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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11900200 No.11900200 [Reply] [Original]

All of you ruined my life. I lost everything. Before you assholes convinced me to go into crypto, I was in uni and on track to a decent career, had a small but existent social life and was healthy. That was a year ago. Now? Now I'm but a shell of a person. I failed out of uni, I have no friends,I jerk off to things I once found disgusting I'm addicted to nootropics,and I'm not going to be able to make rent next month and it's the beginning of winter all because of crypto. I HAVE NOTHING! I AM NOTHING!!!! I hate each and every one of you who shilled me into this fucking scam. I would flay you all alive if I could and feed you to maggots. see you all in hell.

>> No.11900230

make sure not to sell your holdings to increase scarcity.

god threads like this make me wonder how many coins have been taken to the grave by suicidal hodlers

>> No.11900232


Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.11900233

lmfao!!! he actually fell for it boys

>> No.11900236

>he didn't go all in SV

>> No.11900240
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>> No.11900336

>taking financial advice from basement dwellers in a Chinese cartoon imageboard

>> No.11900366

>blames others, not himself
The path to salvation is blaming yourself. Read the book "Extreme Ownership".
You can't evolve as a person if you don't place the blame in the right places...

>> No.11900384

Whats crypto got to do with failing uni

>> No.11900407

wtf bro it was just a joke

>> No.11900416
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all you had to do was to have your own opinion

>> No.11900420

It doesnt have to end here anon. You dont have to be the pawn of markets and numbers on a screen.

If you do become homeless no everything is lost. Buy a 24 hour gym membership to give yourself a warm place to go, reach out to local charirty, religious and mutual aid organizations and maybe go to your local library to resume your studies and search for jobs. There are people who are fighting for a world where no one has to be homeless or in the situation you're in and I hope you join us. The first thing you have to do is reach out and defy the isolation built around you.

>> No.11900433

someone should invent a way to mine coins from dead wallets

>> No.11900439

Yeah. I got scammed too. We used real money to buy fake funny money. We will never get it back. The whole thing is pure evil. It’s a scam that exploits our greed and tendency to fantasize.

>> No.11900441

You need to get a job as soon as possible. If you actually failed your studies that is.

>> No.11900449

That's what you get for buying something you don't understand. And being naive.

>> No.11900454

How do I get involved?

>> No.11900501

Cheer up princess, if nothing else you can start sucking dick for money. dicks will always need to be sucked. that market is too big to fail !

>> No.11900889

There are a wide variety of organizations and it depends where you are.

Some groups include Food not Bombs, and the IWW (International Workers of the World). These are more mutual aid focused and Food not Bombs collects leftovers from local restaurants and grocery stores and shares them with those in need.

For the more politically focused there is the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), SAlt (Socialist Alternative), the Green Party and the SPUSA (Socialist Party USA). You might find various degrees of SJWs in some of these orgs but if you pivot the topic to economics you'll probably be fine. If you simply can't stand SJWs and live in the UK maybe look into the CPGB (Communist Party Great Britain) which is notoriously antisjw and recently banned members from advocating on LGBT issues. Also, if you're a gun owner, I'd also suggest checking out the Socialist Rifle Association which has seen a lot of growth recently.

>> No.11901174

I've been warning about people on /biz/ about crypto being a scam, but no one listened. It's your own fault that you choose to believe the scammers.

>> No.11901216

lol you got memed by us :^)

>> No.11901682

Reason why you’re where you are is because you spent too much money and rely on your university for shit. Shouldn’t have gone to college.
Plus you should buy a few coins not a whole bunch and you wouldn’t be where you are.

My suggestion is sell your holdings and work that or buy lottery tickets and wait for days for any winning number.

>> No.11901762

wallets are are unused should become free to mine again

>> No.11901882

WTF you actually bought btc?

>> No.11902200
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>> No.11902648

Did you buy Bit Beans anon?

>> No.11902668
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>> No.11902683

Try this, OP:


>> No.11903363


for how long?

>> No.11903631

OP is a confirmed whiny little faggot.
Never invest in anything again, you pathetic manchild.

>> No.11903640

Strong buy signal.

>> No.11903654

If you're just realizing now this is all a scam I dont know what to tell you.