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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 1126x1494, kek_at_craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11914046 No.11914046 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/-lets think this guy is smart and believe everything he says

>> No.11914073

Is there even one STEM grad, who doesn't realize this guy is a total fraud?
Serious question

>> No.11914092

3.3% sounds about right, though

>> No.11914200

He was just trolling to see if anyone would pick up on it. Fake news

>> No.11914253

he's a fraud, but not because he misapplied a probability eq. i mess those up too even after taking the course.

>> No.11914326

This is business and finance board. Where the fuck you think you are.

>> No.11914375
File: 1.00 MB, 995x2048, Screenshot_20181126-193412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those unaware, Peter references a mind bending reply tweet from Craig, which reads, "Risk. Finance".

>> No.11914440

Lmao fucking fake satoshi is called out on his bullshit pseudoscience.

>> No.11914460

>implying you understand any of the things said and not think in terms of authority figures

>> No.11914517

>not comprehending the fact one can discern, especially from a a half-assed two worded peep of a reply
Your god is exposed

>> No.11914569
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"You're applying deterministic logic to a gaussian binomial"

What a brainlet tier reply top kek

>> No.11914586
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1523689532231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this

>> No.11914629


Craig reminds me of those stupid burger adverts for medication.

Put Dr in front of their name and idiots believe every word that comes out of their mouth... now all he needs is a lab coat

Seriously this bear won't be over until all of Bitcoin Cash and EOS are in page 3

>> No.11914731

Do you imply that negative probabilities Don't have a possible use case? Is this too abstract for this wee brainlet?

>> No.11914778


t. Math grad here and I legit don't understand what he means. Also who puts Polymath on his fucking LinkedIn

>> No.11914796

>not reading about a topic equates to being a brainlet
To answer your question, yes, beyond my current understanding. However, I know Craig is a con. How do I know this? Tell me, genius.

>> No.11914805

Craig wrote a whole medium article about this post

>> No.11914809


>> No.11914813

>beyond my current understanding = impossible
typical academic wanker. Dismissed.

>> No.11914828

>doesn't know Craig has been caught plagiarizing entire pages in so called white papers and research
Please, realize the truth. Craig is a sham.

>> No.11914846

>Negative Probabilities in Financial Modeling

>> No.11914854

Show it then

>> No.11914899
File: 848 KB, 1414x2048, Screenshot_20181126-201834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11914947

Craig addressed this today, faggot. I'm sure you're aware.

>> No.11914958

Hloy shit. The BCHSV soldiers are in the gate

>> No.11914967

Those are basic formulas and terse definitions. You can hardly write them differently.

>> No.11915017

"Open the two documents and compare them. There are six pages like this where equations and the prose are copied, with only minor changes. Often the changes introduce errors which make the prose nonsensical too."

>> No.11915087

Read the comments, many present undeniable proof that he is a fraud. Commentators also link to other examples of fraud.

Go ahead and shoot the messenger (me) to defend Craig. Others have revealed the truth.

>> No.11915335

this true. will check out further

>> No.11916092
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to be honest i find it remarkable that craig wright has the time to answer any tweets at all. people should marvel if their worthless tweet is blessed with even a two word reply from satoshi himself.

>> No.11916160

This is literally craig.
Get a job you lazy fraud!

>> No.11916255
File: 58 KB, 800x652, thfunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does craig think finding blocks is a dependent process? It's obviously fucking independent

>> No.11916264

bitcoin has no fundamentals and is not based on math
it is 99% psychology and pure market manipulation
craig is a fraud but that doesn't mean he can't be right in the retard universe that is "crypto"