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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 500x500, entg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11906431 No.11906431 [Reply] [Original]

Heard bionic was feeling a little down edition : ( .
Please check previous threads for inspiration.
Ask any questions and hopefully, an anon can help.
Be polite but tough love is welcome.
Tripfag if you are frequent or want to, or don't it's up to you.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options

Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands-on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
> Self-publishing Ebook (comprehensive guide: https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>Product Arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buy bot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

If you have any comprehensive guides. Post them and we'll add them here.

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.

Previous bread: >>11862835

Biz Dropbox

>> No.11906442
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How have you been bud? Hows the neet life? what's on your mind? I'm bumping this thread till bump limit

>> No.11906502
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Bump for interest. Looking at getting into web development and affiliate marketing.

>> No.11906550

whats new with all you entg doods?

>> No.11907092
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Defiant bump

>> No.11907209

Hello frens
I'm thinking of doing affiliate marketing. Do I need to register as a company (Eurofag anon) beforehand or can I start as a personal website / blog with affiliate links? Do big affiliate programs only work with registered LLC / companies?

>> No.11907410

Woah theirs a lot of aspiring affiliate marketers here

>> No.11907530

Nah, just start the blog. Just having a site is what literally everyone does

>> No.11907672

Yeah you're actually right, I think I'm overthinking this, I have a long way to go before getting reported to my local IRS

>> No.11907702

I feel like I can actually provide useful information. I've started writing a bit but it's definitely hard to be not too long and suit the kind of articles you'd actually like to read (for me, not too long, to the point, with a couple more things to check out if I want to get more information).
And shilling products while not being a whore is not that easy

>> No.11907708


>> No.11907726

what do you guys do to maximize productive? any of you ever attend a seminar or read a life changing book? Currently need to become more productive to work on my biz harder

>> No.11908066

go to iwillbeasuccess.com and speak to will.
he is a little autistic about productivity and is obsessed with it. most of the time he gives away free advice

>> No.11908440

noob aspiring same as you. I've been reading lots of shit about AM/IM. And I spent a good month learning basic webdev.

I believe you should concentrate on one first. Webdev is fairly difficult and you are dealing with a completely different discipline than AM. There's so many super talented designers/developers out there. I don't know about you but I really started struggling with trying to learn javascript so I kind of quietly stopped studying. I also let the thoughts creep in about "what the hell am i going to design? how am i going to find clients?" I should have kept going.

Once you figure out the javascript stuff, It's not a bad idea though, you have some power to add specific stuff, I have no idea what? I think you aren't bound by online software and services like AM bloggers, without these services would cripple their website. Also I hear you don't need to be a super god at building, despite the uncapped learning curve. You're just going to make some basic sites for businesses. And you can start seeking out some rich clients.

With AM, the problem seems to be that technically most websites that exist on the internet, in one way or another, are AM sites. Basically you're competing against millions and millions of websites. Even with a niche, some awesome top websites have broad enough categories that visitors will probably go to them instead. And there's the ever changing google algorithm. You have to wait 6-12 months before ranking? And once you do, they will keep you guessing on how and why the hell you lost your most of your goddamn traffic.

So your discipline in AM/IM will be on being a content creator and marketer. And from what I'm understanding, there's so many great tools, you don't have to dread over building the damn website, you can just start. Action taking will be making articles, updating, adding features, little tweaks. Very beginner friendly. And great content gets rewarded.

I say do the AM first.

>> No.11908668

i dont have facebook so i cant use this retarded website, the developer is a moron if you're required to have a facebook to use it.

>> No.11908675
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Solid advice, thanks.

>> No.11909066
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no prob man. I'm still at step zero, but I'm about to reach step one because...

I bought my very first domain! It took me about a week to come up with a name and I love it! And I got hosting too.

Picking the right host is very important, it's the foundation of your website. And if your site goes down or something fucks up, you want to be dealing with great customer service. This is something I care about since I'm a beginner. Be careful of the stuff people always shill like bluehost/siteground/godaddy. Top bloggers and AMers aren't using those, and they have no idea what's out there. They haven't bothered to check in on all the complaints these services are receiving. We need to be concerned about this. The great news is there's an assload of good hosting services out there and they have all the bells and whistles that these other sites use. I just did some research on https://www.reddit.com/r/webhosting/ there's a lot of great info in here. I went with veerotech in the sidebar, they had a sweet blackfriday deal. And they seem to have a great reputation with customer service. But you can ultimately pick whatever you want.

BTW to any of you aspiring AMers, need to check out namesilo for a name registrar. I think you're getting potentially better value with them. There's a 1$ off coupon and you can essentially pay $6 for a .com and free WHOIS to keep your privacy.

ALSO If you haven't already, try to buy a hosting service TODAY! This is probably the last chance you'll see great hosting deals until next year. But even if you don't rush, shared hosting is so cheap anyway. You won't feel too bad if you miss it.

>> No.11909068

ah well he helps me a lot and hes a pretty cool dude, so give it a try anon. if you ever start a business, you will need facebook (facebook ads/bots)

>> No.11909257


Bump for non cuckcoin shill thread

>> No.11909272
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Oh yeah I wanted to give you props on a solid zinger. Haha

>> No.11909584
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Maybe thsi will help. Found it the other day
Hey bud thanks for starting another thread they die so quickly. The neet life is nice but I need to actually work because I'm lazy rn. Hope you're doing well. How's your biz stuff going?

>> No.11909960

What are relevant break time and down time tasks? I don't really get that part.

>> No.11910258

what does entg think about flipping shit? i have been doing it for a couple of years and i think its pretty good

>> No.11910407

No clue just saved it for the goal stuff. An anon was asking the same questions a few threads ago, this seemed structured well.

>> No.11910420

It can be fun, I did it for awhile and still do sometimes. Any tips from your experience? Do you have a specific niche? Would love to hear about it.

>> No.11910481

I heard you were feeling a little down, everything okay? Everything going smooth for me so far

>> No.11910585

That reminds me, I wondered about flipping Supreme shit. It seems idiots are ready to pay like insane amounts for that crap. But I think a lot of people are buying it. Doubt I would actually do it but it's just something I thought about.

>> No.11910627


Give me some tips how to get into the translation business.

Currently in a really small city but I do have good internet connection.

>> No.11910690

The real question is do you really want to wait in line for 16+ hours for an item you cant guaranteed you can buy in bulk? Profit would be made but I'd rather spend my time at an auction for a couple hours then spending the rest of the time at home putting up the items.

>> No.11910704

That's true. I know they have an online store but that shit probably gets flooded by people.

>> No.11910818

I do have a couple things I would have told myself when I started
>always shoot down lowballers
>start buying auctions as soon as financially possible
>buy a thermal printer after you start buying auctions
>write down everything before the taxes come (after 20k in sales and 200 items sold)
>taxes without it are a pain in the ass
>save money for dry months like an actual business or get shit on
My niche is vintage appliances and appliances in general. I wish I noticed sooner how much more money you get from parts of a microwave then the whole thing. Restoring vintage kitchen-aid products was also very nice.

>> No.11910838

I was flipping google homes from the walmart online black friday sale and the cart went down in 2 minutes so I can't imagine the online supreme store.

>> No.11910879

Hey guise, not sure if this is strictly entg or deserves a new thread. I run a service based company selling b2b, looking for new ways to reach customers. I've been going to trade shows to network, using my old contacts, but new business is really difficult for me to land. Anyone got any tips?

>> No.11911277

Just don't know how to handle neet life and some other personal baggage.
Also these threads constantly die, they're my favorite. Things aren't really bad just I'm lazy so I won't so any work on my projects. Glad to hear you're doing well and hopefully killing it brohamm.
That's awesome dude, I always wanted to learn about appliances and maybe dabble in selling parts. You can get them for so cheap at thrift stores. Thanks for sharing I'll cap your advice. You make a living doing this full time?

>> No.11911288

Crossposting from another thread

Just got off the phone with my town's Chamber of Commerce, they're basically walking me through the process of starting a business. They're going to help me get free assistance and development support. It's actually insane how good the business assistance programs in America are, if you take the time to reach out and call them.

I feel like Paul Ryan. I feel like the Koch Brothers. Why haven't more small-town people caught onto this? You need a network! You need to connect with the people who are already successful, and use their resources to help you empower yourself to start a business.

ITT: Discuss anything related to networking, or the Chambers of Commerce for your state, town, or country.
>inb4 criticism of networking, teamwork, and working with winners to become successful.

Or search [location] chamber of commerce.

>> No.11911403

Yea I'm doing it full time, last year my income came down to 45k a year when I only got items from stores, midway I swapped to more auctions where I got most of my income. This year is looking to be 70k with my lowest month being 2k and my highest month being 11.3k. I bet it would be easy to break 100k with a warehouse and buying all the broken machines you can.

>> No.11911645
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I am really interested in the broader topic here. But to be very honest I am still trying to figure out if any of you is actually making money with ideas like/similar to the ones in op's post or if this is collaborative LARPing you guys do here. Please don't get me wrong, since I am not trying to troll here, but it is telling that you are talking so much about meta stuff instead of the real deal. I cannot help it, but all this reminds me so hard on motivational books and the like.

>> No.11912372

ID says DaBizz
Any luck finding work?

>> No.11912910


>> No.11912934

no job in site yet? haha just give it time and youll get used to the neet way lmao.yeah dumb crypto shiting it pants. Did you order the 3d printer?

>> No.11912973

Thanks for this info will cap it.
Holy shit dude. How do i start doing this? Ebay? What tools to use? I'm sure using youtube would be a great way to learn to disassemble parts. Super happy for your success! That's more than a lot of people make waging.
No luck yet there's only certain jobs I'm able to do, I have money saved rn. Have basically just been applying for any miney i can get like unemployment, disability, etc. My real plan was to get my Drivers license and do amazonflex because my dad said he makes okay money with it. Maybe I'll gets part time job, I've been applying just to have cash flow. Thanks for asking.

>> No.11913013

Yeah Jesus just saw that bitcorn went to 3500, no wonder our threads keep disapearring lol. No I enjoy neet life, just not cutting into my savings. I also enjoy structure that waging brings too. So it's a love/hate thing. I wanna work for myself really. Haven't got the 3D printer yet, 200 isn't much but I may need it. If I can sell off these shoes I got left over, I'll buy it. Xmas is coming hope so I hope to sell them.

>> No.11913065

There are people who come here who have and run successful businesses. Onlinefurniturefag, DRC, various anons have come by and dropped their wisdom and things they do. There are people with careers who just are looking for money on the side, people who run their own websites. I am currently just trying to choose something and stick with it, I have too many options. LARPing indicates faking or pretending to be something. This thread is a gathering of people sharing knowledge about various ways to make money, share business ideas and get feedback.

>> No.11913090
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tfw wanna make videogames but its one of the hardest industries

>> No.11913119

Ill type up starting out in just a little bit.

>> No.11913582
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what book is on your reading list this week entg ?

>> No.11913609
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Just make a some hipster shit like hotline miami and then put it on steam greenlight. Easy.

>> No.11913831

Thanks man that would be awesome. I'm going to do a bit of research into this and take notes. Maybe pick up an appliance and just spend a day taking it apart.

>> No.11913845

Unless you just do it for fun. But look how successful some of these indie games were. Like doki doki literature club and undertale.

>> No.11913867

How old are you anon?

>> No.11914153

Houses or what kind?

>> No.11914163

I'm not trying to dox my self lmao

>> No.11914175

just got back from selling a piece of throw out furniture for 20 bucks feels good bros

>> No.11914466

How do get plastic manufacturing from chinkville for cheap?

>> No.11914479


>> No.11914496

would also like to know
Also they have police auction websites too

>> No.11914860

i skimmed through some online auction and wow a lot of low prices, im starting to think its just scams lmao

>> No.11914908

Building a video game as my main project but really need to do something on the side so I don't starve in a few months. Probably gonna start going to garage sales and start flipping shit. Hopefully I can make at least $1k a month.

>> No.11915297

How to start?
>poster board
>ebay and pay pal account
Use the poster board for a nice white background
Use the 10$ in a thrift store on an item you checked online for the current price compared and try for at least 200% profit
Use the phone for a picture
Then when someone buys you can buy shipping labels through ebay and send it
Then ebay will hold the money until the item makes it to the buyer
>then repeat

>> No.11915312

forgot to say most mailers offer pickup so you dont have to leave your house just leave it in the mail box or at your door

>> No.11915336

when you get more money get these tools in order.
>shipping scale
>thermal printer
That's the main "tools" just to save money

>> No.11915355

fuck I also forgot you need a printer to print the label.

>> No.11915372

>learning to disassemble
I actually cant tell if there is an iq wall or not for this but just having a toolkit then taking apart things is pretty easy.

>> No.11915502

>right host is very important
True, but as customer support at a host I can tell you that your personal knowledge will be much more important. 9 out of 10 times your site has not gone down because of us. A little bit of DNS knowledge would have allowed you to tell this in 30 seconds. Instead you call up and whinge to us about your site being down and threaten to cancel your "massive" hosting contract if we don't fix it. Protip: we don't care

>> No.11915985

Thanks for the advice but i was thinking more along the lines of which parts for which appliances and their parts sell for more money? Types of tools to use to take apart the appliances and such like type of screwdrivers etc. I can probably do my on due diligence on that though. I have dabbled in reselling and eBay thrifting so I have that down. Except the thermal printer, I use my dad's printer since I do t have one.
You answered my question then. I bet it's fairly easy like you said. I just need to Google it then.

>> No.11916409
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Late night bump , hope to see this thread tmmr . My europoor brother pls bump

>> No.11916713

Bumping for the only good thread in this board

>> No.11916882

Bumping too

>> No.11917489

What do you want to make and at what volume?

>> No.11918444


>> No.11919010

More, give me more

>> No.11919478
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This isn't reaaaalllyyy that related but this thread needs bumps anyway.

How viable is it to learn scuba diving and make a career out of it? Google is telling me it's pretty cheap to get certified.
Either way I want to try it eventually. I hate trades, being a train conductor looked like literal hell, I hate digital marketing, helicpoter pilot sounds badass I don't have 17 grand for airtime, was born in the wrong country for watchmaking but that probably sucks in reality anyway.

So I'm down to scuba diving, if you have any other relatively cheap rocket power nickelodoen career path/ways to get money ideas let me know.

>> No.11919882

Lately I have felt that time just passes and nothing important gets done.
Shit sucks

>> No.11920134
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>> No.11920596

Small business lessons :
That might be of interest for some of you, a decent /biz/ related thread for once.

>> No.11920924


>> No.11920974


>> No.11920978

This is late but netlify is the god of hosts
Most ameteur web developers use Wordpress on bluehost or something like that, the speed is horrendous.
Netlify is static but blazing fast and free.
use AWS for Wordpress yes there’s a learning curve

>> No.11921466


>> No.11921612

interesting, most people recommend shared hosting though

something i will look into. yeah speed is a critical component for an end user. that's one of the things that will be the deciding factor for me continuing to stay on a website.

damn im just so noob tier at this shit

>> No.11922406

anyone had any success as a freelance programmer/designer?

do you actually earn enough to work whenever you want?

>> No.11922561

Bump, please someone let the zeppelin called ecoin finally burns and let these thread be in page 1

>> No.11922810

That's sounds like fun, I guess it depends where you are but if it isn't too pricey, go for it. Jus look up and do researc on how it can effect your physical health diving deep and stuff.
>helicopter pilot
Mah nigga
Wish I could do that

>> No.11922833


>> No.11922970

use protolabs for small batches

>> No.11922984

Gotta stay positive

>> No.11923139

I'm really surprised how much some of these appliance parts are going for on ebay. Been looking them up all morning. Just bought a tool kit and I'm going to try my hand at it.

>> No.11923518 [DELETED] 

BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsnnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my

>> No.11923993


>> No.11924077
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i bought my first order from alibaba just waiting for it to be shipped

he said i have to pay tariffs and custom duty but i dont know how, i'm assuming ill be contacted by the courier soon

>> No.11924102

What's your business plan?

>> No.11924126
File: 242 KB, 321x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to pray to god that people buy my shit when i use longtail keyword ppc

>> No.11924141

My understanding is the mail carrier usually takes care of that. Only time I paid duty from China was through DHL

>> No.11924182

I suppose usually they would take care of that, but this particular supplier wanted me to pay it

I don't care about paying it, I just don't know how it works exactly

>> No.11924391

i'll be getting around £80,000 soon (inheritance) what would you do with this much?

>> No.11924449

Invest in my aquarium business

>> No.11924468

shrimp farming unironically

>> No.11924486

You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich

>> No.11924487

>>11924391 I'm the only Aquarium shop in town of over 300k people. Seriously just invest at least 2k in my business

>> No.11924818

Any tips for opening & running a brick & mortar store?

>> No.11924831

inherit £100k from your father

>> No.11924839

Have any of you anons messed around with POD (Print on Demand) with tshirts or any shit like that? Seems interesting but not sure if its worth getting into.

>> No.11924883

you mean like redbubble or something where somebody buys a design and the company prints it for you in a single piece?

better to just buy a large pallet of a good design at a lower bulk price

tshirts have always been really competitive though

>> No.11925021

lmao i made a t-shirt """design""" ripped straight from a game about 2 years ago out and i get about £5 a month into my paypal from the few sales here and there

>> No.11925096

What does it take to sell computer parts from like nvidia and shit?

>> No.11925185

Yeah ,this anon knows whats up

>> No.11925261

An anon suggested renting your land to solar companies. Look into it, not sure if your country does it or not. Also the land has to have specific traits and all that.

>> No.11925275

>shrimp sandwich
Like a poboy?
Never had one

>> No.11925299

it's okay you're not missing out on anything good

>> No.11925390

T b h it didn't sound good lol thanks

>> No.11925964

page 8 bump
ive been reading
and its pretty good so far 8/10 recommend

>> No.11926042

What are you two doing that is even remotely entrepreneurial? Neither of you seem to be working on any sort of real business, just random bullshit to buy your neet tendies with.

>> No.11926132

Damn I really need help guys.

>> No.11926169

You could try bidding on translation jobs on a freelancer website.

>> No.11926311

haha, true bro were just neets that love to share knowledge and put our grain of salt onto the internet.

>> No.11926907
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Thinking about starting my own handyman business but I’d like to do something relatively specific, not sure what though. Any advice on this?

>> No.11927174

Youngpoorfag has shared stuff about his projects with other anons in many past threads. Not sure why you're so butthurt though. We've been keeping these threads alive since the beginning, organizing and archiving the info here to share with other people who come into the thread. I've pretty much said I'm currently neet because I just got fucked at my wagie job. Rn I mostly resell stuff. Not sure why you're so mad at us for chatting in the threads we've made.

>> No.11927259
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Yes, just like ITT. But I was told here >>11913065 that no LARPing is going on ITT.


This btw is why I think most here are indeed LARPing: Why is that most of you want to read about how to earn money via self employment? I find it utterly naive to believe a book or an online article will tell you this. This is like the whole day trading industry: 'Book this course for 999 USD, man, and I will make you rich!'

EDIT: Day trading is indeed listed as an /entg/-official source of income. I have no other question any more.


Nah, not so nice, unless he'd told you about the margin. Selling furniture online is not hard, but it by no means goes by itself to do this profitably. Where does he get his supply in such a way so he has an actual margin?


Buy low, sell high? What else do you think? He buys chinkshit for 'low' and sells it 'high' - hopefully he actually HAS accounted for tax/tarifs/P&P and the like, because this will fuck with his margin.


Exactly. Say it with me: 'They are LARPing the entrepreneurial thing.'

>> No.11927442

How is it larping though?
No one's pretending to be anything. What I said >>11913065 still stands. The two of us who don't run a business are still here and what looks like a bunch of new people coming in asking for help. Not sure what you want out of this thread, but if you're successful and don't have any wisdom to share, there are other threads.

>> No.11927474

Is there any money in blogging?

Idk even know I would just pick topics I'm interested in and write articles randomly. Like one blog for cooking recipes, another for various political ideas I have, etc.

I assume you can just sign up with some service for free that pays out adsense revenue and optimize the blog in a way that it gets more traffic.

>> No.11927530

Check the Dropbox in OP under the website folder there's some screenshots about building up and flipping websites/blogs, making a news site and other stuff that may be helpful since I have no personal experience with it.

>> No.11927541

poboy is great

>> No.11927549

youve got me interested
elaborate please

>> No.11927578

What do you suggest doing

>> No.11927769


It is all the more LARPing if the individual doesn't even get that he/she is playing a role.


First: I criticize what I seriously feel is neither in order nor healthy ITT. Second: It would be beneficial for some of you ITT to realize that being self employed in the way it is envisioned here, first and foremost involves having either a service or a product that sells in a way so one is able to have a proper margin. It is not the way to be an entrepreneur, the hosting service, the business card, the logo, your attitude/mindset, the color you pick for some branding, some bullshit business wisdom or any other minor, diversionary crap that makes you a successful entrepreneur. [It is usually exactly these unimportant, minor things business advise is given to you at a price, because it is a business in itself.] Instead it is the material part: "Where do I get a for price b to sell it to c for price d where b<d." THIS is what you all should be talking about. And, of course, no one does, because this is the actual thing worth protecting: It is knowledge that literally is worth money, which no one is going to give away for free, I fear.

>> No.11927795

Anyone looked into YouTube leeching?

Basically just re-uploading non-copyright viral videos and put (ORIGINAL) in the title and tag it with 200 things

>> No.11927821
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Pathetic, this just has to mark a new low.

>> No.11927844
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I didn’t even say self help books lmao. But I guess you think books have no value then?

>> No.11927878


>> No.11927905

Thanks for the encouragement and your opinion bro , I guess youre apart of the /entg/ family now

>> No.11927960


Please don't think I want to sabotage this thread. (Same goes for you: >>11927442) The attempt to talk about business ideas is very interesting and in general a good idea for everyone wanting to stand on his/her own feet or simply trying to escape a life of wage cucking. I absolutely endorse this. Please also read what I said here >>11927769.

>> No.11928038

Why didn't you just say that instead? I understand and appreciate an honest critique and some tough love or hard truth. That is a good thing. But your initial approach is dickish and not helpful. If you phrased it the way you did in the post I'm replying to it would be more helpful. Anons like you come here and get hostile or rude for no reason. Usually leaving one post. If you didn't intend to discourage us why be such an asshole? I mean read your posts dude.
Personally I appreciate this post it's good to have a reality check now and again.

>> No.11928055

I meant this >>11927769 post.
It's helpful and appreciated.

>> No.11928061

Ive been uber driving making $20 to $40 an hour depending on the time, I usually do 5am - 10am. At the same time I advertise my own real estate brokerage in the back seat and have made some clients which had led to commissions of $14k, $10k, about a dozen rental leads at around $2k average. Network is slowly building out that Im starting to get some referrals. Next Spring should be really good.

>> No.11928071

Hey dude I just checked the discord. It's come a very long way, not much shitposting and I've seen a lot of great conversations. Keep an eye on it. it seems to be doing better than these threads. And at least you can actually shoot the shit with people.

>> No.11928096


Well, I seriously meant to criticize what I seemed worthy to look at. Shouldn't probably have said that LARPing then - on the other hand it's 4chan after all.

>> No.11928101

>the parts that sell
its actually all the parts that sell and sometimes i just cant sell the shell so i trash it

>> No.11928204

80k will go away fast, don't fucking touch it

>> No.11928495

Is trading shitcoins an option ?

>> No.11928527

I might open a gaming café in my city!!!! Since I have to drive out the city to.

>> No.11929125
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Bump from page 8.

>> No.11929526

Anyone know how to make a good Facebook page?

>> No.11929624


>> No.11929803

I'd make an Instagram page if I were you.

>> No.11929849
