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11912406 No.11912406 [Reply] [Original]

who here want to die in their sleep?

>> No.11912507
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>> No.11912529

Doesn't everyone?

>> No.11912530

nah I want to feel my death. Also I unironically believe that if the brain is destroyed you cannot get into the afterlife, thanks joe rogan. If you see me shoot me in the chest not the head.

>> No.11912574
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I wish I could sleep.

>> No.11912584

Not for at least another decade, when I cash out my index funds and have enough money to rock and roll for a while. I've been frugal most of my life, so I plan to piss it away pretty quickly, after that whatever happens I'm cool with, I have a house and some stack of precious metals to live on for a little while beyond that.

>> No.11912589
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>> No.11912616

Try medical mask for inhalation with helium.
This is the new way they help people killing themselves in switzerland.
Youre unconscious 12s after breathing it.
You're dead after 6min.
Add a bag on your head to really avoid oxygen getting in you nose. Also fix your hands because after 1min you will start moving your hands, arms, elbows weirdly and you don't want to take off your mask. (Especially after 1min brain damage are irreversible).
I have an official sw document about how they help people die and they describe everything precisely because they send photos and docs to the police to assure it was a legal death.
This is my plan.

>> No.11912634

This is passive suicidal ideation. You need to seek professional help.

>> No.11912640


Please scan and upload

>> No.11912651


Where do you buy pure helium? Only places I could find are chemical suppliers and they require that you have scientific credentials or some kind of professional/academic affiliation.

>> No.11912674
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Every rootin' tootin' month ever since conception, haha. Still here because I have a duty to fulfill. Here, a photo to lighten the mood.

>> No.11912978

Buying pure helium is pretty easy : high quality helium for balloons (cost 100$) on amazon / alibaba.
Same for inhalation mask you can buy one on a medical stuff website. I can grab some free at work so I didn't really checked on the net so far.
For the doc I can't right now i'm on the phone but if there is another suicidal thread in the coming days i'll post if needed.

>> No.11913132
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thank you sir