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11874840 No.11874840 [Reply] [Original]

>Happiness stops increasing with wealth but only at $75,000
Has it occurred to any of the fucking gurus who all swear that this is true because of "research" that that fact only applies to the absolute average or even just most people? Not everyone? It's not a hard rule by any means. Your happiness isn't necessarily going to stop increasing at $75,000 per year and if it does you're just a mindless normie fuck.

>> No.11874864

How much happier are you with a 100 foot yacht compared to a 50 foot yacht?

>> No.11874867

>and if it does you're just a mindless normie fuck
dreaming of more material wealth is the most normie thing out there. go buy a fucking lottery ticket you faggot

>> No.11874868

Happiness is logarithmic

>> No.11874875


I think it's because you'll just get used to the new level of wealth after some time. Happiness is a health thing, not wealth. Plenty of richfags kill themselves every year.

>> No.11874884

It's true, though the $75k figure might fluctuate depending on geography and other costs (if you have kids or chronic health issues you might need more). But the basic idea is that once you have enough money to live comfortably -- but not extravagantly -- you need to find a source of happiness somewhere else other than making even more money. It's not that hard a concept to understand.

>> No.11874886

Said the unconscious meatbag.
Also fuck off to rebbit, dumb normalfag.

>> No.11874885

Why would happiness keep going up? Unless you're a negro your life is already pretty secure and stable and you can buy yourself anything you want. Why would another 100k a year change that?

>> No.11874893
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Unfortunately having reached that I think it's true. I reached 500k at 20 years old, much less now. It was SHIT. This is what actually happens

>can buy anything you want without even thinking about it (excluding cars/house)
>huge amounts of respect from older people
>low level of "immunity" to being fucked with, you can call the police and kick up a big fuss about anything

Now the CONS
>huge amounts of pathetic jealousy
>you realise buying things won't make you happy
>likely to make you very arrogant as you're similar status to your superiors (in my case professors), can make it difficult to take criticism
>huge pressure to do even better, everyone you know watching you
>say goodbye to normal dating if you want your kids to do equally well, pressure to marry someone important to get kids to private school, oxbridge, great job, lots of money
>the fun in being rich is it's hard and most people can't do it, once I did it I realised there was nothing left to do, got depressed and bored

It is absolutely spot on advice, and I am honestly happy after losing most of it. Get to live a normal life, get to compete with people normally and have a reason to do things.

>> No.11874894

The gist of what that means is that at $75,000 a year you'd be able to have your basic necessities plus a few luxuries covered without sweating it. At that point, it becomes easier to derive happiness through a change in perspective rather than accumulating more wealth.