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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 248 KB, 951x993, Thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11873251 No.11873251 [Reply] [Original]

linkies node operators will actually have to PAY to operate instead of getting PAID, lmaoooo, Thomas just confirmed

>> No.11873263

Can you pay the ethereum network with anal gas?

>> No.11873264

If dubs link 17 cents eoy

>> No.11873285


>> No.11873300

its over, isn't it?

>> No.11873304

>gas fee
>literally pennies
>contracts worth billions of dollars
why is this a problem brainlet? are you that fucking stupid?

>> No.11873311

Chainlink will be Eth's biggest source of ongoing actual usage by this time next year. You'd think Vitalik would relax his asshole a bit in light of this, but not holding my breath.

>> No.11873313

have you NEVER used the ethereum network to transfer anything at all the past few years? do you even know how gas fees work fuck head? kill yourself

>> No.11873315


It literally says IN THE SCREENSHOT that the fee will be worked into the COST OF THE LINK PAYMENT. Meaning they don't pay out of pocket at all. Jesus. L2Read.

>> No.11873316

Damn... so I gotta spend $5 to make $1000? Fuck that

>> No.11873326

>A contractor has to factor into account operational costs before setting prices.


>> No.11873361


SO basically what you're saying is just buy ETH since LINK AND all the other projects use it.

>> No.11873366


>> No.11873376


>> No.11873685
File: 517 KB, 593x877, 1533823974767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh, it's all so tiresome. Paying with eth is old and gay and very much 2016 Plebbit tier behavior
>LavaWallet.io rendered eth obsolete a while ago when paying for fees

>> No.11873833
File: 232 KB, 720x448, 27657724_2034319046584209_2223692843252760748_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok linkies, if Sergey and his gay team doesn't port link to Holochain, someone else will. Then you'll learn what the concept of "race to the bottom" means in economics.

>> No.11873867

Lucky the price of ethereum is returning to the correct valuation post ico stupidity. Its purpose now is gas, and the biggest user of the network will be chainlink

>> No.11874585

yeah, fuck driving to work, you have to pay for the gas afterall

>> No.11875586
File: 24 KB, 550x543, aAxAvYg_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contracts worth billions of dollars

>> No.11875609


>> No.11875612
File: 897 KB, 597x797, 1529677574941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise you trillions of bitcoins

>> No.11875616

Uh this shit is never gonna fuckin work. This will just lead even more people to use Linkpool and make the Chainlink network centralized. Which is fine except that is goes against the whole fucking idea of "decentralized oracles". When will you retards realise decentralization is a fucking meme and its never fucking happening?

>> No.11875648

It's actually not a problem. You know it's possible to send transactions using 0 gas , right? You don't have to pay any fees whatsoever to interact with the Ethereum network. It's only suggested so that the miners get paid, but it still goes through just fine with 0 gas.

Try it, you can do anything for free. Send, receive, create your own ERC20 token, it's all free. Surprise. You've been paying fees all this time for nothing.

>> No.11875650

i dont want to wait 5 weeks for each transactions thanks

>> No.11875662


>> No.11875670

That's a lie made up by miners. It gets low priority, true, but when was the last time Ethereum was full for days? Blocks haven't been full since January.

>> No.11875680

I think hollowchain is already teaching us the meaning of “race to the bottom”

>> No.11875696

as a miner you can say the lowest gwei tx you add into a block and barley anyone has 0

>> No.11875701

Ethereum transactions require you to specify GasPrice and TotalGas. You set TotalGas to 0 so no matter what GasPrice you say you'll pay, you don't actually pay anything (GasPrice * 0 = 0). Miners are supposed to ignore these transactions but many don't.

>> No.11875707

Maybe in the early days of Ethereum miners would properly ignore them, but as of today there are a good amount who accept them. I don't know if it's from a misconfigured miner but it really does work. Just tried it and my transaction went through first block.

>> No.11875713

thx anon going to try

>> No.11875947
File: 163 KB, 303x566, 1542662549141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not smart enough to understand my insightful post
>not smart enough to start working on a chainlink clone on holochain
>not smart enough to understand that holochain already solved the oracle problem
stay pleb

>> No.11876005

can u help me im a brainlet. how do i set TotalGas to 0 using MEW? i dont see it as an option or in the raw transaction section to edit

>> No.11876074

>thinking linkpool will be the only pool
Deluded. There will be dozens if not hundreds of pools and nodes in operation by businesses.

>> No.11876091

Can't tell if you're trying to fud or genuinely have nigger level IQ. Pretty concerning that people like you are still on this board, and haven't killed yourselves after buying the top in december.

>> No.11876105

that guy's got it wrong, it's GasPrice and GasLimit (not TotalGas) you want to adjust inside the raw transaction

GasPrice 0x00
GasLimit 0x5208 (or whatever)

it works... but fuck man, don't abuse this, money skelly will have this patched by sundown if he hears about it.

>> No.11876144

thanks, just wanted to try it. have to use inspect to edit min gas price from 1 to 0 on the slider if anyones interested

>> No.11876469

This. It's literally in the screenshot LOL

>> No.11876522

Why bother, just another swingtrader posting some retarded Fud. What's new, same old same old. Kek

>> No.11876529

Checkem, dubs confirm.

>> No.11876674

it'll be less

>> No.11876810

kek chainlink is completely broken. it will cost between 5c to 1$ to request and deliver data (each request). Why do you think they only hired 3 devs so that the development takes 5 years instead of 1? Because they are fully aware of this and know it's broken and a scam.

Get out while you can linkies

>> No.11876952

If dubs chainlink is a scam kek em

>> No.11876968


>> No.11876987

a. The market economy is yet to be explored- Sergey has said so himself
b. Paying for gas is your FUD. Gtfoh. That’s so fucking retarded FUD

>> No.11877049

Everything that you don’t like is fud? Are you all retarded or what? What the fuck are you talking about? Fud? Fud with a fucking coin that worths 0,30$????? Really??? With that price every fucking one can buy thousands of links, even if you are a poor nigger.

>> No.11877082

>implying factored in means the entire payment to the node operator will be used for gas, resulting in no profit for the operator.

Anon this isn’t even good FUD lmao.

>> No.11877182

in that case so is the entire ethereum ecosystem. Luckily people way smarter than you are working to scale ethereum and make it cheaper to use, you fucking mongoloid. Also it's a good thing that chainlink operators will need to pay upfront in the form of gas prices, so they actually are further incentivized to act in the best interest of the ecosystem. kill.your.self.

>> No.11877204
File: 234 KB, 1200x600, 5A2B6D76-3FAB-4C54-BE46-8FEBAF6BCBB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new fud discord is so fucking dumb

>> No.11877238

company spends thousands on each contractual agreement for derivatives trading, can use chainlink to cut that $10k fee down to $1
just a small 99.99% overhead saving for them, nothing much

>> No.11877254

>in that case so is the entire ethereum ecosystem.
pretty much all ICOs are scams yes. Every ethereum TX costs a minimum of 5c, and that's without any operation added. If you add logic, storing data (even as little as a hash), you rack up 10-20c, and that's at todays price of $150/ETH.

If you bought any ICO that promised some kind of dapp, chainlink included, you got scammed. Exit now. Ethereum dos not have a plan to fix this for many years.

But ethereum can work great for semi decentralized applications, like creating tokens, dexes, etc. It hasn't really found any other use cases currently. Get out while you can. Sergey and his team are either brainlets, scammers, or both.

>> No.11877263

>company spends thousands on each contractual agreement for derivatives trading
They don't spend 10c, let alone 1$, on each API call. No one does. Why do you think chainlink only hired 3 devs to keep the development as slow as possible? Cause they know full well their product is broken and actually releasing a mainnet would be a completely disaster and expose the scam.

>> No.11877367

try harder, poor effort

>> No.11877380

kek, ur too much of a brainlet to think of a comeback. stay poor brainlet

>> No.11877464

youre the idiot who talks about api calls when im talking about corporate derivatives

>> No.11877603

Oracles will become the new miners. Of course there’s costs involved. Hopefully the reward for feeding smart contracts real world data will be greater than the cost of running a node or we are fucked.

>> No.11877646

An actual retard here. You’re saying things that show you have an iq of a rock

>> No.11877784

Chainlink in a nutshell:

>Connecting real world with blockchain

Chainlink without the nutshell:


>> No.11877814

t. seething XRP niggers and spics who will never give up their 40 billion supply kike scamcoin

>> No.11877824

we're talking about chainlink not XRP

>> No.11877894

but there is at least 1 miner doing 0 and that is enough

>> No.11877906

neither are scams