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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11840565 No.11840565 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/, let me ask you a question.

I have never been involved in cryptos. I run my own company and invest in real estate in my country. At age of 28 my net worth is almost $1m which is a lot of money where I live and I don't see myself as "rich". I'm not here to hate on cryptos. I believe some people here actually made good money on it. What boggles my mind is people who put all their money in cryptos thinking they would get "rich". Like where is the line you say "OK, now I'm rich, let's cash out."? And then, what do you do?

I have been coming here for years mostly for the memes and occasional good read and this has been on my mind for a long time. I just thought it would be a good time to ask now when cryptos are at its bottom.

Did you guys really think you would get rich over this? And where would you invest after cashing out?

>> No.11840575

Flush yourself down the toilet you out of town piece of shit.

>> No.11840577

Tell me more about your company and how you made your cash.

>> No.11840609

my target is $10 mill. once i make it from crypto i will cash out and put it into a vanguard and live of the dividends for the rest of my life

>> No.11840611

it's his own company, they do things, trust him

>> No.11840648

that's because you're delusional
$1MM is rich anywhere in the world for anyone who doesn't live in a retarded way

t. 8 figures networth

>> No.11840683

I didn't put in much. Only 2k. Word on the street back in Jen/Feb is that the coins would at least 3x. My money was rotting for 5 years not doing anything and I didn't know about investing. So I thought I would put it into crypto given the potential growth. It seemed like a good way to at least hold your money instead of just doing nothing with it. Sadly it dropped to now 180$.

To answer your question. I didn't believe I was going to get rich off 2k, however I did believe I would get rich if I invested more, and that's just as bad. 2k is a lot for me. But not a dramatic loss.

I believe it's still a good idea, but I am not going to rely on it to make money now. I will be working on my own business.

>> No.11840688
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I didn't "invest" in crypto, I threw a few thousand in to gamble on the minute chance of FIRE
If it goes to zero who gives a fuck I get better chances than the lottery and people in my country spend more than what I put in on cigarettes a year

>> No.11840722

I've literally read this exact post three times in the last 6mo. I hope you get sleepy from the L-tryptophan and your pajeet cousin poops on your chest.

>> No.11840730

no real person with any kind of net worth would seek an advice on an anonymous anime board.

>> No.11840834

I would prefer not to. I run a business that is very specific in a small european country and I could get easily looked up.

I'm not delusional. I'm very aware of how much money I have because I actually had to work for it. It's just I don't consider myself "rich". I'm always looking for an opportunity to expand and invest. And even if I had millions of worth bitcoins I would never stop. That's why I don't understand some people here.

Believe it or not, I started visiting /b/ 12 years ago when I was a fat highschool basement dweller and never really left. I just changed my life over the years and like I said, I come here mostly for the lulz, not for an advice.

>> No.11840984

Crypto bottom?

Bottom of what? You're going to be scrounging for something to eat in a blasted landscape with radiation raining from the sky within ten years.

This is the top friendo

>> No.11841449

What I mean is that bitcoin is at its lowest since summer 2017. Most people I know invested in bitcoin in the past year which means they lost money (including inflation).

>> No.11841456

oddly specific

>> No.11841476

I put in 2500 dollars and as of now I'm up to 168k. Rich? Fuck no. Nowhere near even making it. But, hey man, we're in a deep bear market, the price of crypto just took a 25% hit in the last week or so and FUD is at an all time high. But you know what? I'm still up 67x. That's why I'm here.

>> No.11842546

check out the /entg/ thread i bet you could help out

>> No.11843146

Some of us have no interest in being invested in the state and central banks controlled financial system. We actually want to destroy it. After that we would use our assets much the same as you would, with the exception of campaign contributions, as all politicians and similar useless parasitical persons will be hanged or exiled.

>> No.11843235

most people here seem to be in a situation where their excess monthly earnings mean NOTHING to them.
luxury items are a thing for women and manchildren, and so a lot of people here seem to rather try their shot at "making it" (leaving wageslaving) than buy shit they don't really need.
i think i will make it eventually without crypto anyway and i wouldn't feel comfortable making a living off of something completely fabricated, ethereal, abstract like crypto. if sucking up value from the emotions of others (trading more patiently and emotionally distanced than them) will not boost my ability to found a small company, my vision will evolve into something different (dream dies => hard time => new one eventually emerges, like it always does) and i will accomplish whatever realistic goal i will have set for myself then.
i probably wouldn't even buy a lambo if i had enough to buy the fucking company. unless you are trying to achieve an actual goal, you should be working for someone elses dream and any money put into you would essentially be wasted.

>> No.11844334
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i lost everything