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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 649 KB, 4961x7016, 4chan4019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11915686 No.11915686 [Reply] [Original]

Do I have a shit resume?

What should I change?

>> No.11915702

Didn't read but stole for a template

>> No.11915712

ballroom dancing kek. It's like you're asking your interviewer to laugh at you

>> No.11915714

Take community college out, highly disrespected

Yikes anon give this to a resume pro to edit, looks cheaply done

>> No.11915715

I made it myself using InDesign

>> No.11915717
File: 177 KB, 859x1076, ANON_RESUME_WINTER18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10 looks pretty solid my man, skills seem a bit arbitrary with the scale but whatevs

rate mine

>> No.11915737


I skipped my last two years of high school to attend college early, my parents didn't want to pay for room and board so CC was the best I could do given no monies

>> No.11915744

>Skills: Firefox

>> No.11915753

there is no firefox in there....

>> No.11915759

Yes there is. Look at the bottom under skills. Blind fucking nig

>> No.11915765


>> No.11915767

Its good man, but desu if you have those skills try to freelance and work for yourself.

>> No.11915781


Are you guys fucking silly? Chainlink uses triangulated truths and is solidity compatible, but it does not solve the oracle problem.

You want a real conversation? Let's talk about what chaos theory and smart contracts have in common.

>> No.11915782

>Professional headshot


>> No.11915794

I need more experience to really make the most of my skills, I am decent at most but not really exceptional. My R desu is lacking but just got a certificate in SQL, need to up my excel skills too.

>> No.11915796

Let them know you're not a nigger.

>> No.11915808


I figured it's better to put a face to a name and not get lost in all the other resumes. I just got my teeth done so I figured why not show them off

>> No.11915827

take your address out. You want creepers or pajeet recruiters knocking on your door? Take the subtitle out. That would be maybe appropriate for a doctorate or a board certification but not a BA.
I'm not sure about Skype either, just move the LinkedIn up with the other stuff. Remove skill xp bars and merge with hobbies and organize it into better categories.

>> No.11915838
File: 58 KB, 600x776, Resume-Template-Professional-BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite /biz/ meme by far.

OP, no one here will say it because they're all either NEETs or in shit careers, but that resume would go straight to the fucking garbage in any serious company. Look at all that blank, useless space literally everywhere. What the fuck is that skills section? Just say proficient in X Y Z, intermediate at A B C. Give me more details on your jobs -- what exactly did you accomplish in each role? Also, get rid of the headshot. If they care about your looks, they'll check your LinkedIn.

See pic related for an actual half decent professional template.

>> No.11915842

>What should I change?

>International studies


>> No.11915848

the skill section honestly doesn't mean shit. might look gimmicky for webdesigner trash but employer want real and palpable metrics. better to add context and possibly mention concrete projects in which you had to use your programming experience etc.

>> No.11915871

>just got my teeth done so I figured why not show them off

>> No.11915874

Find paying customers and build your skills while getting paid. I was taught that by someone very good at making money. Plus you don't work in front of them, you deliver a product.
t. not exceptional but successful business owner

>> No.11915884


I tried plain text resumes before but wasn't getting much response, I thought this would show my creativity and the bars were a quick way to judge my skill level.

I planned it figuring I'm just the 500th resume in line and mine would catch their eye. I don't have too much experience so the blank space helps me compensate

>> No.11915889

>not a nigger

>> No.11915900

>entire interests section
holy shit anon you did not actually put "anime", "manga", and "skipping rope" on your resume. this has to be a troll right guys?

>> No.11915901

har har har my parents are german

>> No.11915902

I prefer the super simple styles.
>name, phone, email
>skills/keyword bomb
>past employment

It's the cover letter that gets you an interview, it's the interview that determines if you got the job. Resume is literally the least important part of the process. Don't waste your time here.

>> No.11915913

No offense, but the reason you didn't get hits is because you did a shit job at explaining your previous jobs. It's all so vague. Recruiters love standard templates because it's easier to find important details -- they detest retards who want to look flashy and special.

If you really want to up your hits, you need to start cold emailing and networking.

>> No.11915922


ok I'll keep that in mind. for cover letter how do you usually go about it? "your company excels in the field of X and I see there has been consistent growth....I'd like to provide additional values by X Y Z"

>> No.11915923

This. Also checkout this website for template ideas, Ive found some colors and backgrounds will make your resume standout quite a bit. Like I use the dark blue print on white with the top part of my resume having a blockchain look to it in light gray. However this website costs money so do it right the first time, you only get a month.

>> No.11915929

>It's the cover letter that gets you an interview

I really, really doubt that.

>> No.11915942


I saw how they describe jobs on the ads and used the same mumbo jumbo they use, figured they want to hear what they advertise for

>> No.11915958

https://novoresume.com/resume-templates whoops.lol

>> No.11915978

Is this bait? Do americans really put their walmart jobs on a resume?

>> No.11916007

Wtf those bars in the skills section make this look more like a rpg leveling system.

>> No.11916017

Ok biz, how am I supposed to hint at my crypto power levels in my resume and interviews without looking like a faggot autist bubble boy?

I currently have just have:
listed under a skills/hobbies section.

problem is, if somebody asks about it at an interview, i dont want to bring up the fact that i got scammed for a skyminer and im only mining altcoins on 1 GPU. wat do?

>> No.11916020

Mine is pretty boring, but I get about a phone call per 5 to 6 resumes handed out. It helps to have useful and quantifiable skills.

I'm just an autistic fuck so when it comes to the interview I always bomb it. getting a call or email from a resume is easy to me I don't know why people have a hard time with it.

>> No.11916040

because I have shit experience I guess or maybe my resume is shit idk I'm here to figure that out.

>> No.11916046

I mined bitcoin once with my CPU and got 5 satoshi in 10 minutes. am I miner now?

>> No.11916059

Most of the time, it's the networking that gets you the interview.

>> No.11916066


>> No.11916072


Mine looks 3rd world compared to yours OP... I still have no problem getting jobs

>> No.11916090

fuck. I guess I'll have network more. go out for cocktails and business events and hand out cards with my linkedin QR code and basic info

>> No.11916096

Close to doxxing yourself, OP.

>> No.11916108

Well I'm a robot programmer so I'm not competing with a lot of people in my line of work in the first place. but I imagine just based my experience with my peers in college that companies pick the least autistic of us that they can find because you have to be pretty autistic to program robots.

I'm a controls engineer now, pay's pretty good. But I had to move to another city for it. a city I fucking hate. I want to move back to my home town, but finding a job back there was the real challenge. they want people with experience. but since I'm currently in my first job, as long as I don't fuck it up in five years after I get my PE and maybe a masters degree if I feel like I'll be invincible to poorfaggery and pretty much be able to pick whatever job I want.

I mean as it is I'm already getting a phone call every month from headhunters trying to scope out talent. and I've only been working my current job for a year.

>> No.11916107

*You are close....

>> No.11916111

Your resume is pretty bad man...go here https://novoresume.com/resume-templates and get some ideas, also you dont want a portrait if you're in the U.S. Try to make your resume professional but stand out like theirs do. Also go down to 3 bullet points for each position. for assistant manager list something about assisted in screening and recruiting new employees and just say how you helped sit in with your boss as he trained you how to do it. then for a 2nd bullet point put how you were responsible for training new employees. recruiting and training are big points for managers on resumes.

>> No.11916146

I swiped left on this girl :(

>> No.11916168

>cover letter gets you an interview
this guys a retard, if your ENTIRE resume is over 1 page long then its into the trash. if you plan on working at a company with more than 50 employees your going to be filling out an online application and they may not even look at your uploaded resume unless you pass all the filters

>> No.11916194
File: 627 KB, 2100x1574, 33B1741E-EFEC-4F46-9E45-7E627DB77DB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. So much this OP

Lucky you have decent software. I should have updated my resume before I gave up my work computer as I only have Mac basically don’t have any decent fonts via Word Doc, Acrobat Pro, etc. Here’s mine that I still need to update the fonts and layout a tad

I haven’t worked in over a year and took off to get my commercial pilot license and lived off crypto profits. Back to wage cucking. It was a good ride

>> No.11916226

I liked it until the asinine progress bars for your skills. Would give you an interview and then deliberately sabotage it just to dash your hopes and waste your time.

>> No.11916253

Weird this is the same template that me and some friends used. Engineers btw

>> No.11916698

I review resumes fairly regularly. It looks nice but I'm not a fan desu. Skills scale is arbitrary and meaningless. Why include skype? No one cares about hobbies unless it's relevant to the job. The side bar takes up waaay to much space. Better to include personal info at the top. No one wants a headshot unless it is relevant to the job (model, hostess, etc).

Other critiques:
Also Some bullets end in periods, others do not. Pick one or the other. There is an empty line after Sales assistant but not the other job titles. The margin for the education and the job titles do not line up. Normally, multi lines in bullets have the same left margin. In this case, your second line wraps underneath your bullets. For your experience dates, some have a month and others don't. Be consistent. It is subtle things like that that will tell an anal hiring manager than you do not have an attention to detail. Lastly, try to expand on some of your points. You should say what you did, and how that benefited the company. Ex. 'Share the vital responsibility to recruit, interview and hire staff.... ensuring chosen applicants were of the highest standard' or some shit like that but make it sound better.If you shrink that side bar you will have more room to expand on some points