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11881058 No.11881058 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11881424

fuck off, you were piece of shit to begin with.

>> No.11881549
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belt around the neck and anchored to the wall, and then just lean into it.

You'll pass out and then gravity will do the rest.


>> No.11881585

damn that actually sounds pretty easy. thanks I'll give it a shot

>> No.11881594



>> No.11881605

buy more bitcoins

>> No.11881614

you're not gonna go through with such a meme method lmao, your body's survival instincts will kick in
there's a reason people hang themselves and don't just pull really hard on the rope - you need to give your body no choice

>> No.11881658

carbon monoxide poisoning is what im considering. sounds easy but make sure you dont cause others to breathe it in. You just wanna kill yourself and not others with the gas.

>> No.11881676

buy a guy. wait, you don't have any money!

>> No.11881769

If you live someplace cold, just walk into the wilderness with minimal clothing. At first you will get really cold, then you won't and you will just be sleepy and tired. Then you will fall asleep and never wake up.

>> No.11881854


Tell that to the dead kid's parents at my high school.

>> No.11881889

WTF I just jizzed all over myself

>> No.11881925

sure give me their contact info
they probably made that story up to hide the actual cause of death, autoerotic asphyxiation

>> No.11881979


That doesn't mean it isn't effective.

>> No.11881982

>your body's survival instincts will kick in

So at what point after you lose consciousness does this happen?

>> No.11882039

you lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen i.e. suffocation
they kick in as your body finds itself grasping for air

"lean into a noose" is akin to saying "just hold your breath until you die lol"

>> No.11882054


>> No.11882071


Why don't you try it then faggot.

>> No.11882083

Hanging. This process, also known as the measured drop, was introduced to Britain in 1872 by William Marwood as a scientific advance on the standard drop. Instead of everyone falling the same standard distance, the person's height and weight were used to determine how much slack would be provided in the rope so that the distance dropped would be enough to ensure that the neck was broken, but not so much that the person was decapitated. The careful placement of the eye or knot of the noose (so that the head was jerked back as the rope tightened) contributed to breaking the neck.

>> No.11882106

"this wasn't the bottom ahah"

>> No.11882118

The modern method of judicial hanging is called the long drop (aka the Bitcoin drop). This is the method that Iraqi officials used to execute Saddam Hussein. In the long drop, those planning the execution calculate the drop distance required to break the subject's neck based on his or her weight, height and build. They typically aim to get the body moving quickly enough after the trap door opens to produce between 1,000 and 1,250 foot-pounds of torque on the neck when the noose jerks tight. This distance can be anywhere from 5 to 9 feet (1.5 to 2.7 meters). With the knot of the noose placed at the left side of the subject's neck, under the jaw, the jolt to the neck at the end of the drop is enough to break or dislocate a neck bone called the axis, which in turn should sever the spinal cord. In some cases, the hangman jerks up on the rope at the precise moment when the drop is ending in order to facilitate the breakage.

This is the ideal situation in a long drop. When the neck breaks and severs the spine, blood pressure drops down to nothing in about a second, and the subject loses consciousness. Brain death then takes several minutes to occur, and complete death can take more than 15 or 20 minutes, but the person at the end of the rope most likely can't feel or experience any of it.

>> No.11882197


show yourself deluded bull. apologize right fucking now

>> No.11882232


It kicks in AFTER you lose consciousness and if it does kick in you'll be flailing like limp fish. You won't gain foothold and your dumb brainstem isn't going to realize you have to stand up and loosen the belt. The only way you're going to wake up is if your anchor fails and fall to the floor.

The faggot who says this won't work is a brainlet and has not idea what he's talking about.

>> No.11882333
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