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11858641 No.11858641 [Reply] [Original]

>gf is stronk independent woman
>she makes 2x my salary
>She is adamant in that we keep our savings separated and remain independent
>I agree , everything chill
>her Thot sister is married to a well off guy (actually cool guy)
>hasn't worked in 7 years
>no kids
>we share our savings anon

>tell my gf in private that her sister is a Thot and a gold digger
>she gets upset and tells me it's not the same situation we are in

>> No.11858658

I like how your gf never justifies her decisions and statements cuckboy

>> No.11858661

yeah it's because she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life with you

>> No.11858699

Fuck her hard, in the arse.

>> No.11858722

I do.

>> No.11858750

Boyfriwns vs husband dipshit.

>> No.11858798
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>Getting married 2000+18 A. C.

Never change /biz/

>> No.11858802

Incel thread, 99% made up

>> No.11858806

your gf will leave you the second an attractive man who makes more money than her shows interest. you are legit going to get cucked anon, guaranteed

>> No.11858817

100% this.

>> No.11858823

She''s the idiot for not being able to explain her train of thought.

>> No.11858828

you mean 10 B.C (before crypto) right anon?

>> No.11858851

Well,. I won't wageslave more to meet her supposed requirements so until she decides to split i will stick around

>> No.11858867

>being this retarded
She only wants to keep the finances separate BECAUSE she earns more than you. If she earned less she would be adamant about pooling finances.

She's a selfish hypocrite anon. If you're okay with that then that's fine but it's still the truth.

>> No.11858905

It literally doesn't matter now, the vaginal jew will get you even if you don't get married because of defacto couple laws.
Basically never be in a relationship longer than 2 years and avoid cohabitation for more than 2 months or they'll get half of your stuff.

>> No.11858989

I know..
I think it's the logical thing to do.
But the double standard is annoying.

>> No.11859008

I know the law. It's 5 years where I live and it's not enforced unless you have kids

>> No.11859089

Unironically this. She wants to use you to help build her nest egg until her real Chad comes along, you know, the comfy linkie

>> No.11859127

This. It’s not even about hating women, it’s just that people are inherently wired this way

>> No.11859149

I hold 50k links

>> No.11859232

This is confirmed to happen with 90% of females who make more than their partner.
When women do some honest work, and happen to be good at it. They almost always feel they deserve every dollar, why should i spend it on my bf?

When guy works his whole relationship , and makes 10x the female. He usually has no problem letting her do all the shopping. This is the case with most families....

We can't talk about this though, not on the news station. Not aloud, you will be the 'mean' guy that beats women

>> No.11859244

>defacto couple laws.
This. Got into family court when ex of 6 years dumped me

>> No.11859261

Gratz, you discovered the marriage scam.

>> No.11859322

When you have a wife / gf and you will naturally want to provide for her

>> No.11859501

Tbh senpai. She does spend a lot of money on me, I dont ask, she just does it. But in the financial aspect she is as level headed as a guy and it's obvious that the most important factor is the little fact she wageslave s hard for that money and don't want to get reverse divorce raped.
I completely agree. But the fact is she gets angry when I point her that her sister should do the same, because of course she knows her sister doesn't have any money of her own and it's pulling the romantic equivalent of an exit scam on my brother in law. Getting money on nothing but promises and vaporwave

>> No.11859544

Asleep and bluepilled

>> No.11859564
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>brother in law
>my girlfriend's sister's husband

>> No.11859861

Her sister is a thot but she’s not right? Just wait until alpha Chad w 2x her salary sniffs her pheromones in the gym. You’re gonna cuckoooo my guy.