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File: 112 KB, 296x270, Screenshot 2018-11-06 at 23.39.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11907539 No.11907539 [Reply] [Original]

3x leverage
w/ 60 bitcoin
at $4,000

in 5 years when bitcoin goes to $40,000 you will have $64.8 million. why the fuck is no one doing this

>> No.11907545

yeah you're the only one anon, no one else in the entire world sees this or is doing it, just you buddy. so smart

>> No.11907551

Because there is a funding rate every 8 hours retard

>> No.11907560

what are the chances bitcoin drops another 30% from here? seriously...

or if not now, just wait until sideways and a bottom is confirmed.

>> No.11907568

its like 0.03% most of the time. negligible

>> No.11907691

>he thinks he will make it

>> No.11907704

What are futures?

>> No.11907709

Oh wow, 1 GigaKek of stupidity

You do you anon

>> No.11907718

lol. keep waiting for $1k then. stupid bear

>> No.11907744

So if bitcorn goes 10x you get 30x. So your $240,000 is now worth $7,200,000. Not sure how in the world you got a figure 9x higher than that.

Also, funding. Also, we're going to 2k. So you'd get fucked three different ways from sunday bucko.

>> No.11907750
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> implying bitmex will still exist

>> No.11907748

We all know it's going to dump another 50%

>> No.11907789

gains are in btc. so you 10x btc not fiat. on bitmex.

> Also, we're going to 2k
then use 2x leverage for lower risk.

2 x 60 btc x 10 (gains) - 2 x 60 (margin) - 2 x 60 x 0.001 x 1700 (days)(funding)
== 876 bitcoin
876 x $40,000 == $35,040,000

>> No.11907806

After the Swiss Frank decoupled from the Euro in 2015, I finally learned the lesson - it's better to take my profits and losses 1:1.

An instrument can go much high/lower than you think is possible. Enough to liquidate you 3 times over if you're leveraged enough.

But you do you anon, keep us posted.

>> No.11907822

(And 3x is enough with crypto)

>> No.11907826
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>> No.11907880
File: 277 KB, 640x888, B03E0EF6-C2BF-406E-94E7-8A7D39AA6A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.03 Of 60 BTC...every 8 hours...for 5 years...

>> No.11907898

nigga i just did the fucking calculation for you.

see >>11907789

>> No.11907908

also, sauce on that hot slut?

>> No.11907913

Yeah you’re gonna be rich.

Post screenshot of your position or KYS

>> No.11907938

Thank you for your feedback
I have been paper trading profitably and will try to keep my exposure extremely minimal

>> No.11907948


And where am I supposed to get 60 bitcoin?

>> No.11907954

saved. thanks anon

>> No.11908070

Uh... Fees over that five year period?

>> No.11908092
File: 60 KB, 763x771, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps because you would need to have your 60 bitcoins stored on a fucking (((exchange))) for 5 years

>> No.11908104

no shit nigger. bitmex seems reliable enough anyway. arthur is worth $billions now. he can buy his way past any regulations n shit and get best security etc.

>> No.11908309

>it's safe to leave your coins in any exchange for 5 years

how new can you be?

>> No.11908359

every week you have to pay fees for your long, kid.

>> No.11908426



>> No.11908506

>why the fuck is no one doing this
Because we're not as smart as you

also, BTC crashed because someone announced fuckin "ETF"
every coin shall crash as soon as someone speculates way more than done before

>> No.11908562

oh shit i just realised this is a massive miscalculation because of fees. It's not a set number and changes the amount of margin you have. In reality, after 100 days, you would be down 90% to fees (assuming the worst and that shorts never pay longs etc.)

made a new thread to ask about 1x leverage tho. Since it says on bitmex site that you dont pay fees on that.
see >>11908520

>> No.11908690
File: 233 KB, 560x560, 1542521218816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize he will actually be personally hunted by dedicated algos the moment he steps onto the playing field
>he doesn't realize that a new instance of a countertrading bot is whipped up by MEX every time you do something
>he doesn't realize how good these robots are

>> No.11908712

>gains are in btc. so you 10x btc not fiat. on bitmex.
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11908722

have you never used bitmex?

>> No.11908740

dude we already made our millions last year and cashed out

>> No.11908741

>1x leverage
You fucking massive retard, it's called buying BTC. Holy shit, I refuse to believe someone is this retarded. Unironically neck yourself, please.

>> No.11908748

>What is compound interest?

>> No.11908751

You will lose all of it to funding fees, retard

>> No.11908750

you fucking brainlet. stop coming into the convo when youve clearly never used bitmex

>> No.11908769

Whether I did or didn't (I did) has no bearing on whether you are or aren't retarded (you are). I hope you lose all your money and then neck yourself, you arrogant brainlet sack of shit.

>> No.11908771

negative interest means you lose less and less. absolute retard. i find it funny how the anons that actually know their shit will more often than not, be humble wheras those who know literally nothing seem to always be the cocky ones.

>> No.11908781

well on bitmex, gains are in bitcoin not fiat. so if the price goes up 10%, you make 10% in bitcoin not fiat. so im not sure why your calling me the retarded one here.

>> No.11908788

Most retards here do that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

>> No.11908793

>paper trading


Hang on


>> No.11908797
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1511950906666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so if the price goes up 10%, you make 10% in bitcoin not fiat
Anyone with at least 3 digit IQ, just let that sink in.

>> No.11908799

If you go long 1x on BTC, your payout will always be 1 BTC, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.11908800

100% convinced your just baiting now. kys

>> No.11908830

then why does 1x leverage even exist on bitmex if all contracts are settled in bitcoin... it seems pointless to even have it there.

i want to ask, do you actually know what you are talking about or are you like the other anon who is just spouting bs trying to seem smart

>> No.11908844

That's funny, because I thought the same about you, because I simply refused to believe someone this stupid learned to navigate the internet.

>> No.11908847



>> No.11908854

Maybe if you weren't such an arrogant piece of shit, someone would take the time to explain to you why you're retarded. Ridiculing you is less effort and more fun.

>> No.11908903

yes but payout is in bitcoin not usd. what you say is true but not for the perpetual contracts that bitmex uses. all contracts are settled in bitcoin. so for example if you use 2x leverage, and the price goes up 20%, and your initial is 1 bitcoin, you get 1.4 bitcoin. what im asking is if the 1x is also settled in the same way as perpetuals are and why there are zero fees for it.

anyway its obvious you havent used bitmex either.

>> No.11908944

>1 Bitcoin + 0 Bitcoin borrowed
>Hedge 0 Bitcoin against your 1 Bitcoin
Unlimited profit with zero fees! woah

>> No.11908982
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 4899497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and keked

Can't wait to long 100k on Bitmex with 1x leverage!

>> No.11908988


>> No.11908998

First I need to figure oit how to get that 60 btc.

>> No.11909017

>unlimited profit
what does this even mean? if you bought on spot it would still be "unlimited profit".

the downside you have is if it goes down 10% and your initial is 1 btc you now only have 0.9 btc. anyway i figured it out by literally just trying it. i was right.

you are probably the biggest case of dunning kruger ive ever seen in my life lol.