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11853669 No.11853669 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz, lately i started having these thoughts that i wish i never woke up on the next morning. I dont want to kill myself or anything, but i do find i sometimes hope to just go to sleep and never wake up.

What does this mean? anyone else here get these thoughts?

>> No.11853678

yea it means you lack any imagination to see what's good about life and are probably materialistic but poor

>> No.11853717

>never waking up
what does he mean by that?

>> No.11853719

Waking up and realizing I'm still alive is probably the most depressing part of the day for me.

>> No.11853722

Im not poor though, both parents are doctors .I go to a good uni and about to finish my last year... but it just seems so uselss and pointless. I hate women, i hate society, sometimes i just stare at the wall in my dorm room and wonder why even keep doing this crap?

>> No.11853764

again what the other guy said, you have no real personality you just want to be some kind of tony stark or some other fantasy . I'd say good riddance.

>> No.11853766

You are right though, I'd like to pass away like my grandfather, quietly and peacefully. Not screaming and in pain, like the others in his car.

>> No.11853810

You dont hate women, you have yourself, prob cuz you are a bluepilled ugly cunt.

Yes, its ok to end it all.

>> No.11853842

I'm experiencing this for a long time. This is an effect of a slow realization that you're poor (i.e: you don't have a mansion in Monaco and a multinational making money for you), and even though you may increase into an upper social class, you'll still be poor, maybe in 3 or 4 generations your descendants will be able to actually be rich, even though it's highly likely that one of them will fuck up the progress of their ancestress.

>> No.11853863

ask yourself what you really want in life

>> No.11853871

ITT wanna be niggers, dreaming of rattling their gold chains at bitches and thinking they'll get pussy that way.

>> No.11853891

>Don't want to kill myself or anything
>never wake up
You mean just always being asleep so you can keep having dreams? Yeah it feels good to be asleep, but after a while you can sleep too much and feel restless. It doesn't feel good. Try it and you will be grateful that you are able to wake up!

>> No.11853945
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>> No.11853952
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Start taking adderall or meth. Seriously.

>> No.11854094

awesome /biz/ subject!


i literally hope you go to sleep and never wake up. as in you die in your sleep. because someone sat their fat ass on your face and suffocated you. faggot.

>> No.11854179

plz no bully

>> No.11854195

you fucking idiot, its not like you're going to wake up dead one day

>> No.11854705

Tomorrow you will wake up happy and fulfilled.

>> No.11854904

Exactly I wish I did not wake up at all.

>> No.11854919
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>plz no bully
>I hate women, i hate society

>> No.11854924

Use your fearlessness for productive ends. Like tight-rope walking or co-starring in SSBBW reverse gangbang pornos.

>> No.11855513
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It means pray. Your worth is not tied to your financial status.