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11850516 No.11850516 [Reply] [Original]

Red pill me on buying silver at this price. Seems like a great deal both in case of buying for long term and quick flip.

>> No.11850525

Dont, buy more shitcoin scams or overvalued stocks.

>> No.11850529


>> No.11850535

And silver pilled

>> No.11850539


why not 1?

>> No.11850546

.999=1, take a math class idiot

>> No.11850549

Gold has more uses.

>> No.11850554

I have 80lbs of silver in my safe. Had it for 7 years

>> No.11850563

Its only real use is to store wealth.

>> No.11850602

whats 80lbs in the real world?

>> No.11850612

Your bench 1rm

>> No.11850613

trace elements which could not be extracted by current metallurgy

>> No.11850628

or legal loopholes in case of attack or scrutiny similar to those rubbing alcohols which promises to remove 99.9% of germs.

>> No.11850649

Invest in cyanide pills
Big profit can be made once btc reaches 30$

>> No.11850651

Cost of production for silver is continuously dropping as it's a byproduct of copper and gold mining.

The value of Silver will in the long term only drop lower and lower as the techniques and automation within the field will suppress cost of production and overflow the market with cheap silver.

The age of precious metals is kinda over. The new electron liquification process for gold mining means the price of production of gold will at least drop in half over the next 5-10 years so expect price of all high valence metals (copper,silver,gold,platinum) to drop as the electron gun method of mining applies to all of these metals.

>> No.11850720

very interesting you may send me some info on the mining process?

>> No.11850749
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silver, now there's an investment i can get behind

>> No.11850780

Since you didn't specify what you wanted to know I'm going to break it down in 3 parts

First: Silver as a byproduct of mining. Silver,copper,gold and platinum are very close to each other in the periodic table and thus are chemically related. This means that they form naturally around the same circumstances meaning you will find these materials at the same place. Gold and Copper mining are fueled by the global market and these produce enough platinum and silver to satisfy the market and even oversupply the market (more supply than demand) causing the price of especially silver to slowly drop.

Second: There is a general drop in production cost as mining operations slowly drop from hundreds or thousands of miners to just a dozen or so specialists with sophisticated machines. Neural Net AI find patterns in gold veins to more precisely extract the metals. Thus the cost of production gets lowered through this natural process. This is a general trend in all mining operations btw which is why all those resources are dropping in market valuation.

Third: The brand new valence extraction method. Basically we found out that if you shoot electrons at specific energy levels through rocks ONLY gold/platinum/silver/copper will be affected. Meaning they will heat up and melt through the rock. Basically meaning you don't even have to go into the mine but just nuke it with specific neutrons and watch the metals pour out in liquid form at room temperature.

Here is the paper on the new method: https://journals.aps.org/prmaterials/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.085006

Here is the clickbait article (but easy to understand) about this phenomenon: https://www.siliconrepublic.com/innovation/melt-gold-room-temperature

>> No.11850787

The dollar value of silver doesn't matter. Did silver all of a sudden become valuable when America was born and the dollar was created?

You don't buy silver in hopes the dollar price goes up like a stock. A silver ounce is just a silver ounce, doesn't matter if the dollar exists or not.

You buy silver for the fiat implosion and the subsequent deflationary collapse of all asset prices. THATS when you fucking make it 10 times over.

A silver piece the size of a silver dime used to be a days wage for most of human history even in America couple hundred years ago.

So every silver ounce you buy is literally 14 days worked in normal same economic times without fiat inflation. 14 silver dimes equals an ounce of silver. So every 13$ or whatever the cost of silver is now your saving two weeks worth of labor after the currency collapse. Which is why in Venezuela an ounce of silver buys you 3 months of food on the black market.

So if you purchase 500 ounces of silver for a measly 7k. You literally have like 7,500 days worth of says wages or 20 years worth of days wages. And it's probably 2-3 times as much as that too because there's billions more people on the planet and much less silver available so it'll probably be 2-3 days wage for a silver dime (equivalent to the new currency)

You people don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about. Silver is the most undervalued asset on planet earth by a huge margin.

>> No.11850797

Hope you take my advise above OP... even just 100 ounces will buy you a massive apartment complex after the deflationary collapse

>> No.11850819

In fact it's even true today. Some chunk working on a rice paddy farm actually creating real value for society earns maybe 2$ per day.... 2$ times 6 days equals 12$ which equals a silver ounce.

A min wage worker in America today earners almost an ounce per hour in equivalent of silver.

Fiat has fucked up everything. And my Venezuela example shows it.... 1 silver ounce buys you 3 months of food on the black market. That 1 ounce is 14$ ...... 14$ doesn't even buy you a cheeseburger, fries and a beer at a bar. Just goes to show how much the money masters are raping us

>> No.11850822

There's too much silver on Earth. It's technically not even a precious metal which is the point. It has some characteristics of precious metals but it's more abundant than other metals like aluminum.

So yeah OP look at who you want to trust. Some anon claiming global currency collapse and silver to be the savior.

Or me (Electrical engineer working in mines) saying from personal experience that silver is overvalued as it's considered waste in our mining operations. We usually sell it at a loss just to get it off our hands as it's blocking our real payload of copper and gold.

Price of every precious metal is going to rapidly drop anyway due to room temperature liquification process

>> No.11850847

Op doesn't have to trust me. China started shilling its citizens on buying silver back in 2009. China has been accumulating gold in record tonnage for years now.

We've had 0% interest rates for a decade. This must end in economic ruin and the only viable basis of value will be gold and silver backing whatever currency at least in part.

Your problem is you don't even know what the primary function of money is. The primary function of money is to MEASURE VALUE for goods exchanged for it. Gold and silver despite being de-monetized by govts still measures value today just as well as it did 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 years ago.

>> No.11850851

ok I know you are trying to come across as smart, and point 1 and 2 might be true. But point 3 and the paper you linked is in absolutely no way related to mining nor does it claim to be, even just from reading the abstract alone it should be obvious:
>in situ electron microscopy (ie. vacuum )
>surface layer (limited application)
>intense electric field (ie. high energy)

At the end they also refer to applications being only relevant in nanodevices and bluesky research into phase-physics, nothing to do with large scale mining. Thinking otherwise is pure sci-fi at this point.

>> No.11850852

>Dont buy more shitcoin scams or overvalued stocks.


>> No.11850858

If you had inside knowledge that hyperinflation would hit the dollar in 3 months.... you are telling me that you would not go buy gold and silver?

>> No.11850889

Zoom out

>> No.11850894

It doesn't need to be in vacuum vacuum just means the electrons don't bump into particles before hitting the metal surface but you can compensate by bombarding more

Yeah it's the surface layer since the electrons will always hit the uppermost layer but you keep hitting them while the front layer melts away resulting in the entire metal becoming liquid

Yes it's certainly high energy. But you underestimate just how energy intensive mining in general is. We have our own power plants purely for the mining process anyway. This method will make microparticles of these metals that are usually ignored in mines viable. As well as cut down on digging down veins.

The only thing it needs to do is be lower cost than what we are doing now which is a painstaking slow process. Bombarding 1 area with high power electrons over extended time requires almost no employees beyond setting it up.

interest rates rising for USD and global currency exchanges for USD point towards the opposite direction. USD is currently experiencing a slight deflation even.

>> No.11850908

No, it's not, you faggot. 0.999... is 1.

>> No.11850927


>> No.11850941

There is a ton of unmined solver underground waiting to enter the supply (way more than gold). Silver could hit $4 from here before heading upward according to chart history. Most of the value attributed to metals is from its ability to transfer and hold its valve over time. Not from its industrial use-cases.

>> No.11850943

I don't claim to understand enough about the mining process, and didn't dive in to see what electric field is being used but I still do not think you can extrapolate this to industrial use. The distances discussed in this paper are miniscule, melting three layers of gold nanocones seems very different to blasting huge areas, not to mention that you don't even mention how you would recover the melted microparticles of gold.

My biggest skepticism comes from the fact that they do not claim what you are suggesting as a use case for this technique, the best commercial use they can think of is "active nanodevices".

I have a lot of friends in research and have a chemistry degree, this paper is really not revolutionary, interesting but not revolutionary.

>> No.11850951

Actually he's right

>> No.11850956

Silver is highly manipulated via JP Morgan naked short selling, therefore will never appreciate in price. It's kept down because it has shit loads of industrial uses.

>> No.11850957

Can you leverage buy silver?

>> No.11850960

for the record, i think all your other observations are true, and i think there is going to be a lot more money in precious metal recovery rather than just mining.

For the sake of the thread, i agree that gold and silver are no more special or different than any other finite resource and counting on an economy collapse due to USD hyperinflation is something people have been banging on about forever, as this anon said it's actually strengthening against other currencies, which is all that really matters really for a currency.

>> No.11850964

Probably if you buy silver futures but buying with leverage puts you in danger of being stopped out by market manipulation.

>> No.11850976

This. Some Canadian gold coins are 0.9999 because the purity could be verified to a higher level. And 0.999 is good enough for most people for most intents and purposes.

>> No.11850978

What value is awarded to jp morgan by shorting silver? Why do it?

>> No.11850991 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11850996


I might do it with gold or silver. Once stocks bresk their yearly low gold snd silver will have an initial crash, then buy some on leverage.

I only have 20k or so, need about 3-5x leverage to benefit from a gold 2x in stock crash

>> No.11851019

Maybe you're right. It's just that we only extract about 10% of the precious metals in mines right now as the rest are microparticles that it isn't economical to dig and refine through. Using this liquidification method could potentially result in mines producing 10x as much as currently. But you're right that it's not guaranteed.

Still precious metals will drop in price as more deposits become economic to mine and the cost of production in general is trending down over time.

>> No.11851052

>And my Venezuela example shows it.... 1 silver ounce buys you 3 months of food on the black market. That 1 ounce is 14$ ...... 14$ doesn't even buy you a cheeseburger, fries and a beer at a bar.
ok, lets say you take 14$ to venezuela. how much food could you buy with that amount of money there? if its 3 months worth of food, your point just collapsed

>> No.11851064

By having cheap silver to make products with. Banks own lots of other companies too.

>> No.11851070


>> No.11851107

Wrong. 1/3 isn't 0.333, it's 0.333...
Just type 3x1/3 and then 3x0.333 into a calculator.

>> No.11851200

Please don't buy silver for a quick flip, premiums will slaughter you.
Only buy physical PMs if you can hold for a while.

If you want a quick flip you need to speculate SLV or miners and you can get absolutely BTFO'd...

>> No.11851225

A dozen eggs cancost $150 usd on the black market

>> No.11851226

Umm, I just did, I got the answer I said, not yours

>> No.11851236

You typed 3*0.333 and got 1? Broken calc then.

>> No.11851311

nah my calculator is perfect

>> No.11851360

If you don't understand the difference between 0.999 and the repeating decimal 0.999... I can't help you.
By your logic there's no difference between 0.999, 0.9999, 0.99999 either.

>> No.11851542

obviously there is a difference between those you fucking moron

>> No.11851612

why not buy under $7?

>> No.11851784

Why not buy at $0.01?

>> No.11851791

So, if 0.999 is 1, is 0.9999 less, the same or more than 1?

>> No.11851995

it if goes that low you are better of buying lead

>> No.11852170

GOLD all day long niggers. SILVER is for poor people. There is no replacement. Silver is a fucking shitcoin like Ethereum.

>> No.11852188

Because 1 = 100% and it's not 100%, it's 99.9%.

>> No.11852273

Buy gold, it'll always be valuable because people will always be entranced by it.
Our currency is debt disguised as capital thanks to us going off the gold standard and giving it all to Israel.

>> No.11852310

Hahahaha. Where and how you gonna sell it? You buy it for a premium, someone makes money off you. Fast forward 5 years later. Silver is the same price. You sell and pay the premium again. Lol. Biggest fucking meme in the world. The second you buy silver you are down 15% and you lose another 15% when you sell. Unless you are a doomsday prepper faggot, there's zero reason to own precious metals.

>> No.11852447

go to bed bernanke

>> No.11852663

This is retarded. Silver hits 4$ and im plumbing my house with silver pipes.
Fucking retards.

>> No.11852670

Buying Silver now is like buying eh in 2015, except it won't tank after it pumps

>> No.11852725
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> Most of the value attributed to metals is from its ability to transfer and hold its valve over time. Not from its industrial use-cases.

I call bullshit desu, there are many if not mostly exception to the contrary.
Platinum was a curious joke until it's industrial applications were realized. Tantalum, lithium, rare earth metals & many others spiked due to industrial demand.

There are more metals in the unviverse besides gold & silver
t. another electrical engineer

BTW, for the math geniuses: there is a .001 difference between .999 & 1. If you think they are equal you are a colossal mental retard.

>> No.11852762

objectively gold is not better than silver in the universe at large silver is the rarer element of the two. however both are awfully abundant. gold is more corrosion resistant silver is better conductor.

>> No.11853340

And it is not manipulated by some autistic skelly

>> No.11853393
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0.999 = 1

>'cuz Im proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free'

>> No.11853428

You can buy a a platoon of whores for an oz of silver in venezuala rn

>> No.11854197


>tfw only 8 lbs

>> No.11854790

Not so. That is silver. Silver is five times more plentiful than gold below ground, but rarer above ground than gold, due to its many practical uses throughout industries. It's also discarded more than gold as it's a part of goods. Golds only other use, beside storing wealth, is jewelry.

>> No.11854830

Such remarks display ignorance. The ratio disparity to gold is enough to choose silver as an investment vehicle, my friend.

>> No.11854839
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>> No.11854841


>> No.11854896

Electronic industry

>> No.11855348

>sold 1/36 of my stinkies @ .5 to 4.6x my silver stack
>feels gud fren

>> No.11855830

99.9% pure silver. It’s difficult to eliminate 100% of all mining sediment and often times bars are created in the same location as other metal production such as copper. It’s not uncommon for copper specs to land in cool gold/solver bars. Sometimes this results in small black or maroon specs on the bar itself.

Regardless, you’re purchasing on solver quantity, not purity.

Technically a 0.500 bar would cost about half the price of a 0.999 bar (maybe a bit more including the price of the other metal it is mixed with) but percent return wise it would appreciate in value the same as the 0.999 bar