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11842680 No.11842680 [Reply] [Original]

How to fucking kill it at an interview
bonus points for engineering related

>> No.11842708

Walk in and say "Shalom" so you get diversity points

>> No.11842720

>bonus points for engineering related
You don't because the number of engineers is much greater than the number of jobs. I was talking with someone I know who is involved in hiring, and he said they get over 100 applications for their shitty entry level jobs even though they pay below the market rate at $50k a year. Engineering is a meme and I deeply regret falling for it.

>> No.11842769

>bonus points for engineering related
show them your portfolio from your last job and talk through your skillz.

>> No.11842828

Assume you have the job before you go in. That will dispel nerves and make you confident. Rehearse your responses. Don't speak too fast, it conveys weakness and uncertainty, don't talk too long either. Make three points for every question you are asked, then stop talking

>> No.11842890

if you have an engineering degree and are only making 50k a year then you need to learn more and specialize.

Great advice. Just knowing what the hell you're talking about makes a difference, so don't try to bullshit them.
>firm handshake
>look in the eye

>> No.11842977

Look your interviewer right in the eyes, firm handshake, and then kick him in the shins.

>> No.11843022

>if you have an engineering degree and are only making 50k a year then you need to learn more and specialize.
I'm not. That's what they were paying engineers and they were still lining up in droves to get shat on. You haven't even graduated yet, have you?

>> No.11843159
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yeah, I had this problem too after graduating, I was only applying to advertised jobs I saw online, since I was too stupid to know what an unsolicited application was. Turns out most companies dont advertise entry level and dont give a shit about entry level jobs because literally any idiot with a degree is qualified and would require company training regardless. Investing time in training someone who you know will just leave after a few years is counterproductive, so most companies always have a few gaps in their departments and are more than happy to put you in if you show genuine interest in their company, usually all this takes is contacting the manager since they already dont expect much from you as a fresh grad.

>> No.11843217

What kind of engineering? I'm a computer engineer, specialty is embedded / firmware. I have a strong EE background. 10 years in industry.

I make $120k in the Midwest, and I'm swatting away job offers so often it's actually kind of annoying.

>> No.11843227
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just be yourself

>> No.11843239

I know school teachers who make 50k a year. If you’re sn engineer makin 50k you are a cuck lol.

>> No.11843314

depends on field of study. im graduating this december and interviewed with 2 companies earlier this semester during career fair and got an offer from one. i literally didnt apply to the position i got. im an EE with an rf focus

>> No.11843563

>EE with an rf focus
You'll do just fine.

I think they're talking about a low IQ mechanical engineering positions, or maybe civil. Not at all the same.

>> No.11843578

Actual senior engineer in silicon valley here if you want help

>> No.11843818

buy knee pads. also, engineering isn't a meme. only incompetent fools say that.

>> No.11843944

This. My cousin has an aeronautical engineering degree and he spent 4 years in a cafe before finding a job in civil engineering.

>> No.11844373

Engineer in SF here. Make 270K and only work 4 days a week. Engineering isn't a meme. Only NPCs who where to scared to major in it because they might fail say that.

You'll be ok kid

>> No.11844913

Here is a nugget of gold amongst all the inevitable shit:

They'll often ask you if you have any questions at the end, and most people say no.

Use this to squeeze in one more positive about yourself. Like, ask something like "are there opportunities to do X because I've recently trained or whatever and find it very interesting".

You'll come across as far more knowledgeable and practical, boomers love it