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11844096 No.11844096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does this really fry the brain or it's just a meme?

>> No.11844120

Not enough scientific evidence to know one way or the other. For every idiot I know who started using weed, I also know a smart and insightful person who is using it.

It should have been legal so it could have been better studied these past several decades.

>> No.11844138

Just a meme. Just don't overdo it and you'll be fine

>> No.11844140

Of course it does. It's not physically harmful but it does make you a lazy, immoral degenerate. How old are you, OP? You know this is an 18+ board, right?

>> No.11844147

It's a meme. Keep it to once every 2 weeks or so and you should be fine. Don't do it daily unless you have a medical need for it.

>> No.11844157

Everything in moderation

>> No.11844158
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to be honest, I'm 24.

>> No.11844161

Get out, /pol/fag

>> No.11844176

Stay away from alcohol and drugs. You are already frying your brain with that GMO shit in our food

>> No.11844183

no no, I swear, I don't like them. I do not post there. I do not lurk it.

>> No.11844190

>It's a meme. Keep it to once every 2 weeks or so and you should be fine. Don't do it daily unless you have a medical need for it.
Also use the right strains & dosages appropriate for your condition if so. If you have anxiety or insomnia, taking multuple dabs of a sativa before bed likely isn't medication.

>> No.11844193

probably if not used sparingly, yes

>> No.11844194

I ONLY EAT ONCE A DAY AT LEAST. insane benefits.

>> No.11844196

It makes you unmotivated. Do cocaine instead. That's what grown men are into. For what it's worth you're listening to advice from someone who did fentanyl three days in the last week. So don't take anything I say seriously.

>> No.11844207

That Anon was talking to me, and they are a huge faggot because I'm rarely on that board.

>> No.11844216
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I think concentrates do

-t. dabbing daily

>> No.11844218

Depends on the person. It definitely is harmful for some people and there's no way to tell if you're one of them. My mom is a psychiatrist and regularly tells me stories about patients who got JUSTed by weed. And she's not trying to FUD weed (she doesn't mind that I smoke a few times per year). Just don't overdo it and you'll most likely be fine.

>> No.11844233

howd they get JUSTed by weed?

>> No.11844242

No, unless you are 14 and you smoke heavily. If so you will damage your prefrontal cortex (associated with speaking/social skills)
It should only be consumed in moderation, like alcohol

>> No.11844258
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>"weed makes you unmotivated"
>OD's on fent

>> No.11844261

>tfw started smoking at 14

Fuck. Very moderately back then tho. Didn't get heavy into it until 17/18. Bong rips on the daily. Still smoke every day. I just fucking love weed man

>> No.11844272

second this one. sometimes i go on one-two month binges and the depression after really sucks even after a week of a little toke a night makes you mongoloid during and for some days after.once every week is probably fine too. also watch your sleep schedule if you go for the one toke every day protocol. Its so fun that it is hard to avoid it, just doint carried oof staying up until six in the morning fapping

>> No.11844281

I can tell you that it has had a permanent effect on my cognition. I had roughly 3 years of smoking ~0.2 g per night with a couple week long dab binges mixed in. I quit because I noticed that I had slower judgment, less creativity and problem solving ability. That problem has persisted for over 5 years with no change in spite of a healthy diet, a lot of exercise and much practice to get my old self back. I won't say that everyone has this problem (or even notices if they have it), but there are some people who are irreversibly changed by weed use. If you have an 'abnormal' or particularly high functioning autist brain, I would say to avoid weed to be quite desu.

>> No.11844289

I smoke an eighth per day fand I feel like Im losing an IQ point every minute

>> No.11844290

can this stuff be vaporized
is it any good for regular but stealthy use throughout the day

>> No.11844301

where do I find it can I pay with masari

>> No.11844304

Mainly psychosis. She believes it can trigger other mental illnesses/conditions as well (but there's not enough research about it yet). She's one of the leading psychiatrists in my country fwiw.

>> No.11844307

I got close to being JUSTed, pretty sure I almost became a schizo. Now whenever i smoke it i get paranoia and anxiety. All n all such an adverse reaction had its benefits too though.

>> No.11844349

Well dabbing on a hot nail is still technically vaping. If youre stuff is good quality it will fully melt (its ice wax)

>is it any good for regular but stealthy use throughout the day
What do you mean? Im sure it would work in a G-pen if its full melt. Keep in mind the good full melts are $100-$200 a gram in Socal, god knows how much in other non legal states

I get it from Wellness Earth Energy Dispensary in studio city

even with indica dominant strains?

>> No.11844361

only if you are younger, because your brain isn't structured and developed.
A recent study has shown it can decrease IQ by up to 7 point if regularly taken before 21, why exactly that is they don't know.

>> No.11844369


>> No.11844374

Weed and psychedelics have the propensity to do that, anything that makes a person more introspective has the ability to make us hear the voices in our head more loudly than normal.

>> No.11844388

>do weed fry brainsell?

Stop being a gullible brainlet and start searching for actual answers to the questions that you want answered


spoiler: it does the opposite

>> No.11844403

He's not a "polfag", what you people keep mistaking for polfags are glowinthedark shills trying to discredit conspiracy theorists

>> No.11844404
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I can talk about weed forever. I know everything there is besides how to make extracts. I know about terpenes, different cannabinoid compounds and their effects and uses. I know how to grow, I know how different ways of smoking affect the body. I don't even need to smoke it, smoking it is just a bonus to me. I love the sights and smells of the weed plants, the way they look and all the different strains and land race genetics. Its so fucking interesting, this plant has a cornucopia of information and data that is just BEGGING to be scientifically studied for different uses.

I kind of regret not studying pharm/bio in university so I could have a chance studying these compounds for potential disease cures. Only one institute in the US is currently legalized to study weed, and its Ol Miss. Partnered with Nemus Bioscience, this will be a 10 bagger stock (NMUS) in a few years btw if any of you guys are looking at weed stocks.

How do I get a job in weed bros? I just want a weed job

>> No.11844405

what does full melt mean? there's no residue? that would be pretty neat. I have hash now that I smoke in a bowl end there are small white bubbles of ash remaining. Not good.

>> No.11844415

i got justed by weed, shit was nasty, paranoid as fuck, delusional, deeply overthinking normal situations in a never ending loop, had to take anti psychotics afterwards for a year, was a walking zombie, self-consciousness completely lost, gained 50 pounds in fat

>> No.11844419

This is really interesting. I have two friends that are polar opposites. One can smoke weed every single day, intoxicated, sober, you name it. Give him LSD and he freaks out. My other friend does lots of MDMA and sometimes LSD for fun, and has, afaik, never felt any side effects. But gve him a joint and he starts spazzing, either vomits or passes out.

>> No.11844425

you cant just say "weed does this" or "weed does that". it depends on the person and most importantly on the mindset of that person. i know people that smoke a lot and function quite well.
i smoked it for a couple of years and it was all fine, but one day when i was in a rough state of mind i got really high and had an existential crisis. since then i have never been the same (for the worse, unfortunatelly)

TL;DR: depends on the person, but more importantly depends on your mindset.
the only advice i can give is, if you're the type of person that has deep thoughts about life and are currently in a rough mindset, dont do it.

>> No.11844428

Yes, no residue.

>Ice wax is a solvent-less bubble hash that is collected using ice and water to separate the trichomes or THC from the frozen cannabis plant matter and then filtering it through screens of varying microns. It has a fine, grainy texture that looks a lot like beach sand. The product melts fully leaving behind little to no residual residue, indicating very little plant matter in its structure.

hash is old school tech. We have ice wax now. Its just very labor intensive to make good quality full melt

>> No.11844429

damn man. any preconditions? the never ending loop stuff is known to me but i always go back to normal.

>> No.11844440

Only retards smoke weed in the first place so that's really a chicken and egg situation

>> No.11844448

A lot of the time, people are just smoking too much. A whole joint to yourself when you havent smoked anything in years could cause these kind of symptoms. Its like taking a dab for the first time, its simply too much THC for your body to take in, leading to spazzing, puking etc.

I think a lot of times this can be avoided by taking smaller doses/puffs. People dont understand how strong weed is these days. If oure not a daily smoker, theres no reason why you should be smoking a whole blunt to yourself or taking multiple bong rips

>> No.11844449


cocaine is overrated trash, just use coffee instead and sleep 8 hours consistently, cocaine is for sleep deprived hangover drunk retards

>> No.11844458

But is it worth the money if we consider purely the amount of active chemicals one can get out of it? (vs just strong sativa weed or hash which is popular in my region)

>> No.11844460

>psychosis from weed

The psychosis is from the fact that weed is illegal. Once you get past the "omygoditsillegal" schtick, you'll find that weed-powered brainstorm sessions can be life changing.

That said I can only recommend microdosing, since good weed is one of the most potent mind altering substances in existence.

If you drunk half a bottle of jack per day, your liver would be shot in a couple of years. Same goes for anything, really.

>> No.11844480


>> No.11844484

If you’re a brainlet it’s no good, I smoked 2-4 G’s daily all throughout high school, I did a lot of fucking up but when I got my shit together and went to unit I was able to get an Info sys degree with minimal effort. Got a job and everything and started smoking again about 5 months ago, I don’t smoke nearly as much as I did in my youth but it’s a nice way to relax. I do notice I do retarded shit while high like lose my headphones and find them in the trash tho. All in all it’s better than alcohol.

>> No.11844485

>microdosing weed

so mild edibles?

>> No.11844490

Seriously bro, stop while you're ahead. The fact that you're introspective enough to tally your dosing means you aren't too far gone. I've seen some shit over the years and too little too late will kill you.

Don't fall for this 21st century opium war. You WILL die eventually if you keep using H/fent.

>> No.11844497

Definately not, its more of a rare treat for you. It does have the maximum amount of terpenes which means you will have amazing flavor/high from it, though its not higher THC than your typical BHO/CO2 extracts

If you can afford paying $200 a gram, go for it. Otherwise just stick to flower desu

>> No.11844501


>The psychosis is from the fact that weed is illegal

no, the psychosis is real, but it goes away once you realize it's just temporary psychosis and that all will be well

>> No.11844543

Yeah its a little different with indica. With indica i get so forgetful it becomes hard to follow and engage in complex conversations and this makes me feel paranoid and anxious. Also I hate acting like a counch potato, it makes me feel as if I’m neglecting my responsibilities or something. Some people have told me I need to find stuff with high CBD content and i’m inclined to trust them since when they described a persons reaction to low CBD stuff it pretty much matched what normally happens to me but in all honesty I have such an adverse reaction to weed that I’ll probably never try the high CBD stuff, the anxiety and paranoia is so unpleasant I wouldnt want to risk experiencing it again.

>> No.11844557

This is actually bullish for Link

>> No.11844562

weed is barely illegal. Its legal in many many states, and decriminalized in many more. It will be federally legalized soon now that Sessions is gone

A lot of buzz in washington already about legalizing it.


>> No.11844573

great thread

>> No.11844580

unironically read the LINK whitepaper while high af and went all in shortly after. am I based?

>> No.11844587

vaping flower is kinda tedious. every time I have to stash the spent weed for later consumption and clean the vape.

are there less expensive alternatives that will "full melt" in a vaporizer to make vaping less tedious?

>> No.11844595

/biz/ is a lot more level-headed and down to Earth than /pol/. try posting this thread there, it will be an utter shitstorm of salty uptight I ONLY DRINK WATER!!! neckbeards from flyover states constantly bagging on it

>> No.11844603

Bad for your lungs

>> No.11844609

Breathing fries your brain, no joke. All substances will affect your body in a way or another. The important thing is the balance you strike and what you get out of it

>> No.11844626

you vape ABV? you should not do that, that is gross.

Use your AVB to make edibles, dont smoke it.

Are you talking about vaping flower or concentrates? If you want the cleaning thing ever just get a vape pen with prefilled cartridges, or a g-pen and drop some wax in there. Otherwise, you cant "ful melt" flower

>> No.11844650

L.A native. Been smoking weed since 19, im 39 .
The only complaint is it makes me lazy at times. Without weed id be a very mean person!

Also my boo has OCD and it has helped tremendously.

Been really into CBD too after golf lately.

I love weed. Haha

>> No.11844665

Used in moderation, no. If you're high 24/7, yeah, you are going to lose enough brain cells to where you definitely won't get smarter. Your memory will be shot to shit as well. But if you just smoke a joint after work, similar to someone going home and drinking a beer, it's not a big deal.

It's not addictive. The real danger with weed is it makes you feel comfortable with where you are in life. You'll be happy with that minimum wage job because it'll be enough for your one room apartment and some fast food. You're able to be high so why try for better?

If you want to get high, fine. Just get your life together first and do it in moderation. Don't get complacent.

>> No.11844672

I'm pretty sure people take CBD to deal with anxiety

>> No.11844687

being high can also inspire you to do things you otherwise would never do. just depends on your state of mind, you gotta stay proactive even when youre high

>> No.11844688

Hello biz
what's this fear? relax.
relax. it's going back up soon.

>> No.11844693

Ive used CBD as pain medication substitute, like tylenol or advil.

>> No.11844697

buy CWEB

>> No.11844734

before I go, you guys should invest in these companies because weed is going to get more and more popular over the next 3 years especially. Many of these will be ten baggers


>> No.11844736

I eat it. But I gotta wait for occasions to eat it first as I don't want to just be blown the fuck out all day when I might have to drive or something.

>> No.11844740

Is it too lte to open a testing lab or something different then a dispensary in Los Angeles . Ive got some capital

>> No.11844768

no, never had any issues regarding mental health, i thought i wouldn't be within the group of 1% of people who could go crazy because of muh weed. because i smoked irregularly over a course of three years prior to my mental meltdown
but i managed to regain my mental state, learn to appreciate the beauty of a sober, clear mind

>> No.11844775
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Makes it easy to be complacient.

>> No.11844787

I'm high all the time but before that I was becoming alcoholic and fat, the weed helps me stay motivated for regular exercise. However my daily consumption keeps growing even though I promised myself I would keep the quantities in check.

>> No.11844830

weed is cope. If you're going through some shit it is helpful but don't become dependent on it.

>> No.11844863

I’m not too familiar with it all desu, since I dont have anxiety or paranoia when i’m not high I really have no inclination to research it etc.

>> No.11844872

>Energy drinks and supplements at every gas station and pharmacy in any city
>Internet available for research
>Doing cocaine

>> No.11844898

Don't smoke weed unless you have chronic pain

>> No.11844973

Not even a fan or a fiend, holmes. Literally only tried it because it was right in front of me and offered to me for free. Shit makes me sick to my stomach. Never been a fan of opiatee. Good looking out, though.

>> No.11845004

>not doing cocaine off of titties
Not going to make it, fren

>> No.11845009

I did it daily for months and it fucked my head up don't do it OP

>> No.11845016

Or just vape half a vapcap chamber 2-3 times a sitting. The good thing about vaporisers is that you can control the quantity of consumption and the resulting high to a very uh high degree

I should have said "the psychosis is triggered" by the yadayada, and yes it is temporary. Also it's important to note that even if it's illegal, properly matured weed will have enough CBD to act anti-psychotically


To be fair, that only happened very recently. It depends on your POV and age, obviously but for many of us it's been illegal for quite a while y'know?

The least expensive alternative is to use a regularily cleaned dynavap. Regularly cleaned makes all the difference in terms of cost and enjoyment imo.

2018, people use vapes now

>> No.11845037


Statements like this seem objective at first. However, when you're talking about a myriad of chemicals that effect many different receptors throughout the body of the consumer, you soon get into subjectivity. No two people have the same representation of cannabinoid receptors, nor metabolism, nor underlying mental disturbances.

You're speaking from first or second hand experience of the lazing nature of the plant. Anecdotal evidence is cool sometimes, so I will say that the paranoia I have experienced from marijuana has helped me shape and grow myself. If anything, I would say sobriety or regular consumption of alcohol leads me to feel complacent with where I am. THC makes me feel like I have an editor mode in life, I can recognize faults and habits that don't serve me.

The real danger I see in cannabis consumption is when it's used to add novelty to things. THC inhibiting anandimide makes things more vivid, which is great, until you aren't high and you realize the Stones actually don't sound THAT good.

Avoid anything with neem oil, avoid combustion when you can. Then you only have to deal with the effects it has on your own mind. Go from there.

>> No.11845050

>Anonymous (ID: wWasFB9Q) 11/21/18(Wed)16:36:10 No.11844460▶>>11844485 >>11844501 >>11844562
fags, all.

>> No.11845060

Vapes aren't that much better on your lungs. You're still breathing in shit that's not supposed to be in your lungs.

>> No.11845147

Yes. I did the same thing as you. I also did the same thing with ETH. I have only gotten the urge like this when reading about BTC, ETH, and LINK. These are the holy trinity of crypto. Do not fall for the FUD (even though I do not think a level headed green Linky would). Good luck Anon.

>> No.11845175
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>> No.11845278

Cannabis can be extremely healthy when used in practical amounts. Smoking anything is unhealthy though, eat it instead.

>> No.11845284

You don’t inhale vape

>> No.11845310

this your just meant to let it absorb in your cheeks. if you inhale its unironcally worse than smoking normal cigs. gives you poocorn lung after the third or fourth time.

t. made this mistake

>> No.11845355

It is harmful if you start too early, teenagers who smoke weed turn into brainlets, but the effects on a fully developed brain are similar to alcohol, just have fun and don't overdo it. So yes and no, yes it does fry your brain if you're < 18 but it's safe > 18.


TLDR weed should def be 21+ but after that it's safe af to use have fun

>> No.11845363

wtf really? dude im coughing here i have had a vape for a few weeks

>> No.11845563

I smoked daily throughout college, but only about 1/8th per week because poor student. Was still able to keep up with schoolwork and socialize while high. Now I work full time and can easily afford to smoke an ounce a week. But can't because I could lose my job and smoking gives me a ton of social anxiety. WTF is this bullshit?

>> No.11845571

I used to think that it somewhat opened up ones mind, but then i found reddit.

>> No.11845600

Sometimes I wish I had waited to start, but then I remember how cool I was in HS and all the townie pussy I slammed
No regrats

>> No.11845615

Switch to Indica strains n00b

>> No.11845621


>> No.11845637
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I smoke an ounce a month - have been for the last 10 years. I am 30.

If I didn’t find weed I’d have gone comped sushi on everyone by now. Thank god for this stuff

>> No.11845689

No shit, faggot. It didn't make a difference for me.

>> No.11845717

100-200 a g for full melt? Dude we're getting that shit for 25 a g in CO. Fuck I found a place that sells grams of shatter for 18 bucks out the door. OP much like anything in life it is all about the ability to regulate your usage, with that being said I know highly successful people (Lawyers, CEO's, Business owners, etc.) who use it regularly. DYOR and test your own reactions. I smoked regularly from 14 to 28 and finally realized I was way better at life when I wasn't stoned all the time. Still use it on occasion though, it really is a great medicine/ recreational substance.

>> No.11845731

Woops I was trying to reply to you. maybe i'm too baked right now?

>> No.11845747

I wouldn't know, weed has literally no effect on me at all.
I've had it 4 times now and it just plain doesn't matter how much I have I never feel anything.

>> No.11845764

>GMOs are bad
Fuck you, you don't even know what GMOs fucking are you retard brainlet who fell for unscientific meme propaganda!

>> No.11845776

It's not the GMOs themselves that are bad, it's the Roundup that they've been genetically modified to resist.

>> No.11845788

Everyone here who is fiending for weed or questioning ur habits go to
R/trees and see if u still wanna smoke.
T. Smoked a gram a day for years and quit cold turkey last week. Do it.

>> No.11845797

Don't know and don't care, but I'm investing in pot stocks at a perfect time.

>> No.11845865

Two months ago?

>> No.11845886

Right now for long term 1st qtr 2019 will start seeing rec earnings combined with med. Should be a nice ride.

>> No.11845900

Hope so I’m all in on nbev for a buyout

>> No.11845915

i think some people's brains just have a resistance to it making them dumb.
charlie sheen for example has a resistance to cocaine fucking him up and that's something he likes to brag about.

>> No.11846107

I worked outside today in 15-25 degree weather.
1 or 2 small tokes warms me up at night and gives me a cuddly feeling. It doesnt fuck up your brain or nothing its natural goodness when used properly.
Now drugs that melt your brain like spice stay away from thats the real danger.

>> No.11846500

"frying the brain" maybe not, but most people I know who smoke it (apart from those self medicating for chronic pain conditions or what have you) become lazy/unmotivated. And you're smoking the female organ of the plant (bud) which is a phytoestrogen

>> No.11846580

I love to smoke weed on a daily basis but its hard to find a dealer and then its mostly shitty nignog weed
Btw i am from Austria Central europe

>> No.11846627

Money spent on weed can be better used else where. Invest now and you'll be able to smoke with ease later.

>> No.11847277


>> No.11847289

how much is a oz in your area? $300?

>> No.11847378

I put .25g in a tsp of peanut butter and heated it up in the oven. Then I put that shit on a cracker. I have never been so fucked up in my life. It was very bad.

I smoked that shit a lot as a teen but no one was eating it back then. I was surprised how much harder that shit his you.

>> No.11847389

because its metabolized by your liver. you get close to 100% of the THC

>> No.11847393

Let's examine this rationally.
Clearly a lot of pot advocates overstate the benefits of their drug because they are addicted to it on some level, but can it be of any benefit to at all?
Perhaps if you lack socialization skills or work in a creative industry, a moderate dose of any drug or alcohol may be of assistance to you, just as a dose too high may cause you to act in such a way to lose friends or become vapid.
My personal experience is that users of marijuana tend to be less focussed, less motivated, and somewhat delusional, but if your life is shit and you don't ever expect it to get any better then this is probably a better state of mind than somebody with low expectations could otherwise hope for.

>> No.11847409

It prematurely ages the brain. Nothing more nothing less. Keep in mind that, as an adult, you're stuck with what you have at age 21 so this really isn't ideal. And if you're prone to memory loss and other conditions that worsen with age, marijuana will make your late middle age a much sadder thing than it otherwise would have been.

>am psychiatrist

>> No.11847468

Is .25g a lot for a moderate user?

>> No.11847474



everything you say isn't credible.

>> No.11847519

I can't believe so many fags on here fell for the racist boomer propaganda from ages ago. You can smoke weed and still hate niggers and spics. I know I do.

>> No.11847658

Don't do it before 25. Exacerbates schizophrenia if you've got it, and you don't really know if you're schizo till about 25 for the most part.

Other than that, eh.

>> No.11847676

Like literally everything else in life, it is a poison if you do it too much. So just dont do it too much. I always find it funny how people pick random shit like weed and alcohol to use hyerbole on.

>> No.11848261

Thc and thc-OH are agonists on the cbd1 receptor. Both have are roughtly a factor of 10 more affine to this receptor than anandamid, the endogenic molecule.
Now anandamid serves a special purpose in the body. Anandamid gets released everytime a problem was solved similar to dopamine, but in an other fashion. It rewards the body. If thc is admited, the body gets a fake reward anandamid style, without a prior work. This is the basicaly the reason for demotivation.