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11858109 No.11858109 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 29 btc @ 4300
This is a huge dip, good enough for me!
I not only strongly believe in BTC, I have info that it will moon and I have a great fucking feeling about it!

SEE you when I become a millionaire!

>> No.11858120

>I have info


>> No.11858130

See u at 3500

>> No.11858135

Nintendo most likely

>> No.11858137

Realistically 1 million EOY

>> No.11858143

You must be rich or extremely dumb to buy that much right now.

See you in a week when you've sold it all for a loss.

>> No.11858146

I have 30BTC total and when it goes to $33,333 I will be a millionaire.
I know $15000 by Jan.2019 is going to happen and for $33,333 I'll have to wait a bit, but I'm in no rush...

>> No.11858175

I am rich and I will prove that I am not dumb at all.
Watch my millionaire journey and cry jelly boy

>> No.11858176

Bitcoin will never go up unless you meme a bunch of clueless people to hodl like before, which is why, I suppose, you are making this thread.

Bitcoin literally has nothing behind it. All you have left right now are the few hodlers that have not yet killed themselves, miners and traders. The miners will leave once the price is low enough, and the hodlers will all eventually die. That leaves us with the traders. The traders are the only people keeping the value where it is at. But as the more skilled ones bankrupt the retarded ones, less and less people will be interested in trading. This will drive down the prices, and this process will repeat until 0. With the winners of this game leaving just before it becomes impossible to sell their entire portfolio for fiat.

>> No.11858200


>> No.11858238

Hahahhaa seems like you know it all anon... How much money you made so far? ;)
Have you predicted $20000? No you didn't, same way you can't predict this time and you never will.
There is a bright future ahead of me and ahead of Bitcoin, that's all I can tell you

>> No.11858275

Hey, I don't care. If it is true that BTC will go up, my indicators will just tell me that and I'll go long. I don't give a shit. I am just giving my predictions. Nothing backs BTC which is why it will never increase in value on its own, and I doubt a new mass of hodlers will appear after literally everyone and their mom saw the crash.

Now, BTC had some buying power before. Its value was in how it was able to store value in a place where the government couldn't reach you. I remember when BTC was at like 700, and you could use it to buy CP, guns, etc. in onion websites. So one could theoretically think that its bottom will be 700, as criminals will still use it. But BTC is now just one of the hundreds of other cryptocurrencies that have no bullshit regulations (like EOS), which means that there is no guarantee that BTC will go back to that.

Heck, I'd say that it would have all been better if it had stayed that way. BTC would be humbly jumping around the few hundreds, and I could trade for all eternity, knowing that criminals will always guarantee support.

>> No.11858354

I only know what I know.
You know that saying 'dumb people know everything' - that's not me.
I can give you 100 reasons in 5 minutes why BTC will moon, but I am not here to chat I am a guy that takes action.
I just posted this because I wanted my anons to see the other side - the winning side.
Go and keep posting suicide wojaks and I'll go make millions.
Bye bye!

>> No.11858376

Look, I just like sharing my opinion. I don't trade based on any of this, I only trade based on my indicators. It's just fun talking, and I have a few strong opinions about BTC.

If you think it will moon, why don't you say why?

>> No.11859262
File: 28 KB, 522x380, actualstateofBoomers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jan 2019
The absolute state of delusion in this community is staggering. This has to be bait.

>> No.11859271


I hope you used 100x leverage. Because all of the really smart people use 100x leverage

>> No.11859494
File: 91 KB, 400x400, Smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11859521

In 2 hours op already lost almost 1200 dollars lmao

>> No.11859547

good bait

>> No.11859611

200iq anon reporting. The value of any unbacked and non-directly priced currency is the sum of all limit-buy orders on the exchange market. Once they're gone, btc is worth nothing.

>> No.11859622

whoa, deep

>> No.11859729 [DELETED] 

See you at $1,000 is where real investors are waiting.

>> No.11859749

See you in $1,000 is where real investors are waiting.