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11881986 No.11881986 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we talk about how much we ACTUALLY cashed out.

My ATH was 850k from an initial investment of 45k in 2 chunks. I cashed out a total of 280k from Jan 2017 until now, and I still have 55k (rapidly dropping) in crypto. The good thing is if I sell anytime now, I'll only owe about 10k, or possibly nothing in taxes since my huge fucking imaginary losses will balance out my huge fucking imaginary gains.

Anyways, I only have 20k left in my checking and 6k invested into stocks, and I don't know where the hell all the money went. I gave friends and an ex gf at total of 3k, spent about 45k on traveling, maybe 25k on hookers, 30k on fine dining, and maybe 45k on computer stuff, new furniture, and art for my house.. but that's still like 150k unaccounted for. I think I literally just spent money like a nigger for 2 years, I now completely understand how rappers and athletes can go broke

I can't believe how fast you spend money when you think it's unlimited. sickening.

>> No.11882744


Cashed out around 200 000 dollars and bought a house and precious metals.

Have around 100 000 in crypto.