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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11912208 No.11912208 [Reply] [Original]

You guys remember back when this board was good?
before all the cryptoshitters moved here from /g/.

>> No.11912229

No, because I came here in December 2017.

>> No.11912245

biz was made to get crypto out of g, so no.

>> No.11912275
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I remember everything.

>> No.11912310

I remember it being mostly a cesspool of degenerate dropshipping, Alibaba, and bragging threads. The occasional stock thread and the containment crypto thread made up the rest of the board.

>> No.11912338
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>> No.11912348

No, I don't remember it, but I look forward to it. Maybe when enough NEETs have their parents get tired of supporting the leeches and they have to buy their own tendies for a while. If it weren't for shitty, dumbass permissive parents crypto would have died a long time ago.

>> No.11912442

You mean in December 2013?

>> No.11913018

I do.. we were miming/shilling for penny stocks on worthless pharmaceutical companies that ended up losing people the same amount of $ or more as bitcoin when the pump ended and they tanked 35-55% overnight.