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File: 12 KB, 272x185, thanksgiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11861311 No.11861311 [Reply] [Original]

>let's say grace first
>ok, dig in everyone!
>so anon, how is your little bitcoin investment going?

>> No.11861316



>> No.11861325

>doesnt say grace
enjoy hell faggot

>> No.11861327

im up 500% so pretty good thank you

>> No.11861333

Imagine being such a cuck that fear mongering like this gets you to believe in a fairy tale. Religiontards are so cucked.

>> No.11861345

>believes in hell
>"trades" crypto
truly the brainlet's market.

>> No.11861351
File: 106 KB, 800x750, soymilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the basedboy

>> No.11861357

i don't trade crypto faggot i just come here to laugh at people like you. i have real investments, not internet meme money

>> No.11861358
File: 647 KB, 1551x1141, ###@.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything's going well grandma

then I assert my dominance by eating through the turkey's thighbone

>> No.11861362

>I did it reddit!

>> No.11861366

>thinks i trade crypto
>christcuck has a childlike reading comprehension
every time.

>> No.11861388

Why exactly should you believe in the cult of christianity instead of the cult of Islam? Oh right because they're not based epic and that one guy you don't like is an Atheist. Retards. Literally retards believing in something without evidence. Kill yourselves.

>> No.11861437
File: 90 KB, 928x891, 1481686218662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because islam has sex with kids, bans alcohol, and kills everyone who isn't muslim

>> No.11861462

So just like I said, you're a retard who believes in something without evidence only because you like some of the people in it. Retarded. There's just as much evidence that Allah is real rather than God. You may as well believe in slicing your wrists open for the great god of Z'akwke'wee, as he will give you a thousand epic death threats if you don't believe in him.

>> No.11861463


>> No.11861466

>not being thankful
I hope you get a hemroidal flare up that burns with the fury of 10,000 suns.

>> No.11861474

Not surprising a christ cuck chooses to ignore the actual argument just because they don't like their own medicine. Cuck retard.

>> No.11861539

are you denying that they ban alcohol and homosexuality with severe punishments including death by stoning in public and thrown off roof tops? you can find videos online of them doing it. the craziest christian you'll find is some guy on the corner shouting

99.99% of christians aren't barbarians
a disturbingly large portion of muslims are and this is common knowledge so i don't know what "evidence" you say i'm not in possession of

>> No.11861562

I was clearly talking about evidence of a god.

>> No.11861580

you included islam though, which isn't a peaceful religion like hinduism or christianity, so you started off wrong in your precipice. proof of god is obvious when you have a functioning pineal gland