved with something that involves programming (for the HS student, try to find a local robotics team or whatev). Check out Codecademy, Udacity, Khan Academy, and whatever else, just keep programming, challenge yourself

>> No.130309

Parce que tu vas continuer a etre un boss boy avec un pre universitaire.

>> No.130413

I recommend Python as well. Great language to start with. And the command line is a wonderful tool.

>> No.130425

why do trading websites need your social security number?
What are the differences between these stock trading sites?
What else is there to it besides investing money in a stock and waiting for it?
Stocks jump once daily?

>> No.130502

Just fucking work there and see. Jesus Christ. Like be grateful you got hired and work your ass off. If they don't promote from within, leverage your experience and skill sets for another place.

No reason to be mopey and sad about the what-if's and the could have's.

>> No.130516

I'm up for a promotion.

Tomorrow, I'll have two interviews.
One by a manager one level up and then another by a manager two levels up.

Any advice?

>> No.130528

Dress like your manager two levels up. Easy

>> No.130536

It's more or less the same dress code throughout the company so that doesn't really help but I appreciate it.

>> No.130549

>why do trading websites need your social security number?
So they can send you your 1099 so the IRS can tax you

>What are the differences between these stock trading sites?
Not much besides fees and tools

>What else is there to it besides investing money in a stock and waiting for it?
Buy bonds

>Stocks jump once daily?

>> No.130550

Do little things like
-clip tie
-cuff links (could be excessive)
-English cut suit (hehe just my preference, as long as it looks good on you)

If you're so sure and you know their intent of giving you a promotion, maybe there isn't much to think about?

What do you do for work?

>> No.130569

>why do trading websites need your social security number?
>What are the differences between these stock trading sites?
terminal platform (I recommend TOS), fees/rates/minimum deposits
markets they access
>What else is there to it besides investing money in a stock and waiting for it?
CFDs/fixed term deposits are great if you are saving.
>Stocks jump once daily?
depends, they dont have heavy movements everyday.

>> No.130573

I'm not sure I'll get it.

There are several people aiming for this upgraded position. All of which will also go through the two interview process.
I was just looking for tips since I haven't been interviewed in 6 years.

I'm in retail.

>> No.130625

Like retail, commission sales?
Or like Macy's supervisor, etc?

I forgot to mention earlier, a handkerchief in your suit can really bring out your overall look. Try to make it subtle, though.

Honestly just make sure you have adequate questions because if/when you ask your questions after they interview/ask you questions, they'll keep asking you multiple times, "Are you sure you don't have questions?" etc.

Some of my favorite go to's

"How can I differentiate a great versus good year the first year I am in this role?"
"What are the quantitative and qualitative measures used to assess my performance?"
"What happened to the last position who held this position?"
Show some enthusiasm for the future and being rewarded for your hard work, "What are the further promotional opportunities looking into the future?"


Just exude a mix of confidence yet come off humble and eager to take on new/more responsibilities. Obviously, be grateful for the opportunity, etc.
Honestly I think you're fine

>> No.130652

>Macy's supervisor
Let's go with that

Also your advice sounds really good. Thank you.

I was told that I should ask about their (the interviewers) interests so that they'll like me more.

Any truth to this?

>> No.130673

1. What is the difference between CPA and CA, which is better regarded globally?
2. Is day trading literally buying and selling on the same day? My account doesn't allow for that, since any transaction takes 3 days to clear. Is this usual?
3. Difference between bonds and stocks? How important are dividends?
4. What are the easiest indicators to look at that show whether a stock is likely to rise or fall?

>> No.130713

Keep it professional in my opinion. Like, their here to assess you. The interviewers who are in the capacity of talking with people often will give you many conversation cues to jump onto. Just I don't know, if you're witty and can think on your toes, these will be very common sense to you.

Like they could easily ask you something, "Hey John, tell us something about you that we can't gather from your resume" for example. And you can say you like computer hardware and user interfaces, music, etc. Often times, they'll at least respond or play off your answer a little bit.

In the same vein, see what qualities they want in this position. You can inquire directly or indirectly. "What are the most sought after traits in your opinion that would be vital to excel in this role?"

For instance, they may bring up a point, "Jane did this well because X whereas Ben did not". You can certainly relate an experience you had in the past where you dealt with maybe clients or colleagues that were similar.

You can honestly connect with what they give you and just from vibing. I just honestly feel asking them their hobbies is too unprofessional. There's just way more clever, more professional ways to go about connecting when you're the one being interviewed.

Say you ask them, "Where do you see the company in five years?" They will feed you some answers and you can elaborate further, "That is something I want to work on or have been making a priority of improving" Show a little vulnerability but frame it in such a way that you are adamant in making them a strong trait of yours, or at least not a liability. I don't know. The majority is your qualifications and experience honestly, and the fact that they are considering means you probably fulfill it for the most part but it's more of a "Can we work with this guy on a regular basis" type of things.

So prove your worth to them!

>> No.130757

CPA in my opinion.

Day trading is a lot of timing and a lot of luck. I equate it to gambling honestly.

Stocks is ownership of a company. Bonds is you loaning money to a company or government; US Bonds are considered the safest. Dividends are payouts of profits to stock holders of a company, if the company decides to pay dividends. Depends.

There are a lot of factors honestly, I am not saying this to give you an empty answer. A stock can rise if opposite or lateral markets change, perceptions (speculations). If you don't like the headache of keeping pace, invest in index stocks.

>> No.130992

Starting university this year with all living expenses being bankrolled by my parents. I have $800 just sitting in my bank account with no plans for it. What should I do with it to make the most out of it?

I'd prefer not to be taking a huge risk, but at the same time it wouldn't be the end of my world if it fell to shit.

>> No.130998

In Australia btw

>> No.131004

You don't have enough money to really invest in my opinion. Some liquid assets are convenient....there's like a process to withdraw money from mutual funds, whatever funds, etc.

>> No.131060

Yeah, I figured any shares would need to move a hell of a lot to break even with this much.

I was thinking about jumping into crypto-currencies, but after lurking the threads on /g/ for a couple of years now, it just really seems like an unpredictable mess.

>> No.131247

Right you don't have much $ to compound with, if you have like $3-5k after you have some liquid funds established, then sure. Common investor advice is to have 3-6 months in emergency funds on hand (say in a bank) before investing.

And investing typically is associated with management fees, etc.

>> No.131255
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I've got $10,000 in the bank, a steady job, and a shit ton of student loans.

If I can beat the 5% interest on my loans investing, is there any reason I should pay them off first?

>> No.131280

lel no. Never be in debt faggot

>> No.131372


>> No.131418

Pay them off first. You are essentially making an investment at 5% return guaranteed. There's no real way to make more than 5% in the market without a decent amount of risk.

>> No.131716

Save it for now and maybe use it combined with your uni connections for a rainyday/1off type opportunity...

>You get a really good deal on some quality weed/blow
>Someone is selling a stolen good for 3x less than what you can sell it for on craigslist
>You heard about a big party/festival and you buy some liquor/beer at the liquor store to sell at a 100% markup once all the liquor stores and bars have to stop (legally) selling
>Buy a few pills for 1$ each and sneak them into a music festival where people will pay 10$ for each

Honestly with >1000$ you should just hang on to it or save it for random opportunities most of which are probably quasi legal if not totally illegal.

>> No.132512

Someone tell me about the Vanguard all in one funds. Some require 1000 or $3000 minimum. Which one iz good?

>> No.132654

patent application:
how to?
i have a solid idea with a working prototype, im going to start the patent pending process and then licence it out for royalties

>> No.132682


Thanks for the answers guys

>> No.132718

Do your own research. There are tons of different strategies, and indexes.

The general gist of it is, if you're using Vanguard themselves, then it behooves you to put >10k into a fund, to get the Admiral Shares version(lower expense ratio).

As for the funds, there's bond funds, dividend growth, value, S&P 500, Total market, bond, etc.

It's up to you to look over the prospectus, and figure out what fund matches your own risk tolerance, and idea of what you want to be invested in.

You could also talk to a Vanguard financial advisor to get help. It's free AFAIK.

>> No.132752

/biz/ I need your help in regard to IRAs

I have been investing in a traditional IRA (TSP - Thrift Savings Plan) for about 7 years now, and it has a balance of about 40k in it. Recently, TSP came out with a Roth IRA option, and I have stopped contributing to the traditional IRA and been giving that money monthly to a brand new Roth. Meanwhile I still have that 40k in the traditional gathering interest.

So here is my question: Should I transfer the balance out of my traditional IRA into the roth IRA? I know that to do that I would pay a somewhat significant tax on it to transfer.

If it matters I'm 30, and hope to retire at 60.

>> No.132764

Say I have an idea for a business that would require a large amount of capital to start up. I mean enough to open up a "store" of sorts.

Where's the first place I would call/go to for trying to get this kind of money? What's the process look like for someone who doesn't have a lot of connections with VCs or other wealthy investors.

>> No.132784

I've been looking at Monitise which trades on LON as MONI, but the company also trades on US OTC : MONIF l as well.
Is this a separate USA division/ stock. I've been following a while and not sure about how the two stocks are divided. Thanks for any explanation.

>> No.132800

If I have an E-brokerage account like E-Trade, and I have a cash account with them (money market), is that where dividends go automatically?

I ask, because when I make a trade order for a stock, I don't ever enter any information for dividends. I just want to make sure I get my money.

>> No.132857

I have a Schwab brokerage account from buying stock through my company employee stock purchase program.

>My question is how do I go about transferring money into this account so that I can trade other stocks?

Hopefully one of you have a Schwab account and could give me some info. I have started to process to link my saving account to this brokerage account, but I am not sure I can withdraw from the saving account, only transfer to that account.

If you cant help I guess I can always use the 24hr chat service...

>> No.132890

good luck if opening in the US

>> No.132893

Not an expert, but I know on E-trade you can manage multiple accounts.

Perhaps you could make a new Schwab account, and transfer your stocks into it fully under your control

>> No.132896
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ITT: Everyone asks. No one has any answers.

>> No.132917

Well I have full control of the brokerage account. I just have no money in it. I am not sure if there is a standard account number / routing number to link my savings account to so I could transfer money into the brokerage account.

I feel like when I linked 2 bank accounts together before I had to go through the process on each end before I could transfer money back and forth because of the verification process. If that is the case I need to also start the process on my savings account side.

>> No.132947

For many electronic brokerages, you submit account info, the broker will make two small deposits into it (like 22 and 18 cents), you confirm ownership of the account by telling them the exact amount they gave you. Then they will conduct ACH transactions which will take 5-7 days to clear, but they might give you some credit upfront if you have a bunch of money with them already.

If you aren't sure you should probably just call Schwab man, I bet you can get it straightened out in like 5 minutes.

>> No.132980

Thanks for the info. That's how setting up links in the past have worked. Hopefully it allows me to transfer money both ways. If not I will just have to make that call.

Thanks again!

>> No.134471

And how much do you realistically need to make decent money?

>> No.134480

Lean moon and start writing LNs.

>> No.134506

Best startups?
I have no money. Maybe a few hundred, maybe 1000-2000 if I safe for awhile.
Websites? Apps?

>> No.134510

How do firms determine the price they set an IPO at? Just whatever price they think people will buy but will still net them a profit?

>> No.134782
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OK /biz/, let me tell you how I make my money. Take this however you want, believe it or not, it's up to you. I won't be answering any questions.

1. Open an account with IG Index. This won't work with other spread betting sites, for reasons I won't bore you with.
2. Look at the FTSE index chart. I'm a britbong, so I go for the ftse, but I'm sure this will work with the dow jones just as well.
3. Set it to the line chart, and the 2 minute chart.
4. The FTSE opens at 8am. You start looking at around 10am, when it has been trading for 2 hours.
5. Check the highest and lowest points the market reached in the first hour, 8 to 9.
6. Do the same for the second hour, 9 to 10.
7. Is the highest point in the 2nd hour higher than the highest point in the first hour? If yes, the trend for the next few hours is 'up'. Is the lowest point in the 2nd hour lower than the lowest point in the first hour? If yes, the trend for the next few hours is 'down'. If the 2nd hour broke both the high and the low of the first hour, forget it and come back tomorrow. Same if the 2nd hour broke neither.
8. Bring up the spread bet box, and set the spread to 10 points. The amount you bet will be whatever you're comfortable with losing. For example, if you bet £5, you will win or lose £50.
9. If the trend is 'up', you bet the market will rise 10 points. If the trend is down, you bet it will fall 10 points.
10. You're basically betting that the the market will move your way by 10 points before it moves the other way by 10 points, from the point at which you placed the bet. In fact, because the website takes a point in commission, you're actually betting that it will move your way by 11 points before it moves the other way by 9.
11. The skill and judgement comes in timing the bet correctly. You have to practise for a while to get better.
12. If you haven't placed your bet by 12, forget it and come back tomorrow.

>> No.134788

13. I make 2 to 4 bets a week, and over the long run (been doing it since 2010) I win about 75% of the time.
14. How much you make depends on how much you stake. I would advise you not to increase your stake until you've made a number of bets of the same amount. Otherwise, you could hit a bad patch and lose it all.

>> No.134864

>that babby tier TA

>> No.134917

What does any of that stuff mean?

>> No.134921

You can't change past contributions AFAIK(I know for a fact you can't in real ROTH, unsure about TSP ROTH).

Plus, it's worth having money in traditional, because if you think about it... say you're retiring on 1 million dollars, split 50/50 between ROTH and traditional. You recognize 50% 4% of your traditional IRA per year as income, which would be an income of 20k/year(which then inflation adjusts after that).

Taxes on 20k/year are fucking nothing. Pull whatever extra you need from ROTH to cover the diff, save ROTH for children(if you have any of the little fuckers).

I hope this helps. Head over to the Investor Forums or Ask a Mustachian forums over on

We have quite a few military people there.

Yes, however you should look into DRIP. Assuming you still like the stocks you're investing in, it dollar cost averages you into more shares, and doesn't carry transaction costs.

Depends on your timeframe. At 7% return, after 40 years, you'll have 15x your original starting investment.

Coca Cola has been known to pull >10% yearly. Berkshire Hathaway, McDonalds, Philip Morrison.

>> No.134926

Do you want everything handed out to you?
Already chewed and pre-digested?

Fucking lazy NEET fucks, no wonder they're losers

You have to fucking WORK for money

>> No.135072

Very much yes. Look at Flappy Bird. You could also try startups but you need to be good as they don't hire a lot of people.

>> No.135127


So long as the current home isn't underwater, fairly easy if you get a good Realtor to sell it for you.

>> No.135133


Get a McDegree in accounting from local community college, intern awhile, get accounting job.

>> No.135139

Leave the traditional TSP where it is. Do not transfer it.

The best practice is to contribute lots to your roth TSP and then contribute to the traditional TSP after you max your roth contribution.

You can also use traditional TSP contributions to bump yourself into a lower tax bracket, which can give lots of tax savings.

So traditional TSP adjusts your income to reduce taxes now, roth TSP is to reduce your taxes after you retire. Use both tools.

>> No.135149


The money comes from the people buying the stocks your selling. It's essentially the exchanges/SEC allowing you to 'borrow' said stocks for a limited time. Hence why you need to ACTUALLY Buy to Cover after a period of time.

>> No.135170


Economic Forecasting stay in general economics. You'll most likely need a masters and ultimately a PhD to move up higher in those organizations.

>> No.135184


If you're a hard, efficient worker you could eventually move to customer service management, which if you have the networking and people skills you could potentially leverage into an operating management role. If you work towards even a simple degree with those networking skills you could get a cushy low-level executive job. We're talking over a span of 30+ years by the way.

>> No.135189


Rainy Day Fund.

>> No.135208


Yes, definitely true. Just make sure it's not fake, if you literally hate what they like, don't bring it up, they'll notice. Don't try to force it either, if it's too obvious you're trying to rub elbows and not answer questions it'll push them away. Don't lay it on too thick. If they ask about a fault turn the question around to something you've improved, not something you still do bad.

>> No.135228


Your bank for a small business loan.

>> No.135238


What was your question? Sorry, I was busy yesterday.

>> No.135261

Apps seem to be where the money is now if you can make an original one.

If I'm not mistaken it's like this, but take this with a grain of salt.

Market buys x% of company A for $y
Firm decides how many shares this equates to based on their earnings.
Middle ground is found and that is the IPO price.

>> No.135454

Investment banks do all the underwriting because the process is complex. IB's also take on liabilities but it's because they can. There's typically profit to be made

>> No.135854

I have started demoing recently but only thing i really don't know is the relation between indicators period time and generally their values and the chart period time.
Like if i am looking at H1 then what kind of values do i need to use with the various indicators?For example MACD,MA and so on.

>> No.136310

Is it possible to self teach yourself the concepts needed to become a profitable entrepreneur or investor?

I don't like going back to college to earn a business degree, but there are a lot of books out there and I'm willing to learn and apply that knowledge.

>> No.136346


Of course, there's no secret information in college classrooms

>> No.136359


Good to hear. Thanks. First order of business is to read the shit out of /biz/'s recommended literature.

>> No.138226

Agreed 100%. Although for an entrepreneur you really need to have the capital, whether you find it on your own, through your parents or have an idea so striking so rich person dumps $ onto you.


Sorry for the lack of expertise first and foremost, and thank you for reading.

Two months ago, I was unsure if I was going to land a job in an investment firm (wish it was an investment bank but hey, better than working as an administrative assistant). Anyhow, I have a preference towards investing in Vanguard - most likely their Moderate Growth Fund (but I am open to everything). Should I take advantage of the Admiral Status here? Or should I dump my money in a number of funds (say 3-5) and further fine tune/pick them instead of a fund that is already broadly diversified?

I am 23, have ~15k, make somewhere in the 30s for salary/year (pretty bad) but I have the potential to save a lot (haven't really). I'm not very concerned about saving up for emergency funds as I have that more or less handled. The company I will be working for soon is known for their mutual funds, all of which are actively managed. I read in the handbook that you could park your assets in Vanguard, among other companies, however I am not sure if they want/prefer/need that you use the company to invest then in Vanguard (probably ends up being fee even if small), or if they care at all.

Through the wisdom here and from Bogle's book, no actively managed funds ends up beating funds that have a low expense ratio and are passively managed in the long run. With that said, I suppose actively managed funds serve a purpose, maybe they are useful in markets where there is higher votality (international, small caps, etc.)

>> No.140120

anyone have experience with vemma?

>> No.141590

How do I start a business like a small restaurant type where I specialize in like burgers, hot dogs, mexican food or something like that? Or is there something better you would recommend? What's a good type of business that's not too difficult to open up. Also, I'm a complete noob, no money and only h.s. diploma. How do I do this?
I want to be my own boss please advice in any investment I can do. How do I start?

>> No.141619

Don't do it unless you have a unique value proposition--something that really makes you stand out/lures customers. The barriers to entering the food industry are very low, so anyone can start something however, that doesn't mean you'll be successful or even end up breaking even.

Since you want to be your own boss, I would suggest taking up a trade (plumbing, electrician, etc), apprenticing for a few years, taking a few financial/business courses at a local community college, and then starting your own trade business.

>> No.141646

What are some niche I can invest and make money from?

>> No.141700


It's a pyramid scheme. If you didn't figure out within 5 minutes you should try to restart your schooling at 8th grade and see if something sticks.

>> No.143656

That sounds like quite the time investment.

>> No.143677


>> No.143838



>> No.146724

Are you working for MFS?

>> No.147241

What is the best thing i could do with 15k right now?

>> No.148709

Is it worth investing in Bitcoins/Altcoins with less then 1000$? How do I know in which coin to invest?

>> No.150261

alright im started to jump into bitcoin mining. and i make 147khash/s how fuck am i ?

>> No.150339

This, please

>> No.150561

Statistics Question:

What is the distribution of called when:
a. there is a chance of getting a positive outcome and a chance of getting a negative outcome which add to 1 (binomial probability)
b. the chance of getting a positive outcomes changes with the number of negative outcomes already encountered

I know the Geometric Distribution is when the chance remains constant. I don't know what to search for when it changes

>> No.150702

have rich parents

>> No.150727

How the fuck I sell something I dont have?
Have you guys heard of Noah Kagan?
Im having hard time understanding this concept.. Guy made 1000 in 24 hours by talking with jerky beef manufacturer and negotiating lower price, Can I like.. Talk to microsoft and sell their Xboxes for 350 and take 150 for me?

Tldr; how the fuck you make deals where everybody wins?

>> No.150793

the first step is to have enough money that people believe that you are a business leader and not some person who is trying to get free xboxes.
this means you buy 30,000 xboxes up front for 10% discount and markup by 8%

Also what you're describing is what wholesale stores (think BJ's) do on a worldwide basis, for pretty much any product you can think of.

>> No.150863

Ok Xbox example was kind of extreme..
Im pretty much broke, no education BUT
You said about wholesale, I would like to sell digital products to get some traction and money,

What if I sold popular independent game (made by some guy, not company) for $15 (normally it costs 25) AND after successful sales I would talk with developer and said "i have some money for you but you need to put a discount on your game"

What do you think?

>> No.150892

Legit in the sense that he is a financial doom singer, gold bug, and lolbertarian.
He is just another white guy who grew up privileged and wealthy and now wants to never pay taxes and make the poor fight for scraps by abolishing minimum wage.
I would not look to him for realistic financial advice but rather if you want to buy into his wacky ideology.

>> No.150897

>after successful sales talk with developer
So you're saying you want to pirate games, sell them, and try to bribe the producer to let you go because you bribed him with a fraction of the money he thinks he should have made?

If I'm wrong then please correct me and tell me how you're going to acquire legit copies of the game to sell in the first place

>> No.150915

I would sell the games with a delayed delivery (you get your cheaper game in 24-48h or your money back)

>> No.150957

I highly doubt you'd be fast enough to meet the expectations of the customers. Every time it fails YOU have to pay everything back including your own expenses and expenses of running the operation.

Also, if the developers agreed with your point about lowering prices on their game, here's what they would generally do:
1. Tell you to fuck yourself
2. Announce a sale

The only thing you have in your power is guaranteed buys, but the power of that depends completely on how popular You become.

>> No.150991

cont. Your popularity depends on your advertising, presentation to the user, ease of access, overall legitimacy. If you fail the first few times, no one's going to bother "buying" something just to get nothing but their money back a week later.

These require knowledge of certain skills, which you may or may not have. If you don't have them, then you'd have to hire someone who does have it, and pay them out of your own pocket every time it fails. If you do have them, they still require money to maintain.

>> No.151009

Welp, fuck.

But thats just assumptions too, they can say "gtfo" but would they do this 100%? If you throw money at someone they would take it I guess..

You're right on the announcing a sale part tho.

Ok lets leave indie games alone, markups of these things are not worth it, unless I would bundle games and gave customer something fancy in exchange for buying the bundle..

Fuck Im stuck again I have to think of find some niche where markups are high and its something that crowds want

Thanks for answers

>> No.151016

They would take legal action likely.

Also, it would be hard to find a market. Paying for a pirated game? You won't find pirates that will pay for that. You'd have to be selling to some real noobs.

I don't see this becoming bigger than garage sales somewhere in siberia

>> No.151035

I was thinking about selling individually, maybe to ONLY certain groups like forum users, fb group users etc,

My approach is to speak in real time with potential customers, so this way I would move fast

>> No.151059


this is the ideal situation in his head

>Hey users! Give me 70% of what this game is worth! I can probably get it for you at that price.
>>Users give him a shitton of cash in faith
>Hey, I have all this money, can i buy a million copies of your game at a 50% discount?
>>Indie dev starved for cash madly grabs the cash and licenses each copy
>>Take the licenced copies and distribute them to the customers

>> No.151081

Is buying stocks better long-term investment than leaving your money in a bank, taking inflation into account.

>> No.151091

Yeah, basically this.
I know some people dont buy vaporware, but Internet have huge user base I might sell something here and there..

After some analysis this plan is good if markups are high (and im not talking about indie games here)

>> No.151095

If you git gud yes

>> No.151165

>samefagging with IDs
Topkek or sad?

>> No.151180

>high markup
>general demand
>not already full to the brim with entrepreneurs who have enough cash to get a good thing started
Does such a product exist?

>> No.151195

also note this trade will have the fbi hunting you

>> No.151224


Depends what long term is. Obviously money in the bank is liquid and if you have low savings and poor disaster absorbance then liquidity is important to you. If you're talking 10+ years a conservative stock on a strictly return basis will, save for some insane disaster, give a better return.

If you're making a pittance every month and you have no 'safety net' savings, then the answer is almost always to save your money.

6 months of living expenses saved before you even think about investing.

>> No.151225

I never said I would aquire anything illegally
I would sell promise. Delivery in 24 hours or your money back. No harm done.

>> No.151270

What is the best way to get an internship in college, and what year should you be before you apply?

>> No.151372


Career fairs, figure out what resources your school has. Worst comes to worse search for internships yourself and apply. Apply early and often every single year of school. If you don't get a call, who cares? If you do, you might get a job.

>> No.151389

>Be sure to get your LLC (limited liability company) first, so your business can't personally bankrupt you.

What is the catch for LLCs?

>> No.151392

Ok, I'm seriously looking into business at the moment - some people are fucking around on here and wasting time; I just want to thank those on this board who are contributing their experience.

Soon, my mother is going to give me £100 as a present to play around with on the stock markets. I've been using trading212 and I reached £11,500 from £10,000 since Tuesday before putting it all into Google and now I'm shit broke. I know where I went wrong and that was putting all my finances into one share.

My question is, with £100 what should my strategy be? Put it into 1 company with? What should I set my sell too? (High and Low). What is an average increase I could hope to make over a week? Do you have any hints and tips into this?

BONUS: I'm looking at doge coin. I can't really mine because of my shit PC. Shall I buy like, 10,000 Doge from the shop thing and wait till it explodes?

Many thanks.

>> No.151406

I have unlimited internet from 2 sources.(my neighbor`s doesnt have password.) So can I use this to make money somehow? Also I have free electric.

>> No.151497

What do they mean on the news when they talk about the stock market? What is it and do you think that it's going to catch on like Bitcoin?

>> No.151564


Lol. Save your money retard.

>> No.151664

I'm 24 years old, 6 years in university with an absolute shit GPA thanks to not having my shit together in the past. Swapped majors countless times, currently pursuing Nuclear Engineering. Is there any hope for me to be making over 200k/yr while I'm still young, or at all?

>> No.151694

>Is there any hope for me to be making over 200k/yr while I'm still young, or at all?
Absolutely, all of the big nuclear companies are starving for graduates with shit grades and no experience.