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11868287 No.11868287 [Reply] [Original]

Literally everyone thinks crypto is dead now. This giant weekly dildo to 4k has done the job it was intended to do, it fucked investors after they thought they could take no more fucking and we're all prolapsed on the floor now in a pool of our own blood and shit and all we want is for the pain to end. Nobody thinks or even wants crypto to go back up anymore, they just want it to be over.

So look at the chart and explain to me how we're not in maximum depression right now.

>Nobody thinks it will ever go back up
>Consensus is crypto is a failed project
>Everyone feels like an idiot for ever touching crypto

Now, not later, is the time to buy like a madman.

>> No.11868310

Agreed. If ever there was a time to buy it's now. I would if I wasn't already so recked

>> No.11868317

sorry we have not capitulated yet
see ya at 2k

>> No.11868318

Bobo posting is too high. Its probably going to bounce, but it will find a lower bottom later on.

>> No.11868331

volume just took a nosedive, maybe cos is thanksgiving or whatever. as long as volume is this shit anything can happen

>> No.11868335
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I am an idiot! This was my worst investment!

>> No.11868337

>>Nobody thinks it will ever go back up
>>Consensus is crypto is a failed project
>>Everyone feels like an idiot for ever touching crypto

lol no have you been to re*ddit or twitter? its still like 60% bull

>> No.11868338

lmfao op if you think this is it you're totally wrong. bitcoin IS going to retest critical levels in the 2k range.

>> No.11868359

Good one. It already went past depression

>> No.11868381

this thread is proof we're not there yet, 2k incoming later this year

>> No.11868389

go and look at the most upvoted posts on r/cc rn

>> No.11868395

I want to believe.

>> No.11868411

reddit cyrpto subs are a fucking ghost town with some fud bots

>> No.11868412

You're right, but it's probably going to 2k or lower first. Average in if you want to buy, don't go all in or something.

>> No.11868423

Nah mate, we are in Denial, moving into Panic.

>> No.11868449
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We are unironically in complacency right now, moving into denial.

>> No.11868457
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>being this short sighted
You'll never make it, idiot. Early adoption is over. Long term investing is now your primary option. Your other option is extremely high risk trading in an unregulated market dominated by whales. Good fucking luck with that. You'd have better odds playing slot machines in Vegas. All you dipshits who think you can get rich quick deserve the disappointment. Crypto will stay low for another couple of years before another boom cycle. This board is a bunch of greedy fucking morons and shills. I'm pretty much over it.

>> No.11868464

It's without a doubt going to 2k. I'm one of the most bullish people here who is buying right now because we're in the buy zone, but it's delusional to think we won't see 2k. With this in mind, the bottom will hover between 2-3k with 2k being the absolute bottom.

>> No.11868474


>le crystal ball

>> No.11868487

Hey, if it falls back to $100 or so, i'll buy 20 of them. Otherwise, i'm not biting.

>> No.11868498
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A while ago I was looking at the market using BTC as a proxy and it looked like the triangle was going to end in early Dec. Volatility was dropping and dropping for months. Something was going to happen, it was going to move either way. BTC being so tame and steady at 6300 was a telltale, it was going to break up or down. Tight stops help and definitely not putting all in. Right now all the "normal" gauges, RSI, BBands and etc are totally useless as the market has gone way out. The good news is that volatility is up so careful trades can be made on mean reversions, being careful if cryptos fall more. It's not over yet, just shaking out some.

>> No.11868499

lol, Anger at $300

>> No.11868526

We are not low enough. Alot of people that bought around 1k are still hodling. Need to make em sell.

What you need to understand now is that some very rich and powerful people are doing anything they can, any fud, to make this go lower so they can buy big hands. Once they are loaded, all the door snd gateways will open for institutional investors and all the power they have over population with advertisizing, tv, shows, news will blast bitcoin day around. This is the moon my friends. This is what we are waiting for.

>> No.11868533

>I literally dont understand the fundamentals: the post

>> No.11868546

I have no more money

>> No.11868553

>dumps to $10 and stays there for 3 years

>> No.11868893

your mom in complacency after i fucked her

>> No.11869704

>early adoption is over
>not one (1) instance on the globe of dpl platforms being utilized by any significant company.

>> No.11869716

>fitting a log chart to a linear one
next idiot please!

>> No.11869719

and yet eth is still worth over $10 fucking billion. that argument is probably the most retarded bagholder argument there is.

>> No.11869740

Crypto is dead, why are you fags still holding on to it? It won't go back up.

>> No.11869742
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>> No.11869766

Hey all my normie friends + family think its a scam now so yeah kinda dead

>> No.11869767

Can someone remake this with comments regarding the Jews.

>> No.11870359

>Now, not later, is the time to buy like a madman.
Someone seems to be in serious trouble with the bearish market.
We will see 2k very soon. Even 1k is possible or even less. This has no end. We will fall. Bakkt will be delayed as long as they can dump it more and more. This will go on for whole 2019. At 500$ we maybe reached the bottom. This is a price the new generation of stupid students can buy in again to give a next try.

TL;DR: bitcoin is dead. sell now.

>> No.11870393
File: 527 KB, 900x900, 63040844_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The existence of this thread proves we're still in denial and/or panic.
If this is truly the bottom, we'll be here for months or even years, so there's no need to FOMO in.

>> No.11870444

> Nobody thinks or even wants crypto to go back up anymore, they just want it to be over.


>> No.11870447

How about we ask the important questions instead.

Does anyone have a guide to shorting bitcoin?

>> No.11870823

We are still at euphoria. We are going to at least 1300.

>> No.11870827

>This has no end.
Sorry but this is exactly the sentiment that proves the point that we are just about at maximum despair. Just like everyone who believed we'd never stop going up at 20k proved the point that we were at peak euphoria.

In aggregate, there are exponentally more people who are on the "1k BTC EOY" train this week than two weeks ago when we were hovering at 6k. If we drop to 3k everyone will be screeching "$100 EOY". And if we dropped to 2k everyone will be screeching $0 EOY. It's this hyperbolic mass decoupling of expectation from the reality of market movements that clearly indicates we're at peak fear/greed.

>> No.11870856

This also I still haven't sold and I am a normie from reddit that bought in October. Have an updote though.

>> No.11870857


dude, just stop it allready. it's dead. We'll only see slow deflation untill it reaches the bottom from here on out. Who the fuck is going to buy anymore... we all did it for the money, who gives a flying fuck about the tech?

>> No.11870903

If it makes you feel better, I'm unironically at full depression. I was burned by cryptos, saw my money go 100x and didn't sell. I'm numb. I don't feel anger (maybe a little bit but it's against French fucks like the ones of REQ), I don't feel anxious. I just don't care anymore if this goes up, down, or stagnant for years. And I really do believe we won't see any sign of recovery until MINIMUM a year from now

>> No.11870998

People have to buy Hanukkah gifts, there is no money to buy crypto, it's over.

Investors are going to close out the year at a loss and claim the losses as a deduction.

>> No.11871103

lol you should have been asking this months ago. If you haven't already been shorting then you're never gonna make it. 3k is the bottom.

>> No.11871139

I'm honestly starting to think we may have a bear market in the low 2ks for a good 2 year before we can see a hope of recovery... If this happens most projects will die (a lot already have I suppose), it's going to be tough

>> No.11871179

>Early adoption for tulips is not over because it's still not used as a global currency yet.

>> No.11871415
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This isn't bottom.

Bottom is when posts like yours no longer exist.

When baghollders like you are no longer trying to convince idiots to buy so you can cash out.

>> No.11871608
File: 143 KB, 930x538, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look mom, i can skew a graph to fit my copypasta meme lines

>> No.11871670

wrong imbecile. 30 y/o boomer 2014 hodler here, every 'btc is dead' dip does not shake out 100% of bagholders. the hodlers/moonboys/permabulls will always exist, they'll be shilling down to 1 cent and if you really believe 'btc is dead' like the NPC's then lmfao

>> No.11871763

I always wonder how can people see that Crypto is like the norm fluctuations and not like the tulip disaster?
What if its just like a disaster?

>> No.11871780

Be very careful and make sure you have stop losses, and make sure they actually work. Shorting anything this volatile is really scary. I think there's still money to be made in shorting it, but you should liquidate your position if you're down by more than 50% rather than when you start going into negative territory. With bitcoin shorting it's easy to end up with massive debt if you're not careful.

Apart from that, go crazy. BTC can go down a lot more. But new rallies are possible and you need to get out early if they happen.

>> No.11871801

The tulip bubble is a myth it never really happened. There are zero recorded bankruptcies.

>> No.11871828
File: 312 KB, 1063x1600, 1541474432885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is such thing as market limit for each asset and stock, it is not same thing to drop from 300b unlike earlier "dips". Institutional investment has not pushed silver, for example, to some ridiculous heights. And bitcoin was very global bubble 2018 january, the price action movement was actually started mostly by chinese who shifted cash out of china via bitcoin

>> No.11872200

This might actually happen.
Scary stuff.

>> No.11872296

I would buy small amount just in case, but I am poorfag with no money to invest, so I will just continue to observe, as I did since 2012.