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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11896669 No.11896669 [Reply] [Original]

I mean its clear we are in a bear market and will continue to be from this point forward. Probably best to wait? High IQ anons only pls.

>> No.11896677

don't catch falling knives
don't pick up pennies in front of a steam roller
don't buy chainlink

>> No.11896685

I guess you should leave anon

>> No.11896693
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Pee pee poo poo

>> No.11896746

fuck you bitch

>> No.11896759

if you think this will be a bear market for many years still then wait and see where we bottom out. you have many years no?

nothing about btc is saying uptrend, you want to wait and buy when it does.

and if you absolutely can't help yourself
scale in slowly
don't all in and risk another -xx%
people now meme the -86% from top to bottom, comparing today to previous bubbles. that's a 2700 target

personally i'm happy to buy in here again and i'm expecting a couple months of flatline bottoming out but that's me. it's going to stop going down at some point.

don't fomo, there's going to be tests and retests
you'll have enough time to build a position

>> No.11896782

If it falls further this week I will buy. But only btc and xlm maybe, 95% of shitcoins are dead.

>> No.11896784

"Buy when there's blood on the street"

>> No.11896789

pajeet detected

>> No.11896823

Personally I'm going to wait for things to cool off a bit. Sentiment is just so low right now that it's going to take some time for money to start flowing back in. This capitulation/despair phase has to last a bit longer before we see things turn around convincingly.

>> No.11896857

Dollar cost average is your friend.

Am I going all in now? Fuck no. Am I throwing like $200 a week in now? Fuck yes.

>> No.11896872
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You can buy/sell for two reasons..short term trading or long term holding.
You can see people on youtube doing trading live, nimble traders can always make money even when the prices are going down. Since crypto is so heavily manipulated, I dont recommend this unless you can sit in frnt of your computer every day, all day.
As for long term, its clear the prices are going down and there's absolutely no reason now to buy ANY crypto for the long term. Even the best now can be replaced with better along the way.
Right now Bitcoin is the clear boss if only because its the 'dollar' of most all pairs on exchanges...thats the one to watch. It wouldn't surprise me to see it go below 1k next year.
Not all is lost though! When Bitcoin goes thru its halvening in 2020, its an iron clad guarantee there will be bluster associated with it and I think it'll moon again then. Just gotta keep your powder dry for now.
t. thirty year trader

>> No.11896893

do NOT buy now.

Buy HIGH, sell LOW. We've gone over this

>> No.11896941

thanks bro, very high iq indeed

>> No.11897503

I don't agree with anything you've said in that post

>> No.11897572

i did buy 30% back

>> No.11898323

people still think their shitty scamcoins are worth shilling, so clearly BTC as a lot more room to fall.

when those are dead and gone, maybe a few months after it will be safe to buy BTC again.

>> No.11898474

I think you shouldn't ever put more than 5-15% of your portfolio in crypto, and right now even 5 seems like too much. I have a hard time seeing it go back up significantly.