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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11862593 No.11862593 [Reply] [Original]

Will any major companies be going bankrupt?
>pic maybe related

>> No.11862605

No, Activision suits are unloading all the Blizz devs rn and replacing them with chink mobile devs

>> No.11862656

The nerds think thats impossible. Because muh vidya games. There literally is games outthere that do it the old way they claim to love so much. E.g. Path of Exile. Do they play it though? Of cause not. The truth is they are into findom and want their masters to exstract their betabux with gay rainbox unicorn ingame mounts.

>> No.11862676

I’ve been working as an outside contractor for Blizzard in Irvine for over 6 years. I do building maintenance and get access to quite a bit of private conversation. Funny how someone who looks like a “janitor” is considered a fly on the wall. Mike stepped down because he doesn’t like the direction the board wants to take with the company. Look who just stepped in, they are basically arch rivals. Mike started the company, has provided incredible company culture and Jay Allen Brack gives two fucks about that. He wants to turn down overhead at all costs. Blizzard fans will get rekt in the coming years (is: Diablo mobile), investors however, holy fuck were gonna be rich.

>> No.11862686


>> No.11862693


Blizzdrones are feeling a false sense of justice over the Diablo debacle, but the reality is that they're still going to buy their games.

Activision only needs to downsize them, and they can keep making money.

>> No.11862707
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>pic maybe related

>> No.11862715

this. who gives a flying fuck about basement neckbeards and their $200 neetbux? mobile games make much more money with much less effort, and thats all they care about. look at clash royale. fucking garbage ass low effort game making literal billions.

>> No.11862731

does that mean f2p wow and more microtransaction ? pls I'm broke now

>> No.11862733

Black Ops 4 sold 4,2 million copies. ATVI is oversold. Buy now and get +40% next year with the next big Blizzard franchise (Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft)