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11867382 No.11867382 [Reply] [Original]

Creating an airgaped setup on a laptop.
The plan is to sync a geth node on a network connected machine on a ssd. Then, when a transfer is to be made, the ssd would be attached to the offline machine, geth would be started using the ssd data and a transaction would be signed using an offline MyEtherWallet application.
Then the raw transaction would be put on a usb drive to an online machine and transmitted using myetherwallet.

Private keys would be generated on the offline machine. And put on a couple of paper wallets and a couple of encrypted usb drives. They will never be used on an online machine.

How retarded is this setup? Is there a better way?

>> No.11867409

As of now, the setup is reliant on GUI applications. Are there any safe, easy to use CLI tools that would allow one to sign ERC20 transfer transactions? That would allow one to discard the graphical environment, making the whole setup an order of magnitude safer.

>> No.11867427

jesus fucking christ just use a hardware wallet you fucking nut.

>> No.11867440

OP just generate wallets on a cold device and send your hot funds to the cold address

>> No.11867450

Don't need some piece of engineering abstract away raw access to the system without providing huge benefits.

>> No.11867462

but also why do you need a geth node at all? you don't need geth to run offline MEW and generate a transaction at all.
you're actually retarded. the huge benefit is that you can do away with all of your convoluted paranoid nonsense.

>> No.11867468

This is exactly the setup I want to create. Just want to flesh-out the details.

>> No.11867480
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good luck syncing a geth node.
also have fun losing your money smart guy.

>> No.11867490

dude, just buy a 10 dollar computer that never goes online, a 1 time use usb stick with the latest python setup, paste 10 lines of code and generate your keys.

jesus christ

>> No.11867498

You are over thinking it. Just download myetherwallet onto a usb from your hot device.

Transfer it to your cold device, make sure you physically remove the wifi/bt chip from the curcuit board.

Generate wallets and send coins from hot addresses to your newly created cold ones. You don’t need a node or to sign offline TXs

>> No.11867502

Did so multiple times. What's the problem?
>have fun losing your money
Yeah, overcomplicating stuff is a big risk, I agree. That's why I plan to use an offline MyEtherWallet than try to sign transactions using either node or python code.

>> No.11867542

A geth node run offline will help with validating input before signing it there. Want to rely on trusted software as much as I can - minimalizing anything manual and error prone.

>> No.11867570

Brainlet here, whats the point of doing all this stuff? To avoid potential key loggers? What else?

>> No.11867616

Minimalising the risk a hacker would take my private keys in my case.

>> No.11867676

>remove the wifi/bt chip from the curcuit board
Interesting, thank you. Had planned setting up an all-prohibiting iptables config.
>You don’t need a node or to sign offline TXs
You'll have to move your coin eventually. How would that happen in your setup?

>> No.11867808

then why not use a hardware wallet fucking kek.
you can still use mew with it btw.
you can even use a ledger or trezor with your own geth node
trezor is open source, you can audit the code and even build your own hardware if you really wanted to.
but nahhh don't use a super simple $50 device, use your ultra complicated risky as fuck setup to avoid hackers, that's fine.

>> No.11867880
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>> No.11868017

You don't need to sync a node anon.
Your offline machine can just sign your transaction, and then you take the sign transaction to an online machine with a synced node or just a webservice that enables you to publish transactions, MEW for example, and there you can verify your transaction as well.
For a truly air gapped data transfer you should use QR codes or something like that, not USB sticks.

>> No.11868235

The geth node would serve as a validation. Scared that I'll mess something up when inputting things manually, like the nonce or the entirety of data needed for ERC20 transfers, for signing.