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11913796 No.11913796 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11913821


>> No.11913828



>inb4 it’s America’s fault

>> No.11913857

>it’s America’s fault
It is. Same with Venezuela.

>> No.11913856

Not sure who this is but he looks Hispanic so there you go. Name one Hispanic country that isn't a socialist shithole on the verge of collapse. Pro tip you can't.

>> No.11913861

Hugo Chavez daughter is the richest latino in the world and she's never worked a day in her life

>> No.11913874

I guess thats what happens when your people elect a guy who's last job was public transport bus driver

>> No.11913878


The US has sanctions against him.

Try to buy the Petro cryptocoin. You can't. US sanctions make it almost impossible to buy. So much for cryptocoins being beyond government.

>> No.11913879

It's always someone else's fault, isn't it Pedro?

>> No.11913914

Commodities boom ended + Communism.

>> No.11913960

He didn't fuck it up at all, at least certainly not beyond fucking up any more. VZLA is still got a proven 15 trillion USD worth of oil reserves. They're in debt 160 billion to china usa and russia. PDVSA owns citgo so giving that to leverage the debt with china/russia is out so the only choice is for the us to start buying vzla oil again, which they didn't want to do since the dickheads nationalized the company. ALso maduro stole 400 billion, 3% of the venezuelan riches in total over his tenure. It's only about 40 billion to fix the oil lines only they can't find anyone wanting to fund them because the fucking idiots keep voting people into office that literally steal their shit and pocket it. So basically until maduro dies usa will buy venezuelan oil while their debt to china and russia will just continue to grow.

>> No.11913998

>electing a bus driver
what did they expect?

>> No.11914074


it's what happens when your third world shithole thinks it doesn't have to listen to the US

>> No.11914128

Based on their resources, they could still turn things around but it would probably require a dictatorship. Look at Saidi Arabia and other Arab countries. All Venezuelans could be rich.

>> No.11914185

Literally this. except there's a massive defect in the venezuelan brain that keeps letting them think it's okay to be socialist.

They will be flooded by most likely chinese migrants that will enrich their culture and way of thinking .. but this takes a generation or two so basically maduro will factually be a trillionaire by that time most likely if left alone.

>> No.11914255

It was already fucked before he got to power, the state petroleum company kept asking for more money because they needed it to keep up and expand production but Chavez ignored them and used the money for memefare(welfare) instead then oil crashed so not only was it worth less their production was also falling due to lack of investment, had they increased production it could have made up for the low prices

>> No.11914364

They alternate between communist dictatorship and narcostate. I can’t tell which is worse.

>> No.11914469

You've already answered your own question OP. When you fail to diversify or crack down on corruption because you can just ride the free oil bux then you're fucked when the price falls.

>> No.11914498

What about Norway? They’re basically an oil welfare state as are Gulf countries.

>> No.11914537

Norway and the gulf countries have about a fraction of the population of venezeula and there's a lot more to go around per person as a result.

>> No.11914843

>Implying it wasn’t the CIA behind the whole mess
You’ve got a lot to learn kiddo

>> No.11914849

literally socialism "as it's supposed to work"

>> No.11914903

$50/Barell atm
I guess (((they))) need a country to dump on the market.

>> No.11915033


socialism, liberalism... not sure about joos.

Same old, same old. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.11915059

Goddamn that’s chilling and hilarious. I think former CIA officers coined it “jokingly”

>> No.11915101

A combination of welfare spending vs oil infastructure maintenance, dependency on oil vs economic diversification, and the stupidity of Maduro. Look at the Saudis, they are investing large sums in non fossil fuel areas because they know one day fossil fuels will be gone, SA has a 5 percent stake in Tesla, if you look at what Maduro is doing with the petro he is literally tieing his countries currency to oil, a slowly dying asset. The only way Venez will get better is when the people finally kill Maduro.

>> No.11915154

oil price crashed

>> No.11915192

they put all their eggs in the oil basket, oil prices went down and so did their economy

>> No.11915839

Fuck it doesn’t look good for Canada either going by that.

>> No.11915866


>> No.11915910

Canada can't even sell its oil properly because it can't fund a cross-country pipeline. We (the US) fund environmentalists and Native activists up there to prevent this from happening so that you have to sell us cheap oil. On top of that your entire economy is basically based on pumping land prices and getting people to take out home equity lines of credit to drive consumption. Without Big Chink it will completely collapse.

>> No.11915961

spic population is your answer

>> No.11916144

That's because you have to give your fucking ID to the Venezuelan authorities to buy it.

>> No.11916208
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>Somehow an oil rich country has food shortages while Cuba who is an island nation and even has actual socialism has food and enough wealth to offer free education and healthcare. I know Cuba is shit, but compared to neighboring countries it has a decent standard of living. How come Venezuela is having it worse than Cuba? Venezuela is still a mixed market economy. On the commie scale they are much less socialist than China, Vietnam, and certainly Cuba and North Korea. I thought being less commie means better economy? Or is it the opposite and Venezuela isn't commie enough? I can't find an explanation for this paradox if we leave out uncle sam out of this.

>> No.11916385

>largest oil reserves in the world

You mean largest tar reserves in the world anon, Venezuelan oil is extremely heavy, and blacker than Africa's heart, that need extreme refinement and processing, and since the faggot Chavez fired every engineer and manager capable of running the process https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venezuelan_general_strike_of_2002%E2%80%9303#Indefinite_strike
the state oil company is in shambles since then.

Also socialism.

>> No.11916397

>blocked from international market
>not allowed in global financial system
>cia trying to fuck your shit up constantly
doesn't matter who you are or what resources you got that's a tough one

>> No.11916601

aka corruption

swindled from the inside out