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11895964 No.11895964 [Reply] [Original]

NEETs, there's a ray of hope! Move to Tulsa, Oklahoma!


>> No.11895992
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oh boy and i almost killet myself

>> No.11896012

Can anyone do this?

>> No.11896014

Could you just work a dumb call center job that lets you work anywhere and and move there?

>> No.11896036

Read the article! It's good news!

>The initiative in Tulsa is the latest effort to persuade people to move to smaller cities. The programs dangle thousands of dollars in perks and incentives, hoping to draw in workers who might otherwise settle in major metropolitan areas. Since the financial crisis, the country’s most prosperous cities have become more economically dominant. According to a Brookings Institution report on economic inequality, the rise of information technology has rewarded areas that are already densely developed.
>To qualify for Tulsa Remote, applicants must be at least 18 years old and employed with a company that allows them to work remotely. Entrepreneurs who do not reside in Tulsa County can also apply. The total package of $10,000 spread out over a year covers $2,500 for moving expenses, monthly payments of $500 to help cover rent and $1,500 after living in Tulsa for one year, according to Levit. “There are other benefits that make the offer even richer, which include about $300 per month in additional rental assistance,” Levit said. Applicants will go through a video interview and visit the city before they are made an offer.

>> No.11896046

You still have to pay to move there, just a little less than average.

>> No.11896045


>> No.11896060

More from the article
eneurs who move to Tulsa will also receive free co-working space to do business, offered by 36 Degrees North, in downtown Tulsa, according to Levit.

Several other cities offer major incentives to people willing to relocate, according to CNBC. Students who have graduated in the past 10 years with a degree in a STEAM program (science, technology, engineering, art or math) can get up to $15,000 from the Community Foundation of St. Clair to pay off their student loans if they move to St. Clair, Mich., where the joblessness rate is 3.9 percent. The Hamilton Community Foundation in Hamilton, Ohio, offers recent college graduates up to $5,000 to relocate if they have already secured a job there. The area has an unemployment rate of 3.7 percent. And in New Haven, Conn., people can get $10,000 in interest-free loans on their first home. The unemployment rate there is 3.9 percent. To encourage residents to plant even deeper roots, families could be eligible for $40,000 for in-state college tuition, if their children graduate from public school in New Haven.

>> No.11896071

damn, the entire company I work for allows us to live anywhere. I could rent my house out and go live in tulsa for free while collecting the rent and banking my paycheck (10k would surely cover living expenses for the year in Tulsa).

It seems like a dumb stimulus package for them and I'm surprised they'd allow someone making like 35k who doesn't own their own business take advantage of this.

>> No.11896080

The problem with this is the living in Tulsa part.

>> No.11896092

Do NOT move here.

They have the lowest paid teachers in the country, and it reflects why people are not moving there, and people are moving out.

I know 90% of you will jump on me calling me a lib-fag, and how much you hate teachers. Generally, this state does not invest in education. No skilled workers, no companies. Thats why they want you to move there. They need smart people to wage slave and prop up their economy.

>> No.11896111

tulsa's actually done some interesting things because of it's local option sales tax. I wouldn't want to live there for more than a year but it could be interesting enough to move there for a year.

>> No.11896125

I'm not from the States though can I still benefit?

>> No.11896132

but if you move there and spend as little of your paycheck as possible there, basically just the money they give you, and have some way to generate income back home you can collect that rent from your home (run via trusted family member or property management company) as well as most of your paycheck... it almost seems too good to be true.

>> No.11896140

OP here, that's my thinking. The elites are absolutely insane. Their plan is "all rural people will move to small cities, then to big cities, because people all behavior cooperatively/rationally/collectively at all times!"

>> No.11896142

I’m not a burger but this seems too good to be true, no? As >>11896045 said, it’s easy to just make a fake start up (and hard for them to check if it’s legit) e.g. software developing start up.

>> No.11896156

Yeah, it sounds like a great deal.

Until you read the city name backwards.

>> No.11896166

I mean know it’s real, but There must be some kind of catch to it?

>> No.11896174

No, $10k is not that much and most of America knows that living in Oklahoma sucks ass unless you want to be a tornado chaser.

>> No.11896181
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>Falling for the windy jew
not even once

>> No.11896198

median studio apartment rent in tulsa is $530... assuming you don't spend like a negro and live somewhere you don't have to travel far to accomplish your errands (since you have no commute), you could probably live entirely off of the $10k they give you and save almost your entire paycheck.

>> No.11896223

But for those of us without kids it's essentially a year of rent fully paid allowing us to save/invest...

>> No.11896297

Obviously it’s not worth it for everyone, but 10k is a decent amount of money. I was working from home 2 years ago making about 150k/year and I would’ve consided moving to a different part of my country for a year if I got paid 10k to do it.

Imagine making 30k/year working from home and being offered a 33% boost to your income. That’s a lot.

>> No.11896303

I say take the opportunity if you score an awesome job with a sweet ass contract!

But for someone who grew up in upstate NY (lots of taxes), moved to the south for work for 6 years, I eventually moved back, becuase I could NOT stand the people. Only thing I miss is the weather.

You will be miserable if you do not like where you live. Moving is a pain in the ass. $10k is not worth it to me.

>> No.11896339

I'm graduating with my M.S. in cybersecurity in a couple months... I have to think there's some strong demand out that way for info security... gonna look into it.

>> No.11896377

I'm Brazilian, may I come?

>> No.11896434

>move to nowhere
>lose all the incentive to investing in crypto
>end up broke and stuck in nowhere
>the /biz/ way

>> No.11896517


>> No.11896558

you must be one uppity nigger if you can't stand southerners with manners

>> No.11897084

it had nothing to do with their manners. It had everything to do with their thought mentality.
They're the dumbest plain and bland group of people I've ever had to deal with. Here are some of the interactions which were VERY common:

(1) Go to most restaurants; wait more than an hour for your food; Southerners move fucking slow.

(2) Ask for help at a store. "Gee I dont know, it's not really my job. Sorry I cant help you." Southerners are dumb and lazy. If they're smart, the correct response would be "I'm not sure, but let me see if I can find someone to help you out".

(3) Always wait 3-5 seconds to move off a green light. Will always drive below speed limit, often times in the left land clogging traffic. Southerns are oblivious and careless to their surroundings, nor do they respect anyones time, "anon, why are you always rushing people?".

During rush hour, I would be the 10th car in a row of cars waiting at a green arrow. I am the only one honking my horn after seeing the light turn green for 5 seconds or more; only two cars make it through. Again, southerners are dumb and oblivious.

(4) Go to a grocery store, they will align their carts together and run off in the middle of the isle on their phone. No care of people around them, or forethought on how they are in people's way. See #3; southerners are dumb and oblivious.

(5) turn on the morning radio. Their jokes are so bad it sounds like a 5th grade sex joke. They don't even laugh much at it. Southerners are unimaginative.

I finally understood why the companies down there were recruiting hard for people out of the state. Many transplants were from the north east, and I finally understood the reason. North easterners move fast, and are from states that generally invest in the quality of education delivered. Southern states do not.
I rest my case. You may think these issues are petty, but they are not. Dealing with it day-in-day-out for 6 long years made me go fucking insane.

>> No.11897103

are there many blacks in tulsa? I'd prefer to live away from niggers.

>> No.11897119

There's parts of the south that aren't that bad, most of your issues sound internal and not external

>> No.11897132


>> No.11897212


I can see why you would say that. But even working with fellow transplants, they noticed the same thing, often time picking up the work of their southern locals.

Also, shutting down the economy due to a dusting of snow, is just retarded. I can understand if they get 5-6 inches, becuase they really don't have the infrastructure to salt and plow, but they go crazy over the news of having 1 inch.

Just look at that one time in Georgia, how people had to stay in their fucking cars for a couple days due to a "snow" storm. That's just fucking retarded.


All the petty daily interactions with these people describes everything in that. Southerners are just slow and dumb. 'nuff said.

>> No.11897215

Well, well, look at the city-slicker pulling up in his fancy german car.

>> No.11897219

>depressing shithole


>> No.11897237


looks like there's a pile of niggers on the north side of town. I'm out.

>> No.11897246

well, well, well, here comes a dumb southerner who assumes everyone from NY is from NY city.

Try looking at a map next time. NYC is only 10% of NY's actual land mass. Also, you do realize that NY is HUGE with agricultural exports right?

>> No.11897285

A group of niggers is called a 'gaggle' or 'troop'

>> No.11897314

Ten thousand dollars isn't a lot of money. Especially when it's going to be going to paying your rent in a shithole city.

>> No.11897333

This is legit. Theres a lot of cities that have done this. I think Maine and Rhode Island did something like this too a few years back. They're mostly small cities with old aging population that doesn't work combined with many young skilled proffesionals moving out. If you're a NEET, it would maybe be worth a shot if you like the isolation

>> No.11897348

There is, it wont be for white people.

>> No.11897569

Its actually called a rape or assault of niggers.

>> No.11898012

no deal at all. $10k is nothing compared to the risks living in Tulsa. the city is known for its high population of GANG ACTIVITY and ORGANIZED CRIME. niggers and spics have ruined the city, its literally another Chicago.

>10k wont even pay for your own funeral

>> No.11898074

So wheres the best place for neet gibs?

>> No.11898100

I work out the home / remotely. I own a home on the east coast. Can I keep my current home but go try a year in Tulsa and still get the money?

>> No.11898143

A true educator would look at this as a golden opportunity. Any competence will result in promotions, also you are teaching in a rural area where the disadvantaged probably still want to learn. The worse the public schooling is, the more charters & private schools likely pay teachers as welI (worst case). Poorer districts are less likely to be subjected to the strong arm of testing & curriculum providers and their lobbyists as well.

>> No.11898375

performance of an educator is not the same as the private sector.

Dont want to derail the thread here, but teacher are so underpaid, none want to be teachers. In Arizona, theyre so understaffed, that theyre now hiring from the phillipines with some of those even quitting because the job is so underpaid lol.

It all comes down to the quality of education which reflects the quality of the people. If Tulsa needs people, then there is no quality anything there.

>> No.11898409

that snowstorm in 2014 was a shitshow. Long story short, it wasnt really the snow that fucked us, or the lack of snowplows, but the terrain. I can't think of a street in atlanta that is flat for more than a quarter mile. The whole city is extremely hilly. Plus we have tons of trees, which keeps the ice from melting for longer.
Iced over and hilly roads are a recipe for disaster.

>nyc us ~45% of ny state population, not even including suburbs
>but the southerner is dumb for assuming