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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 620x413, vengeance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11844064 No.11844064 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next big thing only the sickest crazy insider nerds know? And remember like bitcoin even the crazy nerds will tell us that this can NOT be the next big thing. And most of us will laugh about it calling him a retard.

>> No.11844090

Things don't magically "happen". People actually put effort into stuff to make them the next big thing. There is no way you can know every variable, but you can try your chances based on your best predictions.

>> No.11844097
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The new notes anon. They are magnificent. Have you seen them?


-Blockchain driven
-Precious metals backed
-Impossible to counterfeit

The only way to get them will be with cash or precious metals. All other digital forms of fiat forgery will not be accepted at the gates.

>> No.11844100

Shrimp farming

>> No.11844104


>> No.11844114

well threads where made occasionally on /g/ in 2010 and even on /b/ in 2011. 4chan has the most autistic people. with /g/ probably being the board with the most autistic of the autists. i would stick there. but most of them still hate bitcoin and call it blockshit.

>> No.11844116

This but unironically

>> No.11844117

Are you 14?

>> No.11844132
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Bitcoin SV


The rest can get fucked. I hold LINK as suicide insurance.

>> No.11844177
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>> No.11844195

Naw /g/ is a bunch of idiots now. /R9k/ is easily the most autistic, but you won't get any good tips or advice there. You might find good breaking news in medical/biotech/etc fields before it goes mainstream on /sci/, then invest in those companies (pharmaceutical/biotech stocks can moonshot or go bust extremely quickly). Your unironic best bet would though probably be random hyper-specific Reddit boards, which sucks, but all the actual smart people left this shithole a long time ago. Or just remain silent because their points would be lost on 95% of 4chan's users.

>> No.11844202

whats DeOS? i cant find their site?
also has urbit launched yet? i had a look at their github they obviously know what they are doing.

>> No.11844211
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>> No.11844229
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completely unbiased opinion, but merv.tech will become a prediction powerhouse

>> No.11844245

hm. how do i find these subreddits?
i am part of a lot of programming subreddits and occasionally have found some cool shit there before it comes into the cryptocurrency mainstream but thats it.

>> No.11844251
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@desantis on twitter, honestly it's a clusterfuck but the gist is that it's a bios-level bitcoin implementation that uses sidechains in a very creative way. Check out the three Crypto World News interviews he did on Youtube.

Urbit is live and just issued Ethereum keys yesterday.

>> No.11844270
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Nice! Bookmarked

Where's your BTC donation addy? I'd kick a few bucks in.

>> No.11844275

>completely unbiased

yea, sure, you're definitely not the same dude that has been spamming your creation here for over a month

>> No.11844314

Good to see you again Merv guy. Quality original artwork and genuine segues that don't feel too shilly. Reminds me of the thing watchbro tried to do earlier.

What's the long term plan for Merv.tech ? It seems to be doing a lot of solid work for free atm....

>> No.11844332

Unironically Holochain and Oasis Labs.

Compute backed currency will be the new meme they shove down your throat.

>> No.11844357

ok thanks. you obviously know your shit. fo you my fren i will also gift a gem. Keep an eye on dero, they are about to release smart contracts on cryptonote (written from scratch in rust) and using DAG to lower block times down to a possible 2 seconds without having to worry about orphan rates becoming an issue.

>> No.11844370

>written from scratch in rust
shit meant golang. ive been using rust a lot lately. freuden slip ._.

>> No.11844391
File: 56 KB, 1600x880, 1_LpqeX7iAaDgTJzjiMd5YfA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 10 exchange EOY 2019. Look beyond the present.

>> No.11844400

Love that new "check /biz/ posts" feature Merv dude. I've had your site bookmarked for a while now

>> No.11844401

NICE! Just picked up a 5k bag

>> No.11844407

This but unironically

>> No.11844426

I'm considering making a thread on coss again but was called a filthy pajeet, probably by the same people that hold the token.

>> No.11844432

Yall nibbas weak as shit , HOLOCHAIN will prove dominance. Just do ya reseach cunts. Bizthreadin link hoping it will make you basement cunts rich, the train has left, the LINK prime times are gone. Even fuggin WAVES, TRX,XRP,HOT seems as a better investment option. You anime twts are autistic as the kids you bully

>> No.11844434

Do it unless you want to make this thread a coss thread

>> No.11844463


>> No.11844471


No, just no. Don't destroy another thread with your increasingly heavier bags again, please.

>> No.11844492
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thank you fren, but no need, you using it is cool enough

joke :^)

my pleasure, I was off biz for some time, so I don't know watchbro, but yes this aesthetic is quite nice

late game merv will predict many more things than crypto price, which it will do quite soon thanks to some neat algorithms, but even then no matter how it's monitized, I will find a way to make it free for 4chinners, since that's were it all started

>> No.11844511


>> No.11844522


>> No.11844535

You, cunt, do the followin:

Have a list of the biggest btc holders, use their timestamps transfers and btc price to sort them as most rentables wallets.

Add a paid alert system for those wallets.

Since its my idea, the wallet list must be public for all the pre-4channel ussers, deliver a code here so we can get the service for free.

>> No.11844548

Any of your shitcoins, except holo, won't work without link you retard.

>> No.11844566

all the easy stuff is already done.

the next big thing is unironically AI/automated machines which requires math degrees to get involved in, not just parking your lunch money and hoping it moons

>> No.11844646

Done. >>11844631

>> No.11844890
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great to hear, I thought that feature would be extremely useful, it'll also be coming to the reddit and bitcointalk tabs soon, but most likely sentiment analysis on biz posts will be added first before that

if there's anything else you'd like to see on there let me know

don't worry le ideas guy, no new features will be paid

but yes, I've had a similar idea where you're able to track whenever a large holders dump/buy amounts exceeding X

what did you mean by rentable though?

automation automation automation

>> No.11844907


>> No.11844935

your site doesnt load for me

>> No.11845003


2021 is the year of GEVs
2024 is when cars die

the global automotive industry will be superceded by battery powered GEVs, the same change up as from horses to ICEs will happen

>> No.11845117
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truly terrible, AWS has been so spotty recently, check now, everything should be working normally

>> No.11845134

keep an eye on Oasis Labs

>> No.11845149

what is a GEV? I googled it but can't find anything

>> No.11845176

How do I profit off this?

>> No.11845186

Asteroid Mining

>> No.11845226

Adversarial learning is going to eat every industry. It can beat specifically trained networks to find better creative solutions. https://pathak22.github.io/large-scale-curiosity/
GANs are another type.
The wave is approaching and will envelop us all.

>> No.11845253


i want to invest into this, how do i do it?

>> No.11845358

I can here to say Urbit, but even then I don’t think it’ll make it big. Cool project though but too obscure and arty

>> No.11845397
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unironically I will enter the asteroid mining industry maybe by the 3/4th business, if not asteroid mining then extraplanetary mining

either way, if we manage to pull something like this off, we will literally have a never-ending amount of resources at our disposal, imagine what the human race can do

galaxy colonization incoming, manifest destiny

>> No.11845414

Got told this won’t be a thing for a looooooong time, but I too am quiet interested. Need to be pretty rich in the first place to invest I think.

>> No.11845468

Unironically Nerva.

>> No.11845838

I like you guys, tough times.
Elixxir.io David Chaum
Avalanchelabs.org new consensus model
Sovrin will be big too.

>> No.11845984

Ground Effect Vehicle

Battery cars going faster than 100km/h are facing heavy aerodynamic resistance, increasing energy usage.

Airplanes fly too high, unsafe.

Ground effect uses the ground effect, the most energy efficient means of transportation when required to go hundreds of km out. Best speed is 250km/h

GEVs are used by Iranians today as a stealth fleet.

The revolution is
GEVs with battery, over land

Fuck cars lol

>> No.11846095

>stops moving

>> No.11846111
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The new Microsoft Windows 11® will include mspaint.exe and will only allow you longon to your identity using a proprietary peripheral that must be inserted into a bodily orifice >>11844064 don't ask me how to know, my dad works at McDonalds

>> No.11846140
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>> No.11846154

you take into account the time X transaction its made, lets say and out:

Then you take the timestamp and look for the btc price at timestamp

BTC amount*price(t) = x
if x=out
balance -x
else balance +x

You do this using all transactions (in and outs) and you can graph the value gained over time of the given wallet.

Now yo do this on the top wallets, and you have a table of the current most profitable wallets, so you can know whos have insider info.

i already tried to contact you but dont respond anyway, i have more things to tell you dev boi.

>> No.11846302

it dont even have to be big wallets, you should care if someone its going to sell in a dump, right?

this is why its not enought to see movements, those movements should be useful in a way you could take profit of them, thats why you should keep track of their possible $balance/ROI

you can do some test on this wallet:


hes been a bit accurate, and we need datamining from the blockchain to find best ones.

Anons, i know there is more autism bois like me, lets form a tribe before 4channel.

>> No.11846307

The next big thing is actually Bitcoin. It hasn't even started yet. You'll shit bricks.

>> No.11846343

DeOS is @desantis on Twitter

>> No.11846360

Lands brainlet.
Stops moving, lands.

>> No.11846419

Your plan sucks and you should feel bad

Biggest wallets, the top 100 doesnt move to sell move to buy, these are cold wallets, they move to fool simpletons like you.

The btc whales move batches if various size to exchanges, diffrent exchanges, and wait and trade and move back batches of diffrent size

Unless you own an or two exchanges, youll get to know shit about btc whales actions

209 whale here btw

>> No.11846460

look into zen protocol as well anon (made by creator of F* programming language)

>> No.11846506

Show me any proof of ANYTHING this dude has done outside of high-posting on twitter.

>> No.11846534

kek, and what has this to do with my plan? im going to record roi of wallets, not big wallets.

>> No.11846642

For a start, he co-founded the company that owns the oldest Bitcoin news site Bitcoin Magazine

>> No.11846653
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Here we have it guys; peak retardation.

>> No.11846695

Urbit mention? this will be a good thread

>> No.11846938

Came here to post this.

>> No.11847055

Steorn Orbo. They have a device which produces free energy. It's all still being reviewed by independent scientists, but once it's out things will never be the same.

>> No.11847060

Nan Pro Gold tier. This

>> No.11847131
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? i respond to everyone who reaches out on here

whats your email?

>> No.11847151


Problematically it has been under review for more than 10 years without any evidence for providing free energy.

>> No.11847155
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cloud computing in 2019- 450 billion dollar industry.

with all the IoT devices growing by the day using cloud processing distributed secure cloud computing will be super competitive

if iExec can even harness 1% of the market - that is a 4 billion dollar valuation- they are currently valued at 22 million

potentially a 181 fold increase

>> No.11847187

COSS isn't the worst to hold but it's far from the best. The exchange has had so many problems with design and functionality. They haven't given up yet, and I think they can still get the job done, but they'll never be on Binances level.

Like look at TradeOgre. A tiny exchange that came out of nowhere, it's super fast and functional. They did in 3 months what COSS couldn't do in a year.

>> No.11847188
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haven't read into the iexec whitepaper, but cloud computing is an industry dominated by a few monopolies right now, the competition is huge

Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Adobe

its a long uphill battle, where does iexec gain a competitive advantage?

>> No.11847200

What advantages does blockchain based cloud computing have over regular render farms and the like? Why replicate the computations across every node? Is this more efficient? NO. Is it cost effective? NO. Look for solutions to a problem, not problems for your solution

>> No.11847202

Price. Security. Decentralization.

>> No.11847212

>Why replicate the computations across every node? Is this more efficient? NO. Is it cost effective? NO.
None of this is true.

>> No.11847213

Miner here.. Ravencoin.

>> No.11847240

Ethereum is a blockchain, no? Blockchains are replicated state machines and iExec runs on Ethereum, no? You can't actually believe Eth is more efficient than centralized cloud storage/computing

>> No.11847254

iExec is blockchain agnostic you fucking retard.

>> No.11847287

cool buzzword bro. enjoy ya bags

>> No.11847301

enjoy sleeping under a bridge the rest of your life

>> No.11847315 [DELETED] 
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Ophthalmology, anything vision and glasses industry related.

Literally everybody starts staring at screens and fucking up their vision since they're a few years old, pretty much every human being will require glasses/contacts or eye surgery in the future.

>> No.11847350
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unless we make super babies with gene editing ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

>> No.11847372

Say your line bagholder!

>bLoCkcHaIn aGnOsTiC

>> No.11847399
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How will you monetize this site?

>> No.11847404
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its unironically chainlink

>> No.11847423

Grin. Blinding factors and transaction cut-through are huge innovations in privacy and scalability for UTXO coins. Cuckoo cycle PoW might be the solution to BTC’s energy problems as well.

>> No.11847456

What is this referring to?

>> No.11847482 [DELETED] 

Don't think that will happen in our lifetime. That's basically eugenics and normies are firmly against it.

>> No.11847487

>implying it isn't the sole reason to own iexec

>> No.11847490

this, but ironically

>> No.11847528

Why Grin over Beam fren?

>> No.11847530

Water. Basic commodities will be scarce before we actually decide to purge a majority of the population

>> No.11847582

you can garnish water from air bro.

>> No.11847599

Urbit, but drop Bitcoin sv.

>> No.11847800

seafloor farming

>> No.11847838

except one thing... the scalability of privacy coin's bottleneck is not data storage. is cpu computation for the verification of transactions.

in bitcoin you only have to verify one ecdsa sig.

in grin you have to verify the pedersen commit sig, the output sig, the ring sigs (which can be anything from like 4-1000) and the range proof sig, which can have an inner product proofs of like 8 counts for a single proof and more for aggregate proofs. all in all, grin can still do less tps than bitcoin.

grin has cool crypography ngl, but you might as well just increase the blocksize.

>> No.11847845

Noce reddit spacing fag

>> No.11847937

this ironically but unironically

>> No.11847956

>what is readability

>> No.11847999
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> unlisted coin that will pump like crazy when it gets out
> backed by Sequoia, FBG capital, NGC, GBIC, Arrington etc etc
> HEAVILY hyped in Korea, touted as the ICON killer
> strategic partnership with blocko who's been in the blockchain space 2014
> brb, the paying clients for BLOCKCHAIN systems include samsung, hyundai, Kia motors, Cisco, Korean government agencies, major Korean banks, Korean telecoms and more wtf?
> Did I mention that its heavily hyped in Korea
> gnna get on korean exchanges ofc, and most likely big chinese ones too
> enterprise adoption is already here with these guys, we just need to open our gook eyes

>> No.11848093

Got any links for those paying customers?
Also checked.

>> No.11848320

So how do I invest in this Urbit thing?

>> No.11848387

Sickest crazy (NOT insider) nerds don't always win and become rich. - survivorship bias.
Many of the millionaires and billionaires acted by primitive crude methods.

One area of the brain works well for them. which helps make money. but in general, their thinking is primitive. luxury, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc.

>> No.11848405


There's heaps, especially on Naver (Korean), here is some from there blog:


And backers: https://medium.com/aergo/aergo-project-backers-83b60b960c35

>> No.11848415


>> No.11848424
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metrics are being added alongside tracking of other communities to the point where a correlation can be made between the data on merv.tech and price of cryptocurrencies

but once again, this will be free for all bizraelites, I'll find a way to do that

>> No.11848433


>> No.11848472

I'm balls deep on Nerva. Honestly, what do you see for the future of it?

>> No.11848510

What about the one project that will actually be implemented in financial markets around the globe? A project that fixes an actual real world problem using blockchain technology? A project that can be used for the exchange of tokenized goods and services in a trustless manner no matter the blockchain? A project so under the radar that biz is still clueless no matter how many people scream to you guys. I'm all in on this project and expect a nice ROI.

>> No.11848518


>> No.11848520

Don't say holo, DERO, or 0x shit token

>> No.11848597

Hell no. I know a scam when I see one. Actually, 0x might be ok, but none of those. I'm of course talking about Republic Protocol. Please anon, DYOR and you yourself will see why it is a worthwhile investment.

>> No.11848676
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trash economy

>> No.11848734

/g/ is a bunch of idiots because half of /g/ is /v/ and knows nothing except gaymen now

>> No.11848781
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/g/ in the old days was pretty cool

but then it turned into /g/uidos arguing about which programming language is 'superior' even though that makes so little sense

I can't even imagine what the board is like now, I haven't been there in a long time

for now, I'll just look for fellow programming bros on biz

>> No.11848789


>> No.11848790

bitch shut the fuck up and suck this big thang

>> No.11848812

Mostly just templeposting, programming threads, and really bad bait. And shit about GNUSocial and xmpp/matrix

>> No.11848860

Is there anyway to identify new tokens to the list ?? For example, token xyz has 5 posts but it's the first time they've been posted to biz.

To me that's more valuable than it being posted on biz 6 months ago and now that there's another pump and dump they've decided to post about it again.

Knowing if it was the first time a token was posted about would be incredibly valuable

>> No.11848868

templeposting is cool but other than that /g/ sucks

>> No.11849133
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didnt the guy who made templeos die? damn he was crazy

noted, a feature like that could certainly exist, and it would be very useful yes

if theres anything else you'd like to see on there let me know

in addition, there will also be historical charts of mentions soon enough, might be interesting if I were to superimpose price charts on them .. , lets see

>> No.11849249


AI related shit. Buy NVIDIA when low, it makes dedicated ML GPUs.

>> No.11849265

Flying Uber cars. But when Uber IPO's, it will be at $150/share. Good luck.

>> No.11849354

don't think it'll be at 150 a share, but this is unironically a sick investment. I'm gonna buy so fucking much, they are going to make everything into the shared economy

>> No.11849437

That's all true, but you have to agree that cuckoo cycles when implemented correctly are awesome for PoW coins

>> No.11849447

>didnt the guy who made templeos die? damn he was crazy
he did :(

>> No.11849459

>tfw shares scooters was just the beginning
>tfw in the future you will be sharing your mcburger with the guy next to you in line because muh efficiency

>> No.11849479

VR but you can't really invest in it

>> No.11849503

Palantir ?


>> No.11849516

How we can circumvent this "accredited shit" - by pooling in an entity ?

How can we operate a decentralised-managed hedge fund (using some blockchain tech/may be GVT etc.) which invests in private deals like these yet by remaining within compliance ?

>> No.11849529

XNV NERVA. find it on tradeogre.

>> No.11849555


Can't. You'd need to track pool ownership in a smart contract, probably represented as a token. With the SEC ruling, you're buying shares by buying those sort of tokens. So.....they closed the loophole. Only the already rich get to become richer, no wealth for you peasant. And those reddit faggots actually wanted regulations....

>> No.11849580

Thanks anon for the clarification. Fuck reddit !!

>> No.11849594

Well two reasons to stay invested in crypto

1. Get gains quickly to dump into boring dividend bluechips, with net total portfolio value amounting >= 1M

2. Access private deals with remaining 100K "play money"
$1,000,000 in net worth minus the value of your principal place of residence

>> No.11849631


>> No.11849655

Kind of tasteless to put JFK on the $20 fed reserve note after what they did to him due to Executice Order 1110...

>> No.11849783

Any multi-bagger biotech to rescue ? ATHX ?

>> No.11849808

already got 3k of those bad boys.

security tokens will be the next big thing.
it already went from 1 USD to 5 USD in this bear market and this is just the beginning.

>> No.11849901
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we're in the right timeline brother

read the wiki, how is the story even crazier than the man, what a life, what an OS

>> No.11849978

Hm I’m looking forward to see where this goes. I’ll bookmark

>> No.11850204


Graphene and Superconductivity

>> No.11850647
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Asia and rest of the world is getting more & more polluted.

>> No.11850711

Long air

>> No.11851461

Beam, Grin, Coda, Block Collider, Holochain and of course Chainlink

>> No.11851637

Decentralized anonymous compute. Once secure(ish) encrypt while compute is discovered then expect POS blockchains to take off like you never seen. They will compete with the likes of AWS.

>> No.11851645
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>> No.11851827
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HYDRO partners with CHAINLINK

7 million dollar marketcap, price below 1 cent

get in now or cry later when it will be 1000% up

>> No.11851891


forgot the source https://www.coincryptoz.com/8368/hydrogen-bomb-blow-whole-blockchain-industry/

>> No.11851901

Shorting pension funds.

>> No.11851927

im lucky i bough 15k when it was around 1 XLM.
im 100% sure that tokenization of real estate and other assets will make me filthy rich

>> No.11851941

3k could almost be enough.
but im sorry i will dump way before this makes you a millionaire

>> No.11851969

Papa 3 Delta.