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11852333 No.11852333 [Reply] [Original]

Why people here cant realize that crypto is finished? Dead. Why its so hard to understand?

>> No.11852354
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>> No.11852385

Some people lost a lot of money, so hope they can regain it in after a market recovery - choosing to ignore the facts that the conditions that caused the mooning last year will never happen again.

Like a lot of people on 4chan they're quite grandiose and thought they were shit hot but now they don't have any clue how to invest so its a sort of blind hope.

Sad but it was utterly predictable that a whale was going to crush these patsies.They should sell and try something else.

>> No.11852398

these threads are great (you) farmers for addicts like op

>> No.11852435
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>crypto is finished
>they should sell and try something else
Oh look, it's another "whales sends their pajeets slaves to destroy morale and shake people out" episode.
The fact that most of us that are left have iron hands and we are also accumulating must really bother you faggots. Eat shit and suck my dick.

>> No.11852458

trips for traps

>> No.11852484

Even if Bitcoin goes to 10$ I won't sell.
Now you can talk about something else if you want, stop focusing about cryptos.

>> No.11852485

How many tulip bulbs to sniff her bulge?

>> No.11852492

Fuck off shill, I'm not selling.

>> No.11852525

Because deep down inside people just want to be slaves.

>> No.11852682

BAKKT is in january 24


>> No.11852697

Riding her to fucking zero if needed, will keep on buying on the way down

>> No.11852813

remember when bitcoin was finished in 2014
that was a good death

>> No.11852827

And now its dead. Because there is no chance it will grow to 50k, 100k, 300k... Whales know this.
Final destination was 20k.

>> No.11852841

Only deluded people think BTC can reach 30-50k and they keep buying "the dip"

>> No.11852861

Crypto is far far faar from over. Your comment is just like saying "when will people realize the internet is over" after the dotcom crash. Or all the stock market crashes. Truth is, crypto will reach higher highs after every crash for a long time. Not to say it will go on indefinitely, but it is far from reaching that point yet. So why don't you weak hands get out of crypto without making a fuzz on your way out? We iron hands will NEVER sell our shit, because we know exactly where its going.

>> No.11852884

Maybe blockchain is not over, but BTC and 99% of other scam coins are.

>> No.11852899

99% scamcoins? Yes. BTC? oh no, not even close.

>> No.11854009

>Hurr durr muh block chain is the future.
A decentralized currency is one of the few things a block chain is even good for. Stop spouting buzzwords nigger.

>> No.11854045
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>> No.11854057

How would btc or some other non-shitcoins be over, when the technology, brand, and reputation, is so far along in development? Like why would you use something else other than a reputable project?

i can't fathom your line of thinking here.

>> No.11854096
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>> No.11854262
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>We iron hands will NEVER sell our shit,
since all cryptoshit is just a zero-sum game, with the only money coming out what other people put in, I'm sure everyone else appreciates you slotting yourself into the "loser" column from the get-go.

>> No.11854280

because crypto is the only hope for the neets here. if crypto doesn't work, they rope, so they have to believe.

>> No.11854297

>Why people here cant realize that crypto is finished? Dead. Why its so hard to understand?

Because its not. Its too effective for social media and it adds new profit models for things like video games.

>> No.11854389

This, and for the record. Traps are gay.