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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 719x405, jibraille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11866197 No.11866197 [Reply] [Original]

Jibrel in the "special treatment area" aka the scam coin area where scams get delisted


>> No.11866232

To provide a solid user experience on the KuCoin Exchange (the “Exchange”), the Exchange has set these special treatment rules (“Rules”).

Projects at risk of being delisted will be put into the “Special Treatment”(“ST”) category and subject to mandatory review over a specified period of time. The Exchange may designate a target project as a Special Treatment project, at risk of being delisted after the observation period, in case of any of the following situations (“Negative Situations”):

Low liquidity for a certain period of time.
Ceasing or likely ceasing of business activities for 3 months.
In liquidation, insolvent, bankrupt or otherwise subject or in a position to become subject to bankruptcy proceedings.
Negative opinions by the company auditor.
Failure to submit update reports in accordance with the requirements of the Exchange in terms of project development, status of the team and status of the listing entity for a consecutive certain period of time.
The Project or the team of the Project is likely to be dissolved.
Any act considered as malicious operation to the market.
Any other situation as determined by the Exchange from time to time.

>> No.11866284
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> Once designated as “Special Treatment” by the Exchange, the Project shall place a special designation on its ticker symbol during a certain observation period as a warning.

Found the symbol

>> No.11866304




>> No.11866312


>> No.11866346

i wonder why. there still releasing monthly updates and claim to have cashed out $32 of ETH for business development back in January. Did they officially exit scam?

>> No.11866349
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>giving your money to shithole countries

>> No.11866356

The scamels are exiting

>> No.11866364

oh no no no no no no

>> No.11866388

This is just a final fake out before they tokenise $10 billion worth of hummus.

>> No.11866491

Aggg yazan and talal fucked us!

>> No.11866523
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Thank you for money filthy infidels.

>> No.11866540

Talal tried to open a 47th office and the bank refused to fund.i believe kucoin found out.

>> No.11866669
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>> No.11866765

Just you fucking wait you cocksuckers. Talal is going to tokenize more goat pussy than you could fathom and it will be a GODDAMNED HIT in middle east.

Tokenized goat pussy on the blockchain. Its the fucking future so deal with it.

>> No.11866954


>> No.11867125

JNT $10 EOY. Just one 250X away.

>> No.11867150


Another /biz/ shitcoin down the drain. Where are all the shills to defend it now? FYI, Chainlink and HOLO are coming up to the chopping block soon.

>> No.11867174

Oh its just liquidity right now. There is nobody buying or selling it and the total volume is like 40K for everyone exchange.

It isn't dead quite yet. It is just getting delisted from an exchange. There are still two more to go before we can finally stick the last nail in the coffin because they literally cannot sell.

>> No.11867376
File: 20 KB, 466x120, Great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the bantz.

>> No.11867582

This shitcoin is every fudders dream

>> No.11867599

Chainlink and HOLO will be the entire CMC top 100 by this time next year.

>> No.11867623

If it's only the liquidity it won't be the last coin being in this "special zone" in the last months.

Have 10k of this shit, luckily I do not really care about it anymore. Probably why it's called high-risk

>> No.11868245


>> No.11868325

>trusting nonwesterners
Hopefully you at least learned. The only countries that make anything worthwhile are western English, Dutch, German, American, and Japanese. Italians get honorable mention for sports cars.

>> No.11868351
File: 86 KB, 740x850, TALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Everyone,

Talal here.

>> No.11868364
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>> No.11868370

Kucoin is a joke. they still haven’t delisted an obvious scam coin Bitclave.
They probably won’t delist a coin if its devs pay them some btc

>> No.11868402

Have you considered buying ANYTHING made from hardworking and successful cultures?

>> No.11868432

my nims will save me

>> No.11868482

I'm not a racist but this is true.

>> No.11868529

It ain't racism it's meritocracy. Japan earned their spot and France lost it.

>> No.11868550

maybe they heard that these arabs sold all their ETH at the top and are trying to shake them down for fresh FIAT

>> No.11869106
File: 83 KB, 185x272, 1519510287976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys... 450k JNT marine here

Once my JNT stack was a few 100 grands worth. At least i drew the line faster than everyone else and sold near 0.3-0.4 range. How longe are you willing to hold?

At least Hans got fucked even harder than me. Btw...have the released anything yet? Still holding a small portion for good old memories.

>> No.11869132

Pipe dreams can make the night seem hopeless
Wide eyed and losin focus...

good times indeed.. sold this trash though

>> No.11869154

I'm going to keep DCA'ing until I own the entire supply

>> No.11869176

Wow ultimate vapourware portfolio

>> No.11869498

Imagine being so criminal and incompetent even criminally incompetent exchanges have to delist you.

>> No.11870232

Hans sold at 6 cents and pretends JNT doesn't exist now. Its hilarious.

It is funny that actual scamcoins that are in the process of exit scamming have not been delisted yet JNT is because it is such a fuck up of a project.

>> No.11870378

glad I got out of this scam decades ago

>> No.11870926
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I can't believe I bought this shitcoin after the most obvious sell signal

>> No.11870977

>100 REQ were once ~$140
>currently $2
Holy shit

>> No.11871094

Very sad

>> No.11871175

How much did you loose in total?

>> No.11871692

Jibrel teams tokens are locked away for five years, you fags should have known from the beginning this was a long term hold. 2017 spoiled most of you to where you think everything is gonna moon instantly. Let them build this shit correctly so that it fucking WORKS instead of just throwing BS out there.

>> No.11871698

yall really bought an arab coin

>> No.11871715
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Jibril is still based though

>> No.11871964

let the retards sperg

>> No.11872026
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>mfw my glorious Samsung phone wasn't mentioned

>> No.11872052
File: 86 KB, 1851x412, buttcoin jnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

APOLOGIZE to /r/buttcoin

>> No.11872067


Don't worry OP, this is supposedly all part of their plan. By March of next year they're all gonna be rich.

>> No.11872411

This is bullshit. The link doesn’t work and I just checked KuCoin and see no news about this

>> No.11873702

Literally go to Kucoin and look up JNT.

>> No.11874280

Dump it all. Dump away and run for the hills. Please.