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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 800x456, drone-jammer-for-wifi-24g-58g-and-gps-signals-gun-handle-not-included-drone-interceptor-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11842218 No.11842218 [Reply] [Original]

So we've got mainnet launch for Skywire, antennas nearing completion, hardware wallets, and a bunch of other major announcements coming up, an oversold market, and other strange things at work, like the artificial drop from the kidnapping. Why haven't you bought in yet anon?

>> No.11842363

>major announcements
>strange things
>artificial drop from the kidnapping

what? >>>/x/

>> No.11842402
File: 993 KB, 1508x1728, skyvstor2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing people don't understand about Skycoin is that the market turning to shit doesn't affect development. It's still striding forward, month by month regardless of short term conditions.

It hovers in the sky like the recollection that you didn't lose your virginity until the late age of 24, waiting, unwavering.

>> No.11842420


I did last week anon. Bought about 500 of them and i'm gonna let them sit for about 5 years or so. Build up skyhours in the meantime.

>> No.11842423

When will they launch mainnet?

>> No.11842503


This is the most centralized shitcoin on the market. You download a copy of the ledger from the team that already dumped on everyone and every time you reopen the wallet it checks and edits it to match theirs. There is no consensus & their is no proof of the kidnapping. There would be court dates by now. China doesn't wait this long to prosecute violent crime. Complete and utter fucking scam.

I also want to bring attention to the fact that during the last round of paid pajeet marketing on here (((someone))) dumped more and more coins on the market taking SKY from rank 140 to 180. Could it be the same people that did it last time they shilled us relentlessly? Right before the "kidnapping"

These faggots can print as much of the currency as they want, when they want and if you watch their marketing cycles and what happens with the price it's pretty fucking obvious they are just dumping on you.

>> No.11842526

Is that what a MAGA hedge trimmer looks like?

>> No.11842535

And still no consensus algorithm.

>> No.11842555

Major announcements at the end of this month. I assume actual mainnet is January.

>> No.11842646


You do realize that China started to ban crypto scams and ICO's about a year ago right? The fact SKY is operating from china actually shows its the exact opposide of a scam.

>> No.11842699
File: 96 KB, 808x992, Screen Shot 2018-11-18 at 4.23.25 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking of XRP, lol. They do the same thing as a finalized product, not the development solution that Skycoin uses until they finish working on consensus.

There's a police report and none of the marketing team have posted to social media since being jailed. Chinese courts are pretty slow.

Technically all the coins have been printed. Most of them are timelocked and it's up to the Skycoin team to distribute as reasonable with things like developer bounties for apps and games.

Dumping doesn't even make sense if they continue to do provable work on the project. Github repos, hardware updates, and all sorts of efforts that aren't cheap. They've made much more money developing tech than trying to ride the speculative market.

>> No.11842725

It just disables predator drones and lets you fuck with annoying neighbors.

>> No.11842754
File: 1.98 MB, 2810x1890, Hammer_Ace_SATCOM_Antenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in due time. You wouldn't put a silly PoW algo out in this day and age with double spend vulnerabilities, would you? Neither would Skycoin.

>> No.11842798

Yes they would

>> No.11843043

Nah, that's way too ridiculous. Imagine all the coins like bcash putting out flawed 51% vulnerability coins rather than working on the issues at hand.

>> No.11843987

> testnet rewards sent out by hand according to how bad the devs MDMA coke binge comedown is

> Each 'miner' is 8 useless nodes instead of just 1. This is so they can claim more people are interested than is reality when they quote "yea bro we got 8000people nodes online HERE LET ME TAKE MORE DRUGS"

> whole blockchain stored on excel

> entire hardware range designed by below min wage interns in china

> testnet is comp sci starter boards forwarding packets to eachother

> skyfiber forks all started by synth and are 100% scams to make it seem like someone cares about skycoin

> QTUM and ARK devs (2 other useless coins) are coke pals with Synth

> Autistic pajeet managers who beg for attention from lord synth by making his tea and wiping his arsehole with a pressure washer (check the latest live stream for how autistic SUDO is)

> Devs and insiders have their own insider chat groups where they organise dumping on the pajeets (e.g. kidnapping story)

> blockchain is a useless meme anyway and BTC will die when chinks take all the hash power and exit scam

> Sky team has names and addresses of all pajeets who bought a miner for 1 BTC

> No consensus algorithm

> Stil no algo for 'mining by bandwidth'

> Antenna is useless junk made by a pajeet who got an arduino to turn a plastic dome in a circle

>> No.11844041

> testnet rewards sent out by hand according to how bad the devs MDMA coke binge comedown is

> Each 'miner' is 8 useless nodes instead of just 1. This is so they can claim more people are interested than is reality when they quote "yea bro we got 8000people nodes online HERE LET ME TAKE MORE DRUGS"

> whole blockchain stored on excel

> entire hardware range designed by below min wage interns in china

> testnet is comp sci starter boards forwarding packets to eachother

> skyfiber forks all started by synth and are 100% scams to make it seem like someone cares about skycoin

> QTUM and ARK devs (2 other useless coins) are coke pals with Synth

> Autistic pajeet managers who beg for attention from lord synth by making his tea and wiping his arsehole with a pressure washer (check the latest live stream for how autistic SUDO is)

> Devs and insiders have their own insider chat groups where they organise dumping on the pajeets (e.g. kidnapping story)

> blockchain is a useless meme anyway and BTC will die when chinks take all the hash power and exit scam

> Sky team has names and addresses of all pajeets who bought a miner for 1 BTC

> No consensus algorithm

> Stil no algo for 'mining by bandwidth'

> Antenna is useless junk made by a pajeet who got an arduino to turn a plastic dome in a circle

>> No.11844056

Imagine anyone installing these gay ass antennas on their roof holy fucking kek is there anything more deluded on this earth?

>> No.11844081

Ok then, just buy your shitcoins and sit around with your thumb up your ass waiting to get rich. degenerate.

>> No.11844093

Not even a shitcoin. Full blown scamcoin. If you hodl this you are low IQ.

>> No.11844615

I've found that people that use the term 'hodl' tend not to have money.

>> No.11844877

I’ve found that everyone who hodls Skycoin has no money cos it’s a scamcoin.

>> No.11844897

Ahh, our resident Skychain Pajeet.

>> No.11845343
File: 3 KB, 211x239, 6545641654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> testnet rewards sent out by hand according to how bad the devs MDMA coke binge comedown is
>> Each 'miner' is 8 useless nodes instead of just 1. This is so they can claim more people are interested than is reality when they quote "yea bro we got 8000people nodes online HERE LET ME TAKE MORE DRUGS"
>> whole blockchain stored on excel
>> entire hardware range designed by below min wage interns in china
True. doesn't make it less functional tho.
>> testnet is comp sci starter boards forwarding packets to eachother
Lies. It's only one specific test phase.
>> skyfiber forks all started by synth and are 100% scams to make it seem like someone cares about skycoin
>> QTUM and ARK devs (2 other useless coins) are coke pals with Synth
Partly true. Don't know about the coke.
>> Autistic pajeet managers who beg for attention from lord synth by making his tea and wiping his arsehole with a pressure washer (check the latest live stream for how autistic SUDO is)
>> Devs and insiders have their own insider chat groups where they organise dumping on the pajeets (e.g. kidnapping story)
>> blockchain is a useless meme anyway and BTC will die when chinks take all the hash power and exit scam
Hash power lol.
>> Sky team has names and addresses of all pajeets who bought a miner for 1 BTC
Somehwat true... it depends on the one buying it.
>> No consensus algorithm
In development
>> Stil no algo for 'mining by bandwidth'
In development
>> Antenna is useless junk made by a pajeet who got an arduino to turn a plastic dome in a circle

Does anyone even believe this daily spewed crap? Jesus christ...

>> No.11845417

>Full blown scamcoin
Projects like skycoin are unironically a filter for the final few greedy idiots who were too cautious to get justed by screamingly obvious scams.
It takes a scam with 10% more effort to remove them. And they need to be removed, so I salute skyscam and their efforts.
Synth is still going to end up in a shallow grave.

>> No.11846179

I never thought of it that way. You’re right though. It’s the hardware aspect that’s so clever. It makes it seem legit but people don’t realise that selling hardware IS the scam because there’s no software to go with it.

>inb4 obelisk any day now y...you’ll see

>> No.11846235
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1542509993946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually paid thousands of dollars for some raspberry pis hooked together with stuff from home depot

>> No.11846436

Skycoin is the next Verge. I don't get how you faggots cant see this by now. Keep talking about fundamentals as if any of that matters. McAfee is running for president on a platform based on cryptos and you arent buying his favorite project lmao

>> No.11846466

>his favorite project
It's like saying that a prostitute likes her clients because she acts nice to them. McAffe is clearly disgusted by himself when he was talking about his collaboration with skyshit

>> No.11846469

you cant be serious...

>> No.11846484

QRD tl;dr me on Skycoin. 3 sentences max. I will make my decision based upon what's contained therein. Don't give me any fluff marketing shit either, I want to know what its use case is.

>> No.11846498

Why should I care about the man's feelings? He's on board to shill I could give a fuck if his heart is in it

>> No.11846519

synth is too much of a compulsive liar to be trusted. the actual project itself i resonate with. but i cant get past the synth question. synth is someone who would be funny to hang out with but not invest in

>> No.11846843

This fud is boring now. You need some new material.

Skycoin team is currently hanging out with US presidential candidate John McAfee, should be some fun videos coming out soon.