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11893820 No.11893820 [Reply] [Original]

$19,900 - $3,600 -82% in 344 days. Was this enough or do we need to go down further. Don’t see a reason for it to go up.

>> No.11893854

700$ next year

>> No.11893868

Sub $100 will be a blast !

>> No.11893898

Well it's not us retail investors that are moving the price anyway. The big boys and exchanges decide when the price will go up or down.

>> No.11893909
File: 88 KB, 1024x904, wtff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a legit reason why these electric tokens are worth anything at all???

>> No.11893956
File: 1.06 MB, 1242x1102, 95A2B0CA-68B8-428C-8074-B8D43D0384FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also total crypto went from 835 bil to 115 bil. -86,2% in 10 months. Unlike bitcoin I can see some alts recover the next couple of months since they are finishing their projects. And there seems to be an interest to use them. Also eth going pos in feb can trigger another alt bull run.

>> No.11893964

because people believe they will make them rich
it could be literally anything

>> No.11894005

Fortnite made a revenue of 2 billion last year. And is valued at 8 bil. And all it does is selling some outfits for digital characters. So people basically paid 2 billion this year too have some rbg values of their pixels changed

>> No.11894043


Kids buy skins with their pocket money they receive from their parents. I've played a fair bit of it and there is a strong culture in the game pushing kids purchase the latest coolest skin, as retarded as it sounds.

>> No.11894159

It would be pretty clever way to transfer money between equal partners, if we could just figure out what they are worth

>> No.11894177

The $6k level held for about 9 months, so the $3k level should hold for about twice as long. I strongly suppose we will see a new bull market by then.

>> No.11894526

Memes are powerful

>> No.11894539

there was no reason to go down from 20k

>> No.11894600

People pay netflix $15 every month to change the colors on their TV

>> No.11894645

They are literally not worth anything. Their value is supposed to be tied to scarcity, because there is a finite amount of them like gold. But they are not scarce as there is actually a potentially limitless supply of them (cryptocoins in general, not just shitcoin) and gold would be worthless too if any idiot could make up their own metal with better properties on a whim.

The only way one of these coins could hold value is if you were forced to use it to pay for something you needed (like the American dollar and oil for example).

>> No.11895572

>$19,900 - $3,600 -82% in 344 days


while at 19k everyone was singing "50k EOW, 100k EOY !!!"

>> No.11895769

Their use value is in hteir use.
If you and me have bitcoin, and accept to use it to mediate between goods and services that we trade to each other, there's its own value. Like, I have bread, you have fruit, instead of bartering we agree how much BTC 1 kg of bread and fruit costs and we go from there.
It's almost exactly like fiat. The value of money in general is in its backing: as long as there's enough people agreeing on its value relative to various goods and services,you can accumulate fiat, or spend it or work for it, and you know you'll be able to buy something with it.
Where BTC differs from fiat is in its suppsoed decentralization: the theory is that there's a finite amount of it, while fiat can literally be printed out / generated on a whim by the institutions backing it (of course corresponding to a deflating in value of all fiat in circulation) So you don't have to fear about the BTC you are ccumulating bleeding value.
This in turn led to its speculative use as a store of value, which in turn led to it being useless at its only usecase, non-institution backed trading, because BTC trading fees reached absurd values when compared to fiat, and at the end of the day, early adopters and pioneers my ass, anyone who didn't buy BTC on tor for drugs or CP or other shady stuff only cared about its value in good old fiat, because fuck it, you still can't buy bread and fruit with it.

>> No.11895904

Please god make it stop ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.11896588

now the same faggots sing the song of 3k eoy 2k eoy.

>> No.11896617


Holy fuck I never realised this, but it's true.

What the actual FUCK is wrong with humans, is this planet actually just place of perpetual suffering?

>> No.11896649


>> No.11896776

And the internet is just a strong of electron excitements in a wire.. so what. The medium of transfer of information doesn't matter, its about the value it creates. And fortnite will die soon as another hyped game, and the next generation of zoomers will jump on to the next shitty trend while a part of the current generation of zoomers will keep on playing fortnite, feel nostalgic about it and talk about the "shitty new games".
Neverending cycle of consumism which is literally killing the earth.

>> No.11896860

yep. understanding this is crucial. when shorts are closed we will accumulate longs then go up

>> No.11896873


>> No.11896921

which alts?