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11862663 No.11862663 [Reply] [Original]

Hi fellow anons,

Just got back from a business trip from Seoul.

Second time I’ve been here and damn does it manage to get cold, was a lot warmer during Korea’s Blockchain Week earlier this year for their summer.

Great place, nice food overall, plus the women here are something else (both literally and figuratively lol), those who’ve been here will know what I mean

Just thought I would share some interesting observations that I picked up from my time over there with you all:

> Scene is still very much alive and thriving. Just not as much retail or public interest. It has continued to catch the attention of many entrepreneurs, enterprise companies, and of course government officials

> Trading volume has died off a lot with the current markets. In terms of trading vs investing, hasn’t changed with the majority of people in Korea primarily sticking to traindg - they don’t participate in ICOS as they have KYC issues/can’t read English fluently. (Plus ICO market is pretty much dead right now)

> Ground X by Kakao (one of Korea’s biggest companies similar to being the Google for Korea) is making moves and incorporating offshore to raise funds for their project

>> No.11862665


> ICON is in the shitter right now. They don’t have a CTO and are having troubles securing one. Way too many moving targets and objectives for them to handle atm and they are just fire-fighting to alleviate problems atm. A lot of developers have been leaving for other projects like Hycon, Edenchain, Fantom, Metadium, Seele, Terra, and AERGO.

> Blockchain technology and crypto overall in Korea is still making a serious dent with adoption happening almost every day/week at an enterprise level, and even local government agencies, major Korean banks, plus ofc tech companies.

> A lot of the gaming, entertainment, and media industry are also actively seeking to adopt blockchain tech/systems.

> The Gookening is real anons. These guys are poised to be a serious leader in this new era in the years and decades to come. I’m not sure if we will be hailing to our new Korean overlords, but there will surely be a lot of opportunities to come out of this.

Also, if you were wondering, yes, Korean BBQ is still amazingly cheap here. Economies of scale is a truly wonderful thing.

I hope you are all doing okay in this bloodshed. It's not all doom and gloom, keep your head up, and make sure to work and invest in yourself above all.

Never rely on just one avenue to make it in life, if there is only one thing that you should ever rely on, it should be yourself anon. Remember that.

>> No.11862732

No one else will thank you for this thoughtful post of real boots on the ground insight, so I shall.

>> No.11862765

Thanks, lad.

>> No.11862802
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Seele is chinese with hq in the us. your little faggety larp failed. fuck aergo

>> No.11862816

>plus the women here are something else (both literally and figuratively lol
Go on....

>> No.11862889

More about the women please

How are they?

>> No.11862924

Your welcome!

This is what my contact told me whilst I was there. There are a lot of Koreans apparently who study in America throughout primary/high school and come back for university.

Some kind of weird foster like style arrangement to Westernize and have their children learn English.

I didn't manage to invest in AERGO's private sale. I do have a recommendation for you though, you should look into Cosmochain, seems like the type of thing you would like.

Hahaha, well that chick you see in the OP?

Well, when you go clubbing in the Gangnam district you'll see at least 50 women at each club that looks pretty much like that.

Cosmetics, plastic surgery, makeup and the whole lot is insane there.

They also take a liking to Westerners a lot because the far majority of them don't like Korea. The working conditions for the amount of pay they get is very offputting to them.

>> No.11862946

Good to hear you enjoyed your trip to Korea bro. As a half korean I agree with most statements except for korean bbq being cheap. Lemme know if you know some of the places I like to go to in Seoul

>> No.11862974

Also, can you recommend me some projects I should have a look at? Current market is a shit show. I am drooling all over aergo though

>> No.11863273

It's cheap at least compared to where I'm from haha! Probably 3-4x cheaper on average

Yeah sure, a lot of these aren't listed yet though. I primarily invest during private sales, will rally some off top of my head

I like blockchains and scalability, on that front there is Harmony (ex Googlers), Algorand (MIT), Kadena (ex JP Morgan), Red Belly Blockchain (CSIRO), Chainspace, Thunder Token, Oasis Labs

Hmm outside of that, there are some exchanges that seem interesting, LCX (the Binance Lichenstein one). Resistance DEX, will be shilled by Ballina and his cohort soon.

Miscellanous ones that are more dappy come to mind atm are ECOMI (non fungible collectibles) and Chiliz. More speculative plays though, I'm thinking of picking up some Chiliz when it unlocks as Im quite confident it will get an instant-list on Binance. Dreyfus and CZ are close

Also, one of my bags that I've been holding for quite some time! Factom. It finally pumped in the unlikeliest scenarios of this shit storm of a market. It's a strong project with long term potential, def have a look into that one and its token structure.

>> No.11863483

Very solid list! I have been looking at LCX, Kadena and Harmony for a while now. Didn't really like thundertoken soon. Appreciate the info! Any coins that are trading on the market now? I do not have the connections or capital to do any private sale and I find ico's to be tricky now. You might want to take a look at certik and skale. Also, solve care will be listed on bittrex once the tokens come out; keep an eye on that

>> No.11863497

Also, i can't seem to find any info on resistance dex

>> No.11863532

based OP reporting in from Korea. appreciate your words and perspective. ive fucked tons of korean girls, they are really easy going and not as mean spirited as the chinese ive been with. over all they are prob second to japanese women but still a strong 2nd in terms of ranking asian women by country.

>> No.11863566

kys if u believe balina is any form of good advice.

>> No.11863586

>Some kind of weird foster like style arrangement to Westernize and have their children learn English.

t.doesn't know what a foreign exchange student is

>> No.11863621

>using exclamation points unironically
major faggot alert

>> No.11863666

Goes on a trip to korea for a week suddenly knows everything about the country

>> No.11863696

will bump your thread if it gets close to falling off the catalog

>Red Belly Blockchain (CSIRO)

im gonna have to look into this, im from aus and theres a CSIRO building across the road from where i work so ill have to see what the go is

>> No.11863775

Lived here for 10 years..AMA

>> No.11864087

I studied Korean for 6 years and have lived in it for 2, have been all around over 40 cities around Korea, backpacked across it, lived as a student here and have worked for over a year here as well, and earned a minor in Korean and Korean Civilizations from my university. I made $370k in cryptocurrency in 2017 and have lost/spent $140k of it since.

You people are making a huge deal of nothing. Korea is still a big piece of shit and I'm still here. Ask me whatever you want.

>> No.11864103

You sound like every annoying tourist I've spoken with for the past 6 years. Take your shitty thread to fucking /trv/ or better yet reddit you dumb fuck. They eat this shit up.

>> No.11864142

you are being very RUDE my friend

>> No.11864147

are you a fan jonghyun? (rip my nigga)

>> No.11864179

Oh look a koreaboo.
I saw every major kpop group live between 2013 and 2015 including Shinee and have signed CDs of 10 groups but I don't do any of that shit anymore.

My Korean wife agrees you're just some fuck. Our son is too young to talk yet. Kill yourself with a shotgun blast to the face.

>> No.11864226

thats dope anon

>> No.11864241

>im just some fuck
>only 3 posts in this thread
>not even OP

doesnt surprise me, im guessing your korean wife is either colourblind or cant read english?

>> No.11864257

Korea is big piece of shit if you are not upper class, i agree with that. Life is hard out there. Anyway I assume you live in seoul. Tell me your favorite places to eat and drink will check them out

>> No.11864286

My wife usually just cooks for me and we outright own our home by Digital Media City so I tend to eat locally. What do you want, like the restaurants I'm a regular at? I've been to pretty much every corner of this city multiple times. Go to literally any of the major hubs with shitloads of people and find a restaurant that serves what you want.

>> No.11864296

Korea is a great, fun place. I really want to marry a Korean girl. Was too young at the time, now I am ready. They are a bit crazy though, but aren't they all

>> No.11864297

And I am "upper class" kind of. It's still fucking shit. Old people spitting everywhere, too many people smoking, people are fucking blind to their own government. My opinion doesn't matter on this. Just end this thread.

>> No.11864301


Gook women are butt ugly anon.

>> No.11864313

Is this a fucking bot or are you like 19 fresh off the newfag express?
>Korea is a great, fun place
Yeah if you're still like 19 and partying til 9am is still a novelty.
>I really want to marry a Korean girl
Lmfao you don't know what the fuck you're saying.
>Now I am ready
>They are a bit crazy though
You're a naive faggot.

>> No.11864315

is red belly trading anywhere? i set my google news for it awhile ago and saw they were having some updates.

>> No.11864407

>Our son is too young to talk yet
>literally having an elliot rodger

silly burger, what have you done

>> No.11864440


Thank you for doing us a solid and sharing your insights OP. Seems everything isn't as bad then.

Glad you mentioned Terra and AERGO best projects coming out of Korea right now.

Binance labs & Hashed both are Spearleading Terra. AERGO is in similarly good shape with Hyundai, Samsung, Sequoia, GBIC already invested.

I wonder if these projects have a more global strategy outside Korea.

>> No.11864458

Wait so Icon is dead?? I have fucking 40k worth of bags on that big. I went all in around March

>> No.11864521

I don't think they're entirely dead but from my understanding there is an internal crisis and they're trying to retain their employees. The CTO isn't the only worry here.

There's been a change in interest from the Institutions but all hope isn't lost. They still have something very valuable but i'd say it may take a while for stability to return. Mind me ICON is a great project, but their promises we're unfortunately extravagant.

Is there any word on AERGO's first listing? I have reason to believe Seqoia has a % stake in Huobi and FBG is a Supernode for them as well.

It's quite clear they're going to get listed very soon. Thoughts?

>> No.11864656

Shouldn't Bithumb be number 1 priority considering they are in Korea?

How hard is it for AERGO or any other project to get listed on Bithumb these days?

>> No.11864886

Yeah Thunder did a second raise a few months back that kind of pissed off a few of the investors. They've also done some pivots lately along with Oasis. This space is so new man and be very bizarre at times.

Coins trading on the market now I don't like to talk about much. Really I stick to the main one Bitcoin hah, and most of my free capital flows into early stage investments.

Factom I think was the only one. Aergo will apparently list soon from people who told me in Korea. Tried to get them to spill the beans on the exchanges but they just kept laughing it off.

Yes CertiK and Skale are great too, thanks for suggesting.

The website and whitepaper aren't out yet. Its on the way though

Mah man.

I didn't say he is a form of good advice. Just said it will be shilled soon by him

Nah but its not just like a one year deal thing. It's like they are there from late primary throughout high school.

At least where I'm from foreign exchange might be one semester or a year, not several years away from your family.

I don't know shit senpai. But the people I was having meetings with are deep into crypto there.

Nice, that's awesome to hear. I'm not really hear to talk about Korea in general, just Korean crypto. More than welcome to share your knowledge though, its a great country.

Damn dude, you are hostile as fuck toward Korea, why live there if you're just gonna shit all over it?

No, not out yet. They are still wrapping up private sales I believe. Kosmos is leading the investment

>> No.11864911

Yeah Terra is doing the rounds in Korea. Their raise amount is freaking ridiculous though. Recent partnership with Kakao is massive however.

Aergo already has offices setup outside of Korea so I'm sure they're thinking global too.

It's not dead yet, but its heading that way I'm afraid.

Yeah as mentioned above, they are getting listed soon. I don't know what exchanges. My guess would be definitely a Korean one, likely Bitthumb, and a Chinese exchange too.

Doubt it'll be Binance because of Sequioa's involvement however who knows.

>> No.11864959

what's great about Chiliz? looks like a complete shitcoin to me

>> No.11864986

also what's up with all these Aergo threads popping up on biz? what's the reason for it OP?

>> No.11865021

I don't usually like dApps and most of them are classed as shitcoins for me.

I've met the CEO Dreyfus though and he is a straight hustler who knows exactly what he's doing. If you look at the partnerships they've already built up in Football (PSG, Juventus) and eSports (Fnatic + many other Twitch influencers) in the short amount of time they've been around, and without live tech yet its rather amazing.

Aside from that, him and CZ are good friends. He has a Malta blockchain office with Binance setting up shop there, a long with TRON and one of the Chinese exchanges, I think OKEX.

Its lolsy because he's apparently gonna make them all pay rent in chiliz tokens hahah.

In short, it seems like the perfect normie magnet, they have an insane amount of tokens so the $ per token will be extremely low - again attracting normies. And I expect a near instant Binance listing for them ala QKC + MFT

>> No.11865035

so what you are saying is that Chiliz may possibly be another normie mania like Tron was?

>> No.11865148

I have no idea. I hadn't noticed desu, don't have much time to be on biz all day. It has been under the radar for quite sometime now so perhaps people have started catching on

Yes, quite possible. Only difference being that they have more legitimacy about them than say Mr. Shillmaster 3000 Sun.

When people throw around the term shitcoin it can be taken as all encompassing thing but to me, there are still nice shiny 'shitcoins' where the tech isn't really that great BUT when it comes to the business side of things, they can be amazing.

Ripple is a perfect example of this. Despite how scammy their token is (brb no value accrual), their biz dev and marketing prowess is next level and that can result in token price appreciation.

Of course it sucks to be stuck bagholding a piece of shit you don't believe in, but if you can play things well and see stuff like this happening ahead of time, then you can still profit.

Having spoken to Dreyfus a few times, and asking about him from those I trust. I don't see the Chiliz token dumping, at least not in the weeks and months following the usual initial listing pump n dump - this is granted the market does not crash further.

DYOR and you'll be able to connect the dots

>> No.11865169

This is a classic shill post, /mu/ kpop tourists beware

>> No.11865276

Fuck off chang no one is buying your shitty shill
I live in worst korea and nobody but boomers are interested in crypto fallacy so go fuck yourself larper

>> No.11865334


Don't buy it, I never said to buy it.
Anon simply asked me what I thought so I shared.

"Worst Korea"? 50% of salaried workers in Korea all own cryptocurrencies. The millenials are (or were) deep into cryptos as they saw it as their way out of their shitty situations, much like many from biz.

I don't think there are a lot of boomers on biz lol

>> No.11865424

That’s where you’re wrong son. We’re here and we’re a laffin.

>> No.11865551

What's wrong with partying til 9am?

>> No.11865577

Did you just wake up from a 9 month coma?

>> No.11865604

This thread is fucking embarrassing. Absolute state of cryptocucks

>> No.11866041

So I own 38k ICX. I’ve held since December and watched as my portfolio hit 6 figs and dropped to nothing. The amount of pain hatred and regret I feel for these lying scamming gooks can’t be explained.

Obviously their ICO was in Switzerland so I can’t spam the SEC’s inbox to get them fined up the ass.

Im not surprised they are having internal problems. And Min Kim is THE biggest faggot Gook ever.

My investment is dead. At this point, I can’t have regret anymore. I don’t know why I believed in these fucking lying scammers.

Can you tell me why they were such full of shit? This whole LINE partnership/ and min saying they “focused their resources on that”. How did they get their coin to public exchanges before Aergo and others if they were such a shit project? Is there first mover advantage beneficial for them or are they just a shitty startup that massive companies are realizing they would rather partner with other projects?

They say they have 100 devs working on it. Why the fuck all the delays?

And is there anything I can fill out on some Korean website to get Korea’s version of the SEC to buttfuck them in fees?

>> No.11866068

Its entirely your fault for not selling.

>> No.11866100

>nice food overall

confirmed larp

>> No.11866150

I know 100%. This is my painful lesson

>> No.11866209

Korean women are what happens when you give women who hate themselves money and access to cheap plastic surgery.

It's a bunch of chopped up anorexic psycho dolls with zero personality and addiction to social media worse than even the most depraved western thot.

Go Thai or flip and thank me later.

>> No.11866225

I lived in Seocho-gu for 3 years and know exactly what you mean anon. Everyone fucking hates Korea, especially Koreans. IT doesn't matter if your upper class or lower class. If I had money and wanted to live in an Asian city. it eould definitely be HK. Korea is old as fuck after a week. Every city there is exactly the same. The only place I liked was Jeju and my wife hates it. My father in law has an apartment ain Cheongdam and a really nice little weekend house in Yangpyeong county (the place is called shillon-ri) that's really pretty charming, but the whole vibe of the country is soul draining. Just masses of retards glued to their smartphones walking all over the place.

>> No.11866240

Durr go used up thai or pinoy it doesnt matter if she fucked countless old western men I like her personality

>> No.11866435

you shouldn't have bought into ICX

>> No.11866658 [DELETED] 

I know

>> No.11866703

haha imagine unironically creating a little Ellliot Rodger half-breed

>> No.11866862

Based and gookpilled

>> No.11867171

I can't get along with pinays at all.
I think I usually make it clear I'm not religious at all and don't believe in "love", or flowery stupid shit they all like. Then they immediately think I'm evil, never mind the fact that they've fucked more people in the last month than I will in my life.

If you tell a Chinese woman this it isn't a turn off to them, since they're 99% atheist and the concept of God or magical thinking (or hope) isn't in them beyond fortune teller/zodiac horse shit.

>> No.11867311

Kekekek look, a bitter korean pissed about the larger and physically superior caucasians who has been stealing all the Korean tail and fucking their brains out while he was forced to jerk of to anime. Now that he is ‘upper class’ he’s finding out that there still is nothing his little shrivel dick can do about it. Just off yourself and put your wife back on the market so that the rest of us can enjoy her

>> No.11867333

Korean chicks are way more racist (and psychotic) than Chinese or Japanese women. Scientific fact.

If the guy snagged himself a Korean lady, good on him. He's got something going for him.

>> No.11867347

Yeah, cause every hapa is elliot. Just like every white is dylan roof.

>> No.11867408

The dude is clearly a white guy with a Korean wife.
Idk why you are so assblasted anon

>> No.11867436

Fuck you cunt, obviously a >.<

>> No.11867439

Any opinions and thoughts on Factom?
I'm holding a ton but Idk whether to dump or not.

>> No.11867454

Oops I meant Fantom > <

>> No.11867534

Just kill yourself right now and save yourself the trouble
Faggots like you obsessed with cuckholdery are not gonna make it

>> No.11868074

>superior caucasians
Don't call yourself that you stupid mutt

Also you must not have met many Koreans at all because they are pretty large, in many cases bigger than Americans. Anyway there is nothing more pathetic than a white(or in your case mutt) guy that likes asian girls but at the same time talks shit about asian guys

t. an actual white caucasian from northern europe

>> No.11868199


Ecomi is a giant scam - gtfo of here you’re probably one of their two shitty advisors

>> No.11868299

you're either a child or an overgrown child. Either way you are a retard.

>> No.11868768

Obviously a frail Asian who wants nothing more than to be a burly American who can score with the ladies. Lol, just accept what you are, life gets easier. If however you actually were from Northern Europe, you would still be a huge pussy who gets no pussy, therefore sympathizing with, and identifying as, an Asian who gets no pussy.

>> No.11868806

This entire post is horrible and if this was unironic you are legitimately retarded.

>> No.11868834

I know, fucking ridiculous isn’t it? They don’t call it noodle for no reason

>> No.11869402

>Obviously a frail Asian who wants nothing more than to be a burly American who can score with the ladies. Lol, just accept what you are, life gets easier. If however you actually were from Northern Europe, you would still be a huge pussy who gets no pussy, therefore sympathizing with, and identifying as, an Asian who gets no pussy.

>t. retard who was never been to korea

>> No.11870466

>Obviously a frail Asian who wants nothing more than to be a burly American who can score with the ladies

Like I said, I am white Scandinavian. The last thing I would want is to be an American. I have had the displeasure of living together with a large group of Americans for many months and I have to say that I have never met such stupid, annoying, loud, arrogant and drug-addicted people anywhere else.

>you would still be a huge pussy who gets no pussy, therefore sympathizing with, and identifying as, an Asian who gets no pussy.
I have fucked over 50 girls and currently have a gf.
Btw I would bet the majority of asian males fuck more pussies than you.
