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File: 267 KB, 838x1200, Interracial blonde black baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11871451 No.11871451 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is the point of Bitcoin apart from being a ponzi scheme for millennials?

Why would anybody buy it except to hype some naive millennial into buying it for higher amount because its "the next big thing"?

>> No.11871475

It's a type of money suitable for the internet. Regular fiat doesn't work very well online.

>> No.11871514

if you think it's a ponzi then don't buy faggot, you can buy our bags at the peak.

>> No.11871524

>I have absolutely no knowledge of computer science

>> No.11871550

blockchain is a huge improvement from the current fiat currency financial system. crypto sentiment is mostly based on a lack of faith in the sustainability of central banking.

dont be so damn ignorant, OP

>> No.11871568

Just a hint, there are more gens before millenials to sell the ponzi.

>> No.11871571

read this, you homosexual:

>> No.11871572

Its all about trust, which is built into the system. The idea of the distributed ledger which is encrypted that any system can verify the transaction. This system is an alternative to the banks, credit card system, terrible inflation of the dollar etc.

>> No.11871591

Cryptocurrency is now in the 90s of the internet. In 10-20 years everyone will be using it and everyone that bought in today will be multimillionaires. There is no other way out. Adapt or die.

>> No.11871615
File: 373 KB, 3000x3000, DBBD03E8-2F90-4F42-A286-ADF660C446F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11871674

Read the bitcoin whitepaper

>> No.11871687

thats not her baby is it?

>> No.11871690

>tfw you forgot to flush from earlier this morning

>> No.11871699

Yes it is, most white girls want a black baby these days

>> No.11871706

nobody in society wants more thugs though.

>> No.11871746
File: 365 KB, 759x506, Bitcoin is a ponzi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the peak didn't already happen now that everyone knows about your shitty ponzi scheme

>> No.11871770
File: 97 KB, 937x1171, Chad Alpha body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using what? Why would I use your shitty slow internet monopoly money when fucking Venmo blows it out of the water in usability, cost, speed and convenience?

>> No.11871779


>> No.11871806

Imagine being graced with top 10% genes and then have a black child lmao

>> No.11871819


>> No.11871821

At it's base definition bitcoin is a form of cryptographic currency. But it fails even at doing that because anybody can track btc transactions. Monero is the real cryptocurrency, not even the fbi can trace it's transactions.

>> No.11871838

Crypto is absolutely horrible in pretty much every way. The entire foundation behind private keys will be invalidated by quantum computers in a few decades to begin with. And as a currency, bitcoin suffers from terrible execution with extremely high transaction cost even compared to other cryptocurrencies.

>> No.11871880
File: 57 KB, 500x485, 1360646426971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly is the point of Bitcoin apart from being a ponzi scheme for millennials?

It's not a ponzi, it's a *decentralized* ponzi. Geez, get it right.

The point of bitcoin is to
1) watch huge numbers of idiots throw their money away at a speculative investment with no underlying value
2) watch small numbers of idiots who put money into bitcoin early and get lucky feel so superior for not selling as the price heads inexorably to zero.

>> No.11871886

b-but anon, i cant afford a VPN :(

>> No.11871892


very useful

>> No.11871918

>but muh quantum computes
Why do brainlet normies seize on to this non-issue so much.

>> No.11871943

Tax avoidance and money laundering, son. Don't leave home without it.

>> No.11871958
File: 10 KB, 249x250, 1541729817535s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre absolutely right OP, it is a huge millennial scam. its a good thing we both dumped our bags.

>> No.11871977
File: 95 KB, 640x769, 1534461921679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is repulsive seeing her with her nog baby.

>> No.11872032

Get your head out of your own ass for one fucking minute and actually think. The internet connected pockets of people around the world together, and now an internet of money is going to do the same for finance. Actually think about how people in shit hole countries will be able to circumvent their fukd governments and tap into an alternate global financial world. When you think of the future possibilities of blockchain, mining, renting storage, PoS residual income possibilities a 10yo girl in Venezuela actually has the possibility to make the same as a dude in Silicon Valley. Think outside your own limited world view for once. Have you seriously never seen an Andreas Antonopoulos video?

>> No.11872047
File: 181 KB, 700x984, Interracial beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem whiteboi?

>> No.11872062

People who make poor decisions deserve the results.

No mercy, therefore not mad.

>> No.11872128

Hiding lack of argument behind insults only impresses NPCs.

Explain why please.

>> No.11872294
File: 881 KB, 1453x1182, usury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solves the jew problem

>> No.11872325
File: 3.02 MB, 1422x4631, boomersthedefinitivestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire banking industry and state related stuff is passworded with sha-256 as well
>bitcoin is safe and can be upgraded anyway but worries about bitcoin

>> No.11872368

1.Quantum computers are not good at hashing
2.Quantum resistant upgrades would be quick and easy
3.If encryption fails globally you will have bigger things to worry about than muh shitcoins

>> No.11872407

He didn't mention hashing, he mentioned private keys, which will absolutely be compromised. Quantum computers actually give a significant speedup for hashing as well, but it's quadratic, not exponential, so it's more comparable to ASICs.

Traditional banking mainly uses symmetric encryption and rarely needs public key cryptography, which is the part that is getting compromised.

>> No.11872455
File: 79 KB, 1080x739, interracial wonderful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The decision to toe curling pleasure.

>> No.11872467

for smart white early adopters like me to take money from subhumans like you, op.

thanks to creatures like you i've still got over 10 million in liquid crypto even at this point in the bear market.

>> No.11872471

Pleasure always leads you down the path of ruin.

>> No.11872514
File: 99 KB, 892x1062, interracial baby 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And earth shattering orgasms

>> No.11872527

So why hold crypto?

>> No.11872564

>top 10% genes
You mean those genes that made her a bbc addicted slut? Interracial couples are the best thing that happened to the white race. It literally removes filth from the white gene pool.

>> No.11872726

Educate yourself

>> No.11872750

yep that's exactly how it happens

they get the superior genetics graced into their twats and then they have black babies

>> No.11872753

Kek my exact thoughts

>> No.11872758

chargeback prevention since there's no need for a third party arbitrator like Paypal

>> No.11872770

there is no point
look at these deluded morons

>> No.11873178

you don't even know what that fucking means you fucking nigger

>> No.11873191
File: 50 KB, 720x720, Canada Anti White propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these whitebois lose all their money on crypto.

Even if they do get rich, they're not gonna get prime 16-29 year old white pussy. That's when white girls go for the BBC and sex with dominant dark men. They only settle for whitebois with cash after they hit 30 and are stretched out.

>> No.11873202

white people own almost all fiat too, cuck

>> No.11873224

Imagine being this insecure about being a nigger. I think it's hilarious you nigs always post these white chicks with blacks like you think it makes us mad. I don't think you understand the response - it isn't anger, it's DISGUST. We find you so repulsive that the fact a white woman slept with you fills us with disgust for her. There is no emotion felt towards you at all. Her worth instantly becomes zero to white males. How does that make you feel, Tyrone?

>> No.11873229
File: 311 KB, 675x859, interracial baby 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they don't own the tool that has the width and length to give white girls in their breeding prime all the pleasure they need.

All that fiat will only serve to provide for the scores of single white mothers once they want to settle down and raise their black baby.

>> No.11873234
File: 63 KB, 540x960, America Interracial cuckoldry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like white pussy getting stretched around my BBC.

Damn good.

>> No.11873328

Is that because all the black guys are either dead or in prison by then?

>> No.11873442
File: 545 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of negros...

Chainlink 77777 EYO

>> No.11874157

What will this girl be doing that the local police can't come in and shut down?

>> No.11874160

It's centralized.

>> No.11874208
File: 44 KB, 500x356, 1541767957343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A white woman about to drown a black baby
Nice thread op, but pictures must be on topic. I'm going to have to report, if you want to post wrecked pics this isn't the place.

>> No.11874215

Computer science has nothing to do with Bitcoin's applications in the real world. It scam is a scam regardless of how well it's crafted.

>> No.11874312

>implying there is one peak
where are we at the 5th ath?

>> No.11874374

Well the original concept was a way of creating a digital currency where every piece of it was represented by a piece of encrypted code that can be verified individually to prevent fraud. Of course this encrypted, fraud resistant code has other uses such as the verification of contracts and other information where privacy and fraud are concerns.

However the problem arises that current blockchain technology mostly just does things that are already done by other technologies and it's use as a currency is suspect because it's value is almost entirely based on speculation and has no real backing (the only thing that you could even come close to calling a backing for the value of a currency is the costs involved in mining 1 coin of that currency combined with current scarcity of the currency due to a limited amount being in circulation).

Of course current fiat currency that most countries use now is also not backed by anything other than the political, military and economic significance of the country that is backing it but I guess most people at the moment consider the promise of their home country to be more significant and worthwhile than the backing of mining costs used for cryptocurrencies. The speculative nature of the current crypto market also did not help as it greatly undermined both people's trust in them as stable currencies and gave a lot of people the wrong idea about them, causing them to believe that the whole thing is a speculative investment medium rather than a currency that is meant to be backed by a combination of scarcity and cost to 'mine' (like gold, which is also costed based on current scarcity and cost to mine).

>> No.11874377

yo did yall said nigga or wha wha

>> No.11874754


What do kikeniggers like this gain from spreading a lie besides radicalising the most ruthless and intelligent races of all to wipe them out? Has to be white larpers, or just niggers sticking true to their subhuman IQ.

>> No.11875284

>no guaranteed returns while lying about source of returns

Kys retard.