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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11890745 No.11890745 [Reply] [Original]

What are some great degrees, lads? Give me the top tier.

>> No.11890758


>> No.11890782

the ones that don't cost $$

>> No.11890789


Is there anything more based than a mathematics degree?

>> No.11890813

-40 has always been my fave.

>> No.11890819

Double physics/math.

>> No.11890840

Anything STEM is even worse than doing humanities. You will want to kill yourself both during and after college.

t. mechanical engineer

>> No.11890856

Ambient degrees? Around 24C. If you're talking about water 28-30C.
2nd this. It all sounds good on paper, but real life and paper are two different worlds.
t. stem

>> No.11890901


But seriously, if you are a nuck, just learn french and work for our gov.

>> No.11891242

Is stem really that bad? I'm interested in entrepreneurship but want a degree for safety.

>> No.11891268

Engineering/commerce double degree.

Psychology and marketing double degree can make you an absolute killer too.

>> No.11891817

Last one sounds like a meme.

>> No.11891844

Marketing/PR/Journalism are all underrated and open up a pretty comfy job market

>> No.11891863
