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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11851259 No.11851259 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh look who finally came out of his room, it's anon! Hey anon, how's that Bitcorn stuff doing these days?

>> No.11851272

G-great don't worry the money you gave me is in good hands, it's not lost in any way

>> No.11851271
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>> No.11851273
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> tfw nocoiner
who else /comfy/ here?

>> No.11851299

>Wait a minute, this isn't my family, my family aren't even close to being this ugly

>> No.11851304

Dad I told you to buy, hold and wait 3 years. Its only been 1 year, just trust me.

>> No.11851307
File: 21 KB, 372x260, 1431690088422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a massive dump of carbs and fat.
>not a single vegetable in sight
fucking Americans

>> No.11851317

Is this a German family?

>> No.11851320

Holy shit you're right I didn't even notice.
Where's the salad and lean meats?

>> No.11851324

wtf is the butter for?

>> No.11851365

wew look at that family UNIT

>> No.11851369

why do they have so much fucking butter? i see like 2 blocks, maybe a 3rd one somehwere

>> No.11851383

The bread on the upper left

>> No.11851386

>two men morbidly obese
>food for a fucking army
>one fat woman
>mulatto child
>one 5/10 roastie
>white children

nah, should be america

>> No.11851389


You must not be Americans, in America it's a thanksgiving tradition to eat a stick of butter before the meal

>> No.11851401

white americans lmfao

>> No.11851406

Kek, the fatter they are the less happy they are.

>> No.11851436

Fat lady is in a red Washington State hoodie, this is burgerstan.

>> No.11851446
File: 318 KB, 839x600, 1467413348828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here

we do not eat a stick of butter before thanksgiving
we eat a bunch of turkey. thats meat and lots of protein. while you eurocucks continue to eat your tall grass.
thanksgiving dinner includes sweet potatoes, brussle sprouts, carrots, and all types of veggies, so you cant say were not healthy
our moms spend all day cooking, getting lots of excercise, while the men go out and build fires with the wood

you europoors are seething with rage

>> No.11851447

>I bought it at $5 and it's now gone down to...a measly $4500. Why do you ask?

>> No.11851464
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cool so one day of the year youre healthy and then every other day is just greasy shit and packaged sugar washed down with 2-3 litres of liquid sugar....

>> No.11851466

>"Hey wait...you're not anon!"
>The fat guy near the rolls regurgitates a shotgun and shoots you

>> No.11851475

>implying Euros don't eat meat

>> No.11851480

is that a nigger on the left?

>> No.11851486
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>attacking me personally now
We americans have the largest access to multi vitamin supplements. You europoors too scared to even enter the grocery store to buy such multi vits and your internet is too censored to order any onlie.

Multi vits makes us healthiest people in the world
I have 4 different brands.

And in fact, its all the minorities who are too chicken shit to try a supp
you guys dont have turkies in europe, do you?

>> No.11851502

>you guys dont have turkies in europe, do you?
when we get the licence to have turkey we do

>> No.11851519

keep coping fatso

>> No.11851528

>internet is too censored to order any online

Depends where you're at, west europe is free asf, unlike you american cucks that have the NSA sniffin everything.

>> No.11851548

>implying MI6 and german BND don't do the same

>> No.11851550

How's our bitcoin package doing you bought for us?

>> No.11851562

>tfw was humble as fuck about the gainz last year and never mentioned them, but cousin went full "EVERYOME BUY IN RIGHT NOW, WE GOING TO 10 TRILLION" mode

Christmas will be interesting

>> No.11852231

post finger girth with timestamp pls

>> No.11852241
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>> No.11852243

I had a short open so--

>haha it's ok anon we know you lost all your money

ok, but i shorted

>lol ok but

right, so i shorted

>haha ok but

fuck off

>wow anon is rude what is wrong with him

>> No.11852254

Top kek, this

>> No.11852263
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Why do half the dishes contain marshmallows?

>> No.11852267

Judging by the food and by their fat, they are 100% american.

>> No.11852268

Are americans really this fat?

>> No.11852317
File: 50 KB, 780x438, 150921142933-map-obesity-rates-us-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11852324
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 508A017D-3D0F-4F61-975B-F0613CC5D5C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw next year "hey anon told us to short the market and I lost everything, give me my money back anon"

>> No.11852343

because amerifats love sugar and salt in dangerous quantities

>> No.11852353

holy shit that's bad and that was data from 2014. Hate to see what it is now.

>> No.11852362

Who the fuck eats vegetables at a big festivity. If anything it's an excuse to be unhealthy as fuck just one time.

>> No.11852370

Me at back left

>> No.11852438
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>just one time
you mean everyday?

>> No.11852509
File: 244 KB, 877x528, brfss_2017_obesity-overall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 2017, it increased a lot

>> No.11852519
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>Well well well, look who came out of his cave. How's your internet riches?

>> No.11852557

its even worse when you realize over 70% of the us is obese or overweight

>> No.11852569

it's called salad. yeah, people eat it every day and at festivities.

>> No.11852655

I hope the nocoiners from last year aren’t smug.

>> No.11852820

I work at McDonalds as joke haha

>> No.11852849

>tfw your boomer uncle just dumped his btc on you

>> No.11852998
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more like the little kids at the table are now becoming adults who aren't total failures unlike you

>> No.11853043
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>> No.11853230

imagine the smell

>> No.11853288
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>> No.11853337

>you guys dont have turkies in europe
And I thought the meme about the shit american education system was just that, a meme. Of course we have them in europe.

>> No.11853348

I cashed out in January you fucking plebbites

now you must die

>> No.11853372

checked and keked

>> No.11853378

thank god my family isn't this ugly

>> No.11853398
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>> No.11853410
File: 328 KB, 798x643, 1448634194935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have we done to wojack

>> No.11854592


>box at bottom of pic says "Hortex"

lol more like whore tex

>> No.11854653

Criminally underrated