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File: 108 KB, 936x1346, Screenshot_20181124-212450~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11885833 No.11885833[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm literally so depressed with the markets that I'm going back to chicks that I've rejected sexually in the past who have found happy relationships and offering them the sex I never gave them. I literally don't care how many lives I ruin because crypo has already ruined mine. Will post in a few weeks after I raw dog this chick, make her fall in love with me again, ruin her ltr, then dump her ass.

>> No.11885859

Does this look like a blog to you?

>> No.11885889

You type like a true indian


>> No.11885898

Feels good knowing I have a faithful woman who would tell me if she got texts like that so I could beat the fuck out the pathetic twink (you) sending them.

>> No.11885913

Kys human garbage

>> No.11885925

lol at thinking she would ruin her relationship because of you. lol if you think you’re the only other guy she is fucking. fuckin weirdo

>> No.11885924

>and i promise if we hang out for a night, you won't miss brad :-)
you sound like a loser beta, op. you're definitely not going to get in her pants saying weak shit like that

>> No.11885962

pick one

>> No.11885988
File: 131 KB, 947x1343, Screenshot_20181124-213840~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How much do you want to bet?

>> No.11885993

Brad here. Coming over now OP pepper your angus

>> No.11886007

Pics or it never happens

>> No.11886016

Lol you better tell your girl the same thing when she leaves to "hang out with her girlfriend in the next town over " for a night

>> No.11886021
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1532654486805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i dont even get replies from women at all

>> No.11886035

show us her ass, faggot

>> No.11886039

No shit.

>> No.11886042

You are such a GIGANTIC retard
Im talking on the retardation level of the 1000eoy mudbutt stinky linkys

>> No.11886055 [DELETED] 

I'm a 23 year old NEET loser banging 2 chicks from harvard and a waifu from MIT. They are addicted to my aryan cock and cook for me/take me out to dinner on their meal plan virtually every night. I lost all my money in crypto. But I don't shit up the board with threads about it

>> No.11886079
File: 88 KB, 945x1154, Screenshot_20181124-214543~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she delivers I will. They can tell if you screenshot on Snapchat, right?

>> No.11886090

Yes they can

>> No.11886116

But not if I use my company phone to take a picture of the Snapchat on my personal phone.

>> No.11886121

big if true

>> No.11886135

I'm unironically in Boston right now. Send one my way.

Also, isn't a waifu a throw pillows?

>> No.11886157

Yea but just snap a pic of it with your ipad or other phone if you have one.

>> No.11886163

how long will you be here?

all these ivy league chicks are unironically pretty dom desu, even the gooks/chinks/japs

>> No.11886164

Fabricated and homosexual.

>> No.11886188

I'm only into subs. I've literally choked a chick so hard she claims to have orgasmed / squirted / pissed all over my bed.

Fuck feminists / dom women. Either you submit to me or you can GTFO. For every Dom chick there's 100 subs on FetLife waiting to be abused.

>> No.11886198

I'm here until Tuesday. I just want some petite little thing to blow my load in and never talk to again. I've had a vasectomy and am STD free.

>> No.11886214

kek well yeah I do that anyway, but it's only cause I'm a large imposing dude

youve never had sex until you fuck a 140+ IQ bitch. They move their body algorithmically in a way that words can't describe. Maximal pleasure

>> No.11886231

where are you staying and how old are you?

>> No.11886273

>youve never had sex until you fuck a 140+ IQ bitch. They move their body algorithmically in a way that words can't describe. Maximal pleasure

Up there with the dumbest sentences of all time.

>> No.11886285

try it and report back you sperg.

>> No.11886296

OP is a herb.

>> No.11886314

I have. You're just an idiot.

>> No.11886330

29 and 5'9 250. Large and muscular.

>> No.11886336

>this post is off topic

>> No.11886346

I'm in Braintree, but I'll travel. I'm free after 2pm tomorrow and 3pm Monday. I need clean STD screens from whoever I Fuck within the last 6 months

>> No.11886349

Heavy larp thread

Lmao manlet

>> No.11886360

Are you deunk or something?

>> No.11886380

Listening to these absolute retards is giving me cancer

Is this post the future of 4channel biz?
Is it really over just like that?

>> No.11886392


you're only a few miles south of the action. We could hit a bar

>> No.11886463

Brad here. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.11886471

Let's hit a bar then. I just want some clean Boston poon. Kik me AS1553. I'm free tomorrow night or Monday night.

>> No.11886490

I hope someone gets murdered from this exchange

>> No.11886516
File: 87 KB, 934x987, Screenshot_20181124-221434~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11886534

Based & Redpilled

>> No.11886543

She aint sending shit, if she really wanted to she'd do it now

>> No.11886564

TLDR. She’s doing this to get back at you for wasting her time so she’s doing it to your autistic ass

>> No.11886577

it's all clean here. Tomorrow night would be more ideal for bars but I've got some shit to do. will message you in a minute

>> No.11886589

i know it's going to be fat, but post it anyways

>> No.11886600

username doesnt exist

>> No.11886609

Good luck but this sounds like a bad plan unless she's an idiot

>> No.11886620

The magic of Crypto :3

>> No.11886633

Who gives a shit

>> No.11886651

>5'9 250

Holy shit you fat fuck, even if you were packing muscle that's still 60-70 pounds of pure lard your fatass is lugging around.

>> No.11886749

>I literally don't care how many lives I ruin because crypo has already ruined mine.
nice one, you think like a truly degraded fuck

>> No.11886766


>> No.11886828
File: 99 KB, 933x1402, Screenshot_20181124-223527~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit AS1153

Also to all the Brad's out there if your girls pussy taste like cum its not a coincidence

>> No.11886869

>brad can go fuck himself
>he sounds like a nice guy
Jesus christ my dude, get it together

>> No.11886873

Suddenly, this thread makes sense. Subtle manlet thread.

>> No.11886884

lol you're such a fag, OP.
What kind of loser wastes time on a woman like that?
Get her to come over to your place for some dick or move the fuck on. Texting her like this is only worth your time because your time is so worthless.

>> No.11886903
File: 92 KB, 950x1259, Screenshot_20181124-223804~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11886912

Lol this fag can’t even seal the deal yet. Must be ugly af. If you don’t pull it off never show your face here again omegacuck

>> No.11886918

i am a so horny i could do a rape
so pls do show the pussy

>> No.11886940
File: 545 KB, 840x854, BF47E3C5-6528-4902-9C9A-E4F90DA60C84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I dont even know any woman
>mfw touchless virgin

>> No.11886942

i mean, shes clearly a whore that wants you back.

Women who are uninterested just ghost people. They never talk to someone they are truly uninterested in.
Shes so obviously playing hard to get its unbelievable.

>> No.11886946

don't worry, we still have our imaginary meme coins, r-r-right. oh wait, we don't even have that anymore

>> No.11886952

She means he's cute and awkward while you're smooth and bold since you're fucking shitfaced. Take it down one notch and you'll have more success

>> No.11886956


> They move their body algorithmically in a way that words can't describe. Maximal pleasure

pajeet kys

>> No.11886978

>t.chad of crypto
bet her name is stacy

>> No.11886982

>he talks to women
Lmao you're not even depressed then.

Let's talk when it takes you 8 hours to get out of bed.

>> No.11886987
File: 62 KB, 599x673, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They move their body algorithmically in a way that words can't describe. Maximal pleasure

>> No.11886998

Tell her "don't text me again unless it's with a picture of your ass"

>> No.11887008

keep em coming. Enjoying this.

>> No.11887016

She's such a slut, just a few words more and she will be teasing you with pics

>> No.11887060

>business & finance
OP is letting us know about his personal business

>> No.11887070


>> No.11887089

inb4 brad comes to op's house

>> No.11887091

Transactions in the sexual marketplace

>> No.11887179

yeah OP, tell her you will send some CUM tokens

>> No.11887237

>not just saying “if you really didn’t want me, you wouldn’t mention it a bit, fuck Brad, come over here now, I’m sending an Uber”
Cucked and retarded