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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11879173 No.11879173 [Reply] [Original]

Who here UNIRONICALLY believes he is Satoshi?

>> No.11879203
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More than 95% of the real anons on /biz/ know it.

The only "people" here who LARP that they don't know he's Satoshi (they know, make no mistake about that) are the Core/Blockstream/DCG shills posting for shekels.

>> No.11879205
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Businesses that respect the rule of law, me included.

>> No.11879210

me fagboy

>> No.11879215

That Satoshi message was proven a hoax

>> No.11879217

I do

>> No.11879222
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buys satoshi twitter handle
>is satoshi

the absolute state

>> No.11879235

It was proven a to be hoax years ago.

>> No.11879240

I believe hes Satoshi

>> No.11879260

Hal Finney is Satoshi prove me wrong

>> No.11879277
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>> No.11879281

He bought the @satohshi handle, that doesn't mean he is actually satoshi. He can't even code ffs.

>> No.11879287

He keeps talking about this 'Bear' nicknamed developer who's afraid of revealing himself due to backlash.
I believe that that guy is satoshi, but Craig is his combative mouthpiece.

>> No.11879290

im good

>> No.11879300

I think he is the leader and founder of the Satoshi Nakamoto Dev team.

>> No.11879325

He's a glorified scam artist.

>> No.11879330

>somebody writes an unusually long autistic post

>> No.11879359

Well what else would you say believing what you do, really?

>> No.11879430

Sergey is the fucking Satoshi, you get it? SERGEY IS SATOSHI!

>> No.11879505
File: 52 KB, 640x569, Satoshi twitter linking BCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11879587

>He can't even code
found the core/blockstream/dcg shill. this is one of their favorite talking points and it's complete horseshit. they base their entire realities around a single bait shitpost on twitter, and completely ignore the fact that he is a well known computer forensics expert and he literally taught assembly programming at an actual university

>> No.11879632

He can't, you don't need to know how to code to do computer forensics, advanced admin abilities is it, potentially some basic script kiddie shit on top. His posting that direct copy of hello world as well as his other fraudulent behaviour and also the fact he doesn't even know what a fucking checksum is in the spec he supposedly authored makes it pretty authoritative that he's just an idiot with a passing knowledge that looks impressive to normies but utterly collapses when you try to put any kind of actual weight on it.

>> No.11879644
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>please buy my bags

>> No.11879659


Satoshi isn't only one person retard.

Look at the whitepaper about who create smart contract.

>> No.11879662
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>proof of twitter

>> No.11879669

If anyone believes him after he got caught copying and pasting hello world code to prove he knows how to code they deserve to be pajeeted by this retard.

>> No.11879690
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Why did he have to back-edit his blog, though? (Google "Craig Wright fake blog post")

I wonder if anyone is able to come up with a non-gay hypothesis.

>> No.11879694

>doesn't even know what a fucking checksum

>> No.11879733

fuck off NPC you never touch Assembly in your life for saying this stupid thing.

>> No.11879750

>he actually thinks the satoshi handle is ran by satoshi

>> No.11879765

> http://archive.is/5p1fR
"WHC could use all q’s for the address and ignore the checksum. To some, this may seem bad or wrong, but remember, that this would stop anyone accidentally sending to a WHC address (and this has happened) without having a WHC issued formally.

The Bitcoin Checksum is simply a part of the wallet and is not needed as a part of the burn address. This is a UI function."
This is complete bullshit, a destination address without a checksum is simply invalid. He doesn't understand that the checksum can't be just changed to qqqqqq because then it wouldn't be a valid transaction. On a spec he supposedly designed.
Frankly I don't actually care if he is Satoshi or not, the fact that he is both stupid and combative is enough that there's nothing else there to see. That combination is lethal.

>> No.11879779

Way to sound like a literal pajeet. Is that fucking idiot blowing money on buying social media management services or are you just that retarded and talk like a pajeet?

>> No.11879781 [DELETED] 
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>utterly collapses when you try to put any kind of actual weight on it
This is the whole point, thats why he uses Faust as his Twitter-handle.
CSW wants to be hated and uncredible to he's enemies.

>> No.11879790

It's 2018 and people still fall for scams like this you thicc boomer grandpa?
Or do you imply, others do?
if he indeed was satoshi I would be deeply dissapointed and I would never ever support this hyperhomosexual narcissist loser and any of his shitcoins even again

>> No.11879792

Either way I fucking love his persona.

>> No.11879799

I wasn't his enemy until he made it absolutely clear he had no fucking idea what he's talking about.
Stupids don't get the right to wave their dicks around and pretend they're geniuses.

>> No.11879812 [DELETED] 
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1.62 MB
>utterly collapses when you try to put any kind of actual weight on it
This is the whole point, thats why he uses Faust as his Twitter handle.
CSW wants to appear hated and uncredible to he's enemies.

>> No.11879828

He is uncredible to *anyone who is not a fucking idiot*. Get it through your head.

>> No.11879843

Your quote doesn't explain anything at all. Some rather vague, far-fetched analogy.

>> No.11879847
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>utterly collapses when you try to put any kind of actual weight on it
This is the whole point, thats why he uses Faust as his Twitter handle.
CSW wants to appear hated and uncredible to he's enemies
Yet you have not proven him guilty of any scams. Innocent until proven otherwise eh?
Stop these empty rants. Why you hate intellectual property so much?

>> No.11879848


He's a scammer, 100% confirmed.

>> No.11879857

If he was he would have drained that wallet long ago...

>> No.11879867
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Trolling is not a crime, he is innocent and your plain dumb.

>> No.11879872

>Yet you have not proven him guilty of any scams. Innocent until proven otherwise eh?
Wrong, and the fact that you think this makes it clear that you too are an idiot. see >>11879848
> Stop these empty rants. Why you hate intellectual property so much?
Intellectual property has literally nothing at all to do with it. He is simply an idiot that pretends to be a genius.

>> No.11879876

again you are basing your entire reality over some shitposts he made on twitter, specifically to troll people like you. I am glad 99% of the market is blind to what is happening, that is where my profits come from

>> No.11879883

there is a simple explanation that would mean he is both satoshi and an illiterate idiot, but /biz/ is too blind to see it.

>> No.11879887

>Craig Wright's mom says he's prone to lying
That's actually pretty interesting, haven't seen it yet. Too bad there's no video interview.

>> No.11879900

That's wrong, I'm basing my diagnosis on the net sum of everything he's ever said, and there is only one outcome from that diagnosis for anyone who actually understands what he's pretending to talk about; He is a fucking idiot and has no idea what he is talking about.
It is that simple.
The market is not "blind to what is happening" it is correctly recognising that he has nothing but bluffs.
I'm done talking to nChain shills, sage.

>> No.11879951
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>pretends to be a genius
Who doesn't?
Pls tell me valid criminal charges against him and why do they matter to Bitcoin SV?