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File: 97 KB, 775x500, IOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11855663 No.11855663 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is following the IOTA news? I'm honestly starting to get hyped.

>> No.11855670

hype is all iota has.

>> No.11855769

>he is unironically falling for it

>> No.11855774


>> No.11855775

I don't think so, they have a really high caliber guy on the team now, and more and more applications of the system are running in. It's quite a lot like Ethereum was in the beginning.

>> No.11855801

Yes I heard the day after tomorrow that IOTA guy will proof he is Satoshi and IOTA will moon through moon.

>> No.11855818

they always had high caliber goys on the team.

>> No.11855839

Very nice Marketing Scam

>> No.11855851

The IOTA "consensus algorithm" is complete garbage. There will always be partitions in DAG currencies, it's inherent in the design - they are fast because there's no global consensus. IOTA solves this by saying the partition containing the coordinator is the correct one. The coordinator is NEVER GOING AWAY. They'll lead you on with some coordinator replacement bullshit as long as they can, but it's a design-level problem that can't be fixed.

I would never put money into this coin.

>> No.11855856

Why shouldn't I?

>> No.11855875

because their wallet/network is shit and when the price takes off again there will be convenient outages that result in your being unable to transfer funds.

>> No.11856157

And its all irrelevant even if it doesn't.
Matters not to price action, usecase, adoption.
Only matters to tech idealusts and utopians or as weak FUD for shills

>> No.11856240

they did hit 30TPS yesterday, if they don't eat shit after removing coordinator they'll replace ETH and BTC overnight

>> No.11856253

and what will you say when they remove coordinator ?

>> No.11856269


>> No.11856280
File: 238 KB, 665x900, 1540915133859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11856421

Then one would have to see how the thing behaves, given the absurd amounts of promises the team made which mostly weren't delivered. One ought to be skeptical to whatever they do.
If it works, than perhaps things might turn around for them, but it is extremely unlikely.

>> No.11856653

I love reading IOTA fud, it is the equivalent of medieval witch hunts.
Give me your funniest IOTA fud copypasta

>> No.11856697

IOTA is one of the few projects that at least looks like it will have something left to get hyped about after a bear market.

I'm still psyched. More so that they're solvent and have growing mindshare with the types who aren't coked out, token squatting, speculator retards who think chart movements reflect reality.

>> No.11856699

Its the exact opposite of the bullshit you blabbering. It matters in the terms of if decentralization, scalableness and actual tamperproof data with global consensus is not there. Nobody will adopt this pain in the ass protocol to run their shit on and instead use centralized known alternatives that actually work properly like traditional databases that can actually scale and handle the load

>> No.11857196

Nobody is going to implement centralized fake chains xrp retard

>> No.11857314

This thread is such a shitty half-assed shill. Iota isn't particularly bad - it's just an unremarkable piece of cash-grabbing shit in a market filled with unremarkable cash-grabbing pieces of shit. Congratulations - your token fits right in with the likes of bitconnect, ven, chainlink, and digibytes.

>> No.11857471

Yeah you are right - nobody will implement bull shit "crypto currencies & protocols" that are not usable including XRP. They just use technical solutions that worked fine for 30 years, perfeceting them year for year before using some dodgy non tested protocol that could go wrong by so many different factors that you dont even considered.

>> No.11857709

Based and redpilled, fuck iota and their Jew coordinator.

>> No.11857782

>Matters not to price action
Only during bubbles
>usecase, adoption.
iota will be dead in 5 years, creators will move on to a different scam, or retire

>> No.11857861

Yeah, I really don't know why people are hating so much on IOTA. I mean I understand if people hate the team, the idea, DAG, anything, but it's sure going to make money, and this is a business board after all.

>> No.11857889

Why do you guys think it's a scam?